Aspiration: the main thing - do not get confused - Consequences

June 24, 2011

  • Aspiration: the main thing - do not get confused
  • Effects

 the consequences of aspiration

The consequences of aspiration

Hit in the bronchi and lungs of foreign bodies can cause a very serious condition. Typically, this is a medical emergency. Important in this case - as soon as possible to bring the patient to the hospital. The timing in this case may be conducted in a minute.


What aspiration

By aspiration commonly understood from entering the respiratory system during inhalation of various foreign substances (both liquid and solid) - particles of ingested food, vomitus, large amounts of saliva, inflammatory fluid, various tissues, blood (including its clots), natural or artificial teeth and other items.

The concept of "aspiration" refers to aspiration procedure and the content of the various cavities, which is produced using a special medical equipment. Thus, aspiration biopsy is used for the collection of material from the various cavities and organs for laboratory testing. Aspiration means may also be made air intake (e.g., operating room or any room if there is a suspicion of contamination) for the study.


Why can arise aspiration

Contributing to the aspiration of foreign material conditions are the reduction of protective reflexes in the pharynx and larynx that can develop on the background of the expressed general weakness (eg, patients with severe infectious diseases) or diseases of the central nervous system. In addition, it has the value decline in lung function and properties of the substances that fall into the airway.

Aspiration of vomitus may occur in disorders of consciousness: coma, severe alcohol or drugs during general anesthesia and in the process of coming out of it and so on. It is also possible Inhalation blood (including its clots) during bleeding of blood vessels or bronchi of the lungs (tuberculosis, lung cancer Lung cancer - prevention is better than cure  Lung cancer - prevention is better than cure
 , Various injuries and wounds) and gastrointestinal tract (primarily from veins in the esophagus and stomach).

Most often, the main reason for hitting hard objects into the bronchi is a deep breath or talking during the meal. Artificial teeth can get into the bronchi during sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 . Likewise possibly getting into the bronchi and lungs ascarids - during sleep they may creep from the gastrointestinal tract into the larynx and into the bronchi therefrom. Very often roundworm cause bronchial obstruction in children.


What are the consequences of aspiration

The consequence of aspiration may be different. Firstly, they depend on the severity of the underlying disease. For example, if the patient is unconscious, any liquid or solid substance will easily penetrate into the lungs.

It has a consistency value and the number of aspirated matter - a small amount of liquid (blood, inflammatory fluid, water and so on) may not cause immediate damage. But such patients should be monitored, as the blood or any other human biological fluids is an excellent breeding ground for the life of the various pathogens that can lead to inflammation. Aspiration of large amounts of any liquid can cause respiratory arrest Stop breathing (apnea) during sleep - upper airway obstruction  Stop breathing (apnea) during sleep - upper airway obstruction
   and the death of the victim.

In contrast, it requires aspiration of solids, typically an emergency, as they close the lumen of the bronchi and make it impossible to breathe. If a solid object penetrated deep, the breath can block completely, in a deeper penetration of solid object breath will be difficult, but not completely blocked. This can lead to death of the victim. Sometimes small solids trapped in the respiratory system, coughs or dissolve. But in some cases, small hard objects that do not overlap completely bronchus lumen remain therein for a long time and are the cause of permanent inflammatory processes in this area. Very often such "invisible" aspiration occur in children, causing aspiration pneumonia Pneumonia - Symptoms and Causes  Pneumonia - Symptoms and Causes

Of great importance for the consequences of aspiration has toxicity and infection enters the airways substance. So, if aspirated pus (for example, at the opening paratonsillar or retropharyngeal abscess), the respiratory system, is likely to develop an inflammatory process. If aspirated some poisonous liquid (for example, a concentrated acid or alkali), the consequences could be even more severe.

The consequences of aspiration can be unpredictable, so if you hit any substance into the respiratory system should see a doctor and make sure that it is completely removed and unpleasant health effects will be.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • aspiration

Beryllium - risk professions - How is

August 12, 2010

  • Beryllium - risk professions
  • How is

 How is berylliosis

Beryllium - the disease

Beryllium and its compounds are highly toxic. The mechanism of action of this metal on the human body is a violation of protein metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
 Which leads to disruption of the activities of individual enzymes and the development of an allergy to the body's own tissues (autoimmunity).


