Transsexuals - who they are

December 15th, 2013

 Transsexuals - people whose gender identity does not match their biological sex. That is, it is men who feel the women, and women who feel men. This condition is still relatively poorly understood, and creates a lot of fear and prejudice, because due to the fundamental aspect of human identity - its floor.

Transgender refers to behavioral disorders of personality, and included in the ICD-10 under code F 64.0. However, themselves transgender people are quite adequate, and the only one, though substantial, unlike most is that they are convinced that they must have been born with a different set of chromosomes. In the process of diagnosis of transsexuality doctors are convinced that it is not caused by mental disorders, such as schizophrenia Schizophrenia - to blame civilization  Schizophrenia - to blame civilization


Differ from other

Transsexuals should not be confused with transvestites - that, in general, do quite often. Transvestites do not feel the need to change their sex - they just like from time to time to wear clothes of the opposite sex, usually because they are suffering from a mild form of gender dysphoria (the inability to fully accept their own biological sex). As a rule, the appearance and the behavior of transvestites is consistent with their biological sex, and it does not hide any clothes of the opposite sex, no make-up. Transsexuals, by contrast, often have the characteristics of his mental sex: female transsexual, even in women's clothes can look too manly, men, on the contrary, very feminine. Dressed in clothes of the opposite sex transsexuals are often quite indistinguishable from the real thing (from a biological point of view) of men and women.

Transsexuals are not to be confused with homosexual and bisexual. All that unites them - a social movement LGBT. However, lesbians and gay men, unlike transsexuals are usually quite happy with their biological sex. Furthermore, homosexuality and bisexuality - is much more common than transsexuality.

Finally, hermaphroditism and intersexuality, too, should not be confused with transsexuality. Both of these phenomena are very rare, and are connected in the first place, not with the perception of their gender, but with the peculiarity of the perception of their own sex.

Despite the fact that transgender people are healthy people who can think rationally completely, in most countries, people who want to start a process of sex change must go through a consultation with a psychiatrist. The doctor must make sure that the person really is a transsexual, and that his mind is stable enough to transfer the normal change of sex.



Transsexualism was recognized as an independent violation of some forty years ago; before an acute dissatisfaction with own sex was considered a symptom of various psychiatric disorders. For years, transgendered tried to be treated with psychotherapy, substance use and other means, but as far as we know, it was not possible to cure anyone.

Among the main causes of transsexuality doctors called chromosomal abnormalities, the result of which becomes a hormonal imbalance. Because of him, probably a man with a certain age no longer identify with their biological sex.

Exposure to chemicals during pregnancy (such as DES), and hormonal contraceptives after conception can lead to the development of a child's transsexuality. Sometimes a child's brain biochemistry is changing due to anemia Anemia - when you do not have enough blood  Anemia - when you do not have enough blood
   his mother, and the lack of various nutrients. Anyway, predisposition to transsexuality is formed even in utero and after birth at a certain age it will inevitably manifest itself.



Most transsexuals undergoing a very difficult period, when they realize that they feel women in a man's body, or vice versa. The first reaction is often denial - they are trying to ignore the feature, hoping it will pass by itself. There is considerable evidence that many transgender people, who could not overcome the stage of denial, voluntary withdrawal from life.

Some transsexuals, despite the fact that they understand your problem, consciously choosing not to change the floor, and live by suppressing discomfort due to a mismatch of biological and psychological sex. They can do it for religious reasons or for fear of hurting his family. Currently, however, more and more transsexuals at a certain age are left trying to overcome his nature. Most of them are just starting to wear clothes of the opposite sex and behave accordingly, but are hormonal therapy to bring their appearance in line with the psychic sex. The results of this treatment are reversible if refuse to accept hormones at an early stage.

Gradually, however, the body begin to occur changes that can not be corrected by a simple cessation of therapy. For men who want to change sex to female as a result of hormone therapy Hormone therapy - is it possible to fool nature?  Hormone therapy - is it possible to fool nature?
   reduced testicular volume, there are deposits of fat on the female type, inhibited spontaneous erection Erection - what hinders and what helps a man to be a man  Erection - what hinders and what helps a man to be a man
   (though sexual arousal can still cause an erection), gradually increasing the chest. In women, the clitoris increases, increased libido, going faster than usual build muscle mass, begin to grow hair on the body, often the skin is oily and acne appear - it is the result of the fact that under the influence of androgens the sebaceous glands begin to work more actively.

The last stage of treatment may be sex-change operation. It lasts a long time (about four hours), after the person is not less than ten days spent in the hospital, followed by a long and rather painful period of recovery and adaptation to his new body. Such operations do not all transgender people - not least because of their high cost. However, after the surgery a person can face a lot of problems - psychological, social and economic. Many transsexuals lose their family, friends and a job because of prejudice and misunderstanding. Discrimination against transgender people remains an urgent problem that is unlikely to be fully resolved in the foreseeable future.

