Pulmonary candidiasis - one of the most common complications of infectious and inflammatory diseases associated with frequent and prolonged use of antibiotics. As a rule, a secondary process that joins the inflammatory processes of bacterial and viral origin.
Causes of pulmonary candidiasis
Pulmonary candidiasis is caused by yeast fungi of the genus Candida, which in small amounts is constantly live on the mucous membranes of humans. When the oppression of the natural microflora of the mucous, which normally inhibits the growth of fungi, begins its rapid growth, which leads to the disease. The natural microflora often suppressed with antibiotics
Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
Which is prescribed for bacterial and viral infections. A pulmonary candidiasis is already a secondary (to join another) infection.
Occurrence pulmonary candidiasis possibly also against pulmonary tuberculosis, in which the patient receiving prolonged antibiotic therapy, as well as any processes which may lead to reduced immune system: asthma, if it is treated with glucocorticoids, cancer of any location after the application of chemotherapy and radiation therapy, AIDS and so on.
What happens in the broncho-pulmonary system
The fungi genus Candida, multiply in the mucous membrane of the alveoli (sacs at the ends of the small airways that make up the fabric of the lungs) cause them small areas of necrosis (necrosis) of tissue. These areas of necrosis surrounded protein exudate from the blood vessels surrounding the alveolus (fibrin). Such foci may exist for a long time, sometimes they lead to the destruction of the small blood vessels that manifests the appearance of blood in the sputum expectorated.
In some cases, severe disease, such as foci arise in the bronchi. As a result of this process in the lung tissue forming small abscesses, pus-filled, the outcome of which is a scarring of the lungs, and the expansion of the connective tissue (fibrosis of the lungs).
Starts with pulmonary candidiasis joining the main disease of painful unproductive dry (without mucus) cough, after the attacks which sometimes stands little phlegm. It appears also expressed weakness, malaise, chills, excessive sweating, especially at night. The process develops gradually, can turn up the heat, which then drops to normal, and then rises again. Gradually the mucus becomes much, it becomes purulent (a sign of mixed fungal and bacterial infections), it appears blood.
A doctor can listen to a variety of wheezing lungs from dry whistling to large and small wet. The disease usually is prolonged, sluggish, constant subfebrile (rising to the low numbers) exhausting the patient's temperature, periodic improvement and deterioration. Often, the process starts and ends in the form of bronchitis
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and passes on their own, even without treatment, but some time back again.
Pneumonia is usually a fungal origin melkoochagovogo, it can be both unilateral and bilateral, it occurs more frequently in the lower lung (as opposed to TB
Tuberculosis - a full recovery is not guaranteed
That hits the top of the lungs).
How can you identify pulmonary candidiasis
The diagnosis of pulmonary candidiasis is difficult to establish, since the fungi of the genus Candida can be caught in the sputum of the patient and of the oral cavity, where they live permanently. Distinguish pulmonary candidiasis of infectious and inflammatory diseases of different origin according to the X-ray light as impossible - pneumonia of any origin in the pictures looks the same. Therefore, the diagnosis is most often made on the basis of clinical data, and with prolonged persistent throughout his support using bronchoscopy
Bronchoscopy - unpleasant but necessary
(study of bronchial mucosa with a special light equipment - bronchoscope), during which the material is taken from the bronchial tubes for laboratory examination.
It has the value of the diet. Do not eat food, comprising digestible carbohydrates - sweets and baking, they are an excellent nutrient medium for a fungus that can develop in the gastrointestinal tract, proceeding therefrom in the blood and the lungs.
Treatment of pulmonary candidiasis conducted using antifungal agents (flukonozola, nystatin, levorin, clotrimazole etc.). When a moderate course of their appointed interior in the form of tablets long courses with small breaks. In severe assigned a more active antifungal medication - In amfotertsin intravenously for one to two months.
Do not forget about the restoration of immunity for this patient initially conducted immunological study (immunogram), the results of which are appointed by immunomodulators affecting certain "broken" links of immunity. Restorative treatment - is in the form of vitamins, raw vegetables and fruits, vitamin-mineral complexes, the maximum exposure to fresh air and tempering.
Galina Romanenko