Panic disorder - learn to not be afraid of problems

December 6, 2013

 panic disorder
 Panic disorder - a mental disorder in which a person from time to time there are bouts of anxiety or panic attacks, often without any objective reason. Every person at least once in their lives experienced anxiety or panic - is a natural reaction to a dangerous or stressful situation. However, in people suffering from panic disorder, it happens regularly and regardless of external conditions.



The main symptoms of panic disorder are regular bouts of panic attacks. They are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Irregular heartbeat;
  • Sweating;
  • Shivers;
  • Hot flashes;
  • Chills;
  • Shortness of breath;
  • The feeling of tightness in the throat;
  • Chest pain;
  • Nausea;
  • Dizziness;
  • Weakness;
  • Numbness or tingling in the body;
  • Dry mouth;
  • Urination or defecation;
  • Ringing in the ears;
  • The feeling of fear, sometimes - the fear of death;
  • Tingling in the fingers.

People who have had a panic attack often begins to fear the next attack, which is why they live in a constant cycle of "fear of fear" that contributes to the next attack. Sometimes panic attacks are so intense that the person may seem as if he had a heart attack Heart disease and heart attacks: that every woman should know  Heart disease and heart attacks: that every woman should know
 . However, it is important to understand that the symptoms of panic disorder, like heart palpitations and shortness of breath do not bring real harm to physical health. People who have panic attacks have occurred more than once, learn to recognize and even to a certain degree of control over their symptoms.

In most cases, panic attacks continue for 5-20 minutes. Cases, when they went up to one hour, but in all likelihood, in fact patients a panic attack followed another, and after a panic attack Panic attacks - fear of nowhere  Panic attacks - fear of nowhere
   for a long time maintained a high level of anxiety Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?  Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?

If you regularly symptoms of a panic attack, you should consult your doctor. Panic disorder is diagnosed when the patient's panic attacks happen at least once a month if he experiences associated with this severe anxiety, and if as a result of his behavior changes significantly. In addition, a physician in the diagnostic process is to make sure that the symptoms characteristic of panic disorder is not caused by any other mental disorders.



As is the case with many other mental disorders, the exact causes of panic disorder are unknown. It is expected that it may develop as a result of a combination of physical and psychological factors.

  • Traumatic experiences such as the loss of a loved one can be a trigger for panic disorder. Symptoms of may appear immediately after the traumatic event, and years later.
  • Genetic factors. In people whose close relatives suffer from panic disorder, the likelihood of developing this disorder significantly above average, but the exact reason for this is unclear.
  • Neurotransmitters. It is assumed that neurotransmitter imbalance increases the risk of panic disorder in a human.
  • Increased sensitivity to carbon dioxide. Some experts believe that this may be the cause of panic disorder. During the experiments, inhalation of air with a high concentration of carbon dioxide caused in people with this disorder panic attacks. Breathing exercises can alleviate or stop the panic attacks.
  • Features thinking. According to one theory, people who suffer from panic disorder tend to pay too much attention to minor physical symptoms and interpret them as signs of dangerous diseases. This causes a reaction of the nervous system, and starts a panic attack.



  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy

This kind of therapy is most often used to treat panic disorders. Patients go to therapy sessions every week and, although the immediate effect should be expected, cognitive-behavioral therapy provides long-term, stable result.

During secants therapist can, for example, to talk with the patient about how he responds to starting a panic attack, what he was thinking during and after the attack. After the doctor will provide the most negative thoughts and attitudes towards the patient, it will replace the more realistic (well, the task of the doctor can be to wean people to think during a panic attack that he is about to die, but rather - to tell yourself that all soon be over, and nothing terrible actually happens). Therapists help patients to change their behavior so that in the future it is easier to cope with panic attacks. For example, he can teach him breathing exercises that help to calm down and to objectively assess the situation.

  • Support Groups

In support groups people can get a lot more information about their disease, as well as to communicate with people who also suffer from panic disorder. People who have been diagnosed with a mental disorder, it is extremely important to understand that they are not alone facing this problem, and to share their experiences.

  • Antidepressants

With antidepressants can treat not only depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood
 But other mental disorders. As a rule, they begin to act in 2-4 weeks after the start of treatment, and it is important that the patient continued to take them, even if he does not see a result. In the treatment of panic disorder using two types of antidepressants: selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and tricyclic antidepressants. Tricyclic antidepressants usually prescribed in the event that selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor do not give results for twelve weeks.

Article Tags:
  • personality disorders

How to improve memory - proven methodologies

February 11, 2010

  • How to improve memory - proven methodologies
  • Scientific methods
  • Facilities
  • Exercises for children

 improve memory
 There are a few simple ways to develop memory. With the help of simple tools and a lot of time you can confidently begin to remember people's names and important information about them. Having a good memory for faces, and personal information and the ability to store a variety of information you can not just make a good impression, but also to gain a good attitude on the part of strangers. Naturally, the development of memory does not set itself the aim to impress people with your knowledge, but it also has important value for society.

 How to improve memory - proven methodologies

On what to pay attention in the first place?

  • Exercise every day

How exercise Myths about exercise: do not believe  Myths about exercise: do not believe
   strengthen muscles and improve health as well as exercise for the brain to increase communication between brain cells, creating new connections and improve memory.

A fascinating way to improve memory - solving problems and puzzles, for example, solving sudoku puzzles or collecting. These games enhance memory, since it is necessary to determine the relationship between objects and to form associations.

The human brain stores information is easy, but to restore it is necessary to create the effect relationship linking the information with other parts of memory. Thus, the creation of new connections in the game helps to train the brain.

  • Everyday activities

It's all about observation. Alternatively, you can verbalize aloud their actions, use all the senses. At first, this method may seem silly, but it works!

Drawing attention to the everyday actions that are not registered in the memory of some of the sensory organs, the brain can use signals from other senses.

The essence of this method in practice, focusing on the daily current job.

A key component to be able to retrieve the details of a visual connection with other parts. The brain is easier to remember images than uninteresting letters or numbers. This is a very simple technique, but it requires practice.

  • Visualization

Visualizing what you need to remember, you can eliminate the need to memorize a large number of words! Using imagination, we can recall the movie, even the episodes in great detail. It is a powerful tool for improving memory. Linking pictures illustrating the information in a meaningful sequence, you can create your movie.

Visual memory is much more verbal. Adding visual elements to their information, you can significantly facilitate its memorization. It is important training.

  • Tips & Warnings

Games for the development of memory The development of memory - Play wizard  The development of memory - Play wizard
   and tests for memory - great ways to strengthen the links between brain cells create new connections and improve memory. Moreover, this is an exciting and productive employment!

Connections between brain cells change every day we learn something new or gain new experience. And that's good, because there are always ways to strengthen these relationships and thus enhance memory.