Article Tags:
  • sexual problems

What does a man - the eternal mystery for women

December 16th, 2013

 What do men want?
 Of course, all people - and men, too - are different, and they do not want the same. However, some desires are very standard: buy a new phone and a new computer, pump excellent "cubes" on the stomach, while not abandon the beer once a week, and that the favorite team finally won. But for us it is much more interesting what a man wants from a woman. If an appearance at all different requirements, from the female character and behavior of many men want to approximate the same.



Men by nature are active, they like to play and to achieve, but for this they need constant motivation. Unfortunately, many women do not know about or do not remember. They can talk to a man about everything, but rarely know how to tease him, play with him glances and gestures, and also - to play in the truest sense of the word. Cooperative games such as ping-pong, or in the snow, sometimes combined better than many hours of intelligent conversation (by the way, some couples manage to combine with one another). Almost as useful together watching sports broadcasts, and actively ill, even if you're for different teams.



Many women mistakenly believe that most men prefer weak women, than they may seem more powerful and intelligent. These men, of course, exist, really strong and successful men are looking for a partner that will inspire them, and it is only capable of one-piece, bright personality, for which relations are important, but not the only goal in life. A real man does not embarrass or frighten a strong woman - in itself strong enough to not feel the need to appear strong due to someone weaker. So men are not interested in women who are ready to quit for the sake of relations work, hobbies, friends. The fact that you are independent does not mean that you do not need a man: it just means that you are in themselves a whole person, not a half - that a woman can be the ideal partner in all spheres of life.


Emotional maturity

When men and women start a relationship, sooner or later misunderstandings arise between them on certain issues - this is normal. In such a situation emotionally mature woman would not blame the man that she feels ("it hurts me, it's your fault"), but calmly and candidly tell that it is not satisfied in a given situation. Actually, as a woman coping with their emotions Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code  Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code
 It is for men a very important criterion when choosing a partner. If she constantly gives vent to his feelings for men is a signal that this girl start a relationship not worth it. The ability to control themselves and to cope with problems, keeping mind the cold, on the contrary - a very attractive feature in women.


A woman who trusts man

A man wants his partner to trust him, that is - is not jealous for no reason, did not call several times a day to find out where he is, and from whom, did not check his phone and email. It shows not only the credibility of the man, but also self-confidence - these women cheat less often than those who control the behavior of their partners bring to a white heat.


The woman, who is in no hurry to go to a close dialogue

That is, to have sex. The sex becomes more accessible, the more men appreciate women who are not ready to go to their home after the first date Ten taboos on the first date: A Guide for Men  Ten taboos on the first date: A Guide for Men
 . It's not in the notorious desire to find a chaste girl, and that in itself courtship, waiting between familiarity and the first sex is also a lot of fun, and men do not want to lose him. In addition, if a woman is not in a hurry to have sex, it says that it does not seek as soon as possible to bind the man in every possible way - that is, she knows her worth, and for this it has reason.



No matter how trite, men really need a woman who will support it. Which, having learned that he wants to get a second degree, praise him, and did not ask if he was going to relax at all in the next five years; who asked to see a business plan, when a man tells you that opens your business, and help him choose the outfit, if he decides to go on a two-week campaign during the holidays. This woman does not dream ridicules men and tramples his faith in himself: it supports him and believes in him whatsoever.


Woman who gives a man a personal space

Perfect from the male point of view of a woman allows him to regularly spend time with their friends (without it), to engage in their hobbies, and so on. Even if a man loves a woman, he does not want to spend her free time everything, to do everything together, not separate for a moment. Of course, it is in any case will not give up friends and hobbies, but it will be nicer if she would not reproach him with it.


A woman who knows that she is beautiful

Do not narcissistic woman who does not egotsentristka not stunning beauty (although this is not excluded), namely, a woman who knows that she is beautiful .  It may not be the most beautiful of all those who met the man in my life, but it charms is that it does not doubt in its beauty, the external and internal .  These people know that everyone is beautiful all - in their own way, unique, and to realize this, it sometimes takes a long time .  But realizing this, they are particularly .  If many women (including a very nice) constantly requires confirmation of attractiveness, the woman who knows how beautiful she is, talking with a man will not think about himself, about it, to learn and to know his name, rather than looking for it signs of sympathy for yourself .  With these women is not easy - they do not laugh at the fact that not funny, do not agree with everything, openly express their point of view, they really think about the subject of conversation, not about where this conversation will .  However, these are the women charm, sink into the soul, and remain at the heart of .

Article Tags:
  • Male sexuality
