Candidiasis light: why it is so difficult to diagnose?

January 12, 2012

 candidiasis pulmonary complexity of treatment
 Candidiasis of light does not occur very often. Most often it is a consequence of the occurrence of the uncontrolled use of antibiotics in chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases bronchopulmonary system. Candidiasis light easy to make, but it is much more difficult to cure.

 Candidiasis light: why it is so difficult to diagnose?

Why and how there candidiasis light

Candidiasis occurs when the lungs decrease the body's defenses against a background of chronic bacterial infections bronchopulmonary system. And as with these diseases need to regularly take antibiotics and sometimes even glucocorticoid hormones, the immune system is reduced so that living on the surface of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract fungi of the genus Candida easily overcome a barrier, enter the mucosa, multiply there and distributed to all tidal waterways, including the bronchi and lungs. Candidiasis of light - it is almost always a secondary infection that occurs on a background of viral and bacterial infections and pulmonary tuberculosis.

Candidiasis is often accompanied by pulmonary and lung cancer Lung cancer - prevention is better than cure  Lung cancer - prevention is better than cure
 In which the treatment is prescribed, the overwhelming immune - chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Furthermore, candidiasis internal organs (including the lungs) can develop in any type of immunosuppression. The most striking example is the AIDS patients who regularly suffer from fungal diseases.

Candidiasis of lungs in lung tissue (alveolar) there are small foci of inflammation with necrosis (tissue breakdown) in the center and the deposition of fibrin (a blood protein) around the necrotic zone. The same foci can be formed in the wall of the bronchi. As a result of such a process in the lung tissue and bronchus suppurative cavity formed that eventually scar lung tissue replacement for connective. This process is called pulmonary fibrosis, it leads to loss of lung function.

 Candidiasis light: why it is so difficult to diagnose?

As shown

Candidiasis of light begins with the emergence of compulsive dry painful cough. Sometimes, as a result of an attack of such a cough is allocated a small amount of mucous expectoration. The sputum may be blood-streaked. Against this background may appear bouts of bronchospasm, the patient begins to suffocate from the inability to exhale air from the lungs.

Sometimes all these phenomena occur smoothed and hard to distinguish from regular exacerbation of chronic broncho-pulmonary system bacterial or viral nature. Low temperature rises to subfebrile, but worried about severe weakness, lethargy, and sometimes a complete lack of efficiency. But in some cases, joining a fungal infection temperature rises sharply, there is a sudden shortness of breath, palpitations, chest pain Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases  Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases

 Candidiasis light: why it is so difficult to diagnose?


The diagnosis of candidiasis is not easy to put a light. The problem is that the fungi of the genus Candida are permanent residents of our mucous membranes and small number is not proof of candidiasis. However, if the patient is detected in the sputum of a large number of fungi, the genus Candida, it confirms the diagnosis of candidiasis. At the same time carry out sputum culture to culture media to identify the fungi of the genus Candida, and their sensitivity to certain antifungal drugs. Held immunological blood tests (immunogram). Be sure to make the X-ray light. On radiographs can see the dappled shade (foci of inflammation). Held as bronchoscopy Bronchoscopy - unpleasant but necessary  Bronchoscopy - unpleasant but necessary

 Candidiasis light: why it is so difficult to diagnose?


In chronic infectious-inflammatory bronchopulmonary diseases have to be treated mixed bacterial and fungal infections. Therefore prescribed antibiotics in combination with anti-fungal drugs, which the patient showed sensitivity.

Most often, as the antifungal fluconazole is used today Fluconazole - used with caution  Fluconazole - used with caution
 Which impacts directly on the fungi Candida genus, inhibiting the activity of enzymes and thus increasing the permeability of cell membranes. As a result of impaired growth and reproduction of fungi. When lung candidiasis fluconazole administered intravenously.

At the same time appoint restorative treatment in the form of vitamin and mineral complexes and immunomodulators. Recently appointed as a result of immunological blood tests.

Prevention of pulmonary candidiasis is a timely and correct treatment and prevention of infectious exacerbation of inflammatory lung diseases under the supervision of a physician. Equally important is a healthy way of life, the constant exposure to fresh air, moderate exercise and hardening in remission. Without exacerbation it is recommended as a spa treatment in sanatoria for diseases of the pulmonary system.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • candidiasis

Crepitus - a very serious symptom

August 5, 2010

  • Crepitus - a very serious symptom
  • Kinds

 Crepitus - a crisp sound that occurs as a result of abnormal tissue friction. The most common example - a crunch in joints, which is usually accompanied by unusual sensations. Often crepitus is the result of arthritis or of past damage to the joints. However, this phenomenon may be many other reasons.

 Crepitus - a very serious symptom

What are the symptoms can appear simultaneously with crackling

Depending on its cause, crepitus may be accompanied by other symptoms. All these symptoms can be divided into those associated with joint crepitation, and those associated with the crackling caused by air in the soft tissues.

 Crepitus - a very serious symptom

Symptoms related to the musculoskeletal system

Crepitus may be accompanied by the following symptoms associated with various diseases of the musculoskeletal system:

  • Joint pain;
  • Stiff joints, are often exacerbated in the morning;
  • Redness and increase in temperature of the skin over the joint, with which there is crackling;
  • Decreased mobility of the joints;
  • Swelling in the joint.

 Crepitus - a very serious symptom

Serious symptoms that might indicate a life-threatening condition

In some cases, crepitus is a life-threatening symptoms. When these symptoms should immediately seek medical help:

  • A bluish tinge to the skin and / or lips;
  • Pain or pressure in the chest;
  • Confusion or loss of consciousness, including the very short term;
  • Heavy breathing;
  • High body temperature (over 38.3 C);
  • Nausea and vomiting.

 Crepitus - a very serious symptom


The direct cause of friction crepitations is abnormal tissues. Most often it is a result of the friction of bone or cartilage. The reasons are in most cases arthritis and joint damage.

Another fairly common cause crepitations - air penetration into soft tissue, at a pressure in the tissue may cause a sound like crunching. Typically, the reasons for this - holes in the airways or intestines, as well as anaerobic bacterial infections. The reasons may be the appearance of first penetrating injuries chest, back or abdomen, intestinal perforation and pneumothorax Pneumothorax - when help is needed immediately  Pneumothorax - when help is needed immediately

To identify the causes crepitations in the process of diagnosing physician usually asks questions about when you first started crackling, the places where you feel it, what it is accompanied by symptoms. In addition, the doctor needs to know whether you are taking any medication, not whether you have recently surgeries and other medical procedures, and whether there is a history of your arthritis Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications  Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications

 Crepitus - a very serious symptom

What are the potential complications crepitations

Subcutaneous crepitus - crepitations only kind that is associated with serious diseases, and can have life-threatening complications. These complications include shortness of breath, limitation of joint mobility and / or pain when moving the joints, disability, spread of infection, chronic pain. If time does not seek medical care, the possibility of permanent disorders that significantly reduce quality of life.