Why is there

Beryllium - it is a professional disease caused by toxic effects of beryllium and its soluble compounds. Contact with beryllium may be when removed from the ore, in the production of alloys, ceramic products, in the production of X-ray tubes, fluorescent and neon lamps, in the aerospace industry, and so on. Most often berylliosis develop among workers in the melting of beryllium. Beryllium can be delayed for several months or even years after you stop working with beryllium compounds. The shorter the latency period of the disease, the harder it will proceed berylliosis.

Beryllium, penetrating into the human tissue, coupled with tissue proteins, violates the activities of several enzymes and stimulates an immune response against itself (allergy to the body's own tissues), which makes berylliosis autoimmune disease. But it was noted that berylliosis develop not at all, but only in some people exposed to beryllium. This is due to a complex interaction of beryllium with genetic characteristics of a person. Perhaps in the future will be the genetic selection of people for the work associated with beryllium.


How is berylliosis

Berylliosis develops gradually. In patients with shortness of breath, weakness, weight loss, cough (at first dry, then wet), chest pain Chest pain: look for the cause  Chest pain: look for the cause
 . Already at the initial stage borellioza show signs of heart disorders, developing pulmonary heart, metabolic disorders occur in the heart muscle (myocardial degeneration).

In some cases, the disease is acute and quickly. Under the influence of dust or fumes beryllium connective tissue becomes inflamed lungs. Acute berylliosis runs hard and in some cases may even lead to death. The death of patients suffering from berylliosis, most often occurs from pneumonia Pneumonia - Symptoms and Causes  Pneumonia - Symptoms and Causes
   or congestive heart failure Heart failure - when the heart is unable to cope with the work  Heart failure - when the heart is unable to cope with the work
 Which rises in connection with the growth of connective tissue and impaired respiratory function. Accelerate the development of the disease or exacerbate comorbidities, surgery, pregnancy and so on. But in most cases, patients are gradually recovering, despite the fact that their condition is initially very difficult.


How is

The diagnosis is confirmed by the presence of Berylliosis patient contact (perhaps in the distant past) with beryllium, radiological and laboratory tests, as well as pulmonary function tests. The changes on radiographs at berylliosis can be similar to other diseases, so finally confirm the diagnosis can not. Radiological findings identify two main forms of berylliosis:

  • interstitial - inflammation and proliferation of connective tissue, which is a frame of light, the gradual replacement of her own tissue of the lungs and bronchial tubes, and compression of blood vessels, resulting in impaired function of the heart and lungs, where it is difficult to push blood in the modified light;
  • granulomatous - a hard and fast flowing, in which the lungs appear clusters of cells - nodules or granulomas; over time, on-site nodule grows coarse connective tissue that contributes to wrinkling and even wears off individual sections of the lungs; granulomas are also found in the liver, spleen, kidney, skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, pleura (serous membrane covering the lungs), lymph nodes, and bone marrow; possible development sites in the skin and subcutaneous tissue in contact with beryllium through broken skin.

To confirm the diagnosis of skin tests are sometimes carried out with salts of beryllium, exploring the relation of serum protein fractions.


What to do

In acute berylliosis is an urgent need to stop the patient's contact with beryllium. The patient is required to put the hospital, where he was providing emergency aid. Held mainly struggle with acute respiratory and cardiovascular failure, up to a ventilator.

For the treatment of chronic berylliosis prescribe corticosteroid hormones - they suspend proliferation of connective tissue and inhibit allergic reactions. Assign also antihistamines (inhibit inflammation and allergic reactions), bronchodilators, and expectorants medications (dilate bronchi and promotes discharge of phlegm), cardiac agents, inhalation of oxygen mixtures.

Warning Berylliosis - is the use of special technical devices, equipment, general ventilation and special clothes, prevents the airways beryllium workers.
