Joint inflammation is the body's response to various diseases or irritants. Its causes may be, for example, injuries, including fractures and deep cuts, which resulted in the infection of the joint can occur by bacteria or viruses. However, the most common cause of arthritis is the inflammation of the joints
Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications
. The body responds to this condition by increasing the blood flow to the affected joint. White blood cells and certain chemicals found in the blood and cause inflammation of the joints.
Diseases that can cause inflammation of the joints
The most common type of arthritis, which often causes inflammation of the joints is osteoarthritis. In this disease on the bones in the joints formed small processes, which cause irritation and inflammation of the surrounding muscle tissue, tendons, and ligaments.
Gout - another type of arthritis. It causes inflammation of the joints that can last for weeks. Often, the inflammatory process is concentrated in the big toe joint. The cause of inflammation are uric acid crystals that accumulate in the joints, like shards of glass. Gout develops when the body can not be processed protein called purine, resulting from an excess of uric acid which is formed. In some cases, gout is inherited; in others it is a side effect of various medications.
Third, and much less common form of arthritis that causes inflammation of the joints - is rheumatoid arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis - when the sore joints
. It refers to autoimmune diseases - in these disorders the body's immune system reacts to the healthy tissue as it normally responds to infection. In rheumatoid arthritis, the immune system "attacks" on the joints.
Lupus - another autoimmune disease that can lead to inflammation of the joints.
Some infections, such as tick-borne Lyme disease also causes inflammation of the joints.
Much less of the above conditions causes inflammation of the joints are diseases such as polymyalgia rheumatica, and ankylosing spondylitis.
A method of treatment for inflammation of joints depends on its cause.
For example, in Lyme borreliosis need treatment with antibiotics, and rheumatoid arthritis are sometimes appointed by the administration of drugs that suppress the immune system.
When gout is recommended to drink plenty of water (which is washed out of the body uric acid) and limit the intake of purines. Particularly rich in purine meats and seafood.
Against inflammation of the joints in other types of arthritis can help warm moist compresses or moderate physical activity.
Anti-inflammatory drugs are also effective in relieving symptoms, but they have a long list of side effects that often occur during long-term treatment.
Signs of inflammation of the joints
The main signs of joint inflammation are pain in the joints
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Swelling, redness of the skin over the joint, change its shape, rise in temperature of the skin of the diseased joint and impaired function.
The pain in inflammation of the joints has the characteristic features, it is called - "inflammatory." Inflammatory pain occur suddenly, usually in the second half of the night or in the morning and decrease after the beginning of the movement. If the inflammation is acute, pain more severe and persistent, chronic pain appears during mostly in motion.
Sick joint changes its shape due to the swelling of the soft tissues, arising on a background of persistent inflammation of the muscles and tendons of information (contractures) and partial exits from joint acetabulum (subluxation).
Employment of the joint is broken from both of sharp pain, and because of changes in the tissues surrounding the joint. In some arthritic disorders of the joint can be so severe that the joint becomes immobile and the patient is completely deprived of the opportunity to engage in employment. At the same time in other types of arthritis-resistant limitation of movement may not occur and joint function after treatment is completely restored.
The course and complications of arthritis
Inflammation of the joints can occur acutely, subacute and chronic. Acute forms of arthritis usually occur fairly quickly and end in complete recovery with the restoration of joint function. Since flows, for example, rheumatoid arthritis. When this long, progressive chronic inflammation of the joints may occur complete loss of joint function with the patient's disability. This happens, for example, rheumatoid arthritis.
Complications with the inflammation of the joints can be early and late.
The early complications include various festering soft tissue surrounding the joint, for example, abscess (abscess is not limited to the capsule). By late complications include inflammation of the transition to the bones forming the joint (osteomyelitis), blood infection, a persistent reduction in violation of the joint (sometimes pronounced) of his work, sprains
Dislocation - Prevention and Treatment
and joint subluxations (complete or incomplete output of the joint head of the glenoid fossa).
As the inflammation of the joints may be a sign of another no less serious illness, a patient with arthritis fully examined, revealing the external signs of inflammation and correlating them with additional research (eg, X-ray) and laboratory testing of blood, urine and synovial fluid, confirming the presence of inflammation.
Galina Romanenko