- Teeth whitening at home: lessons Beauty
- Methods
Despite the fact that modern dentistry is almost completely painless, many people have irrational fear of dentists and try as little as possible of their visit. Of course, the self-cure dental caries will not succeed, but, for example, teeth whitening at home is possible. Of course, you have to work hard, but the reward for the effort to be charming white smile.
Can we do without the doctor?
Many methods of teeth whitening
Teeth whitening - which option is right for you?
does not require the involvement of a dentist, and yet before their use is recommended to visit a doctor. There are several reasons for such a visit. Before bleaching teeth should be completely healthy. In addition, you may need professional teeth cleaning, to get rid of the most stubborn dirt located in places that are inaccessible to conventional toothbrush. And finally, always consult a doctor with respect to those or other methods lighten the teeth at home.
The so-called "home" teeth whitening should begin in the dentist's office: the doctor creates a personalized mouthguard - case for teeth with which will be applied to the teeth lightening composition. In other cases, a doctor will recommend certain medications or warn against the use of traumatic and ineffective methods of whitening.
If for some reason there is no way to see a doctor, it is better to give up the whitening. In an extreme case, you can try to apply some kind of folk remedies, but this should be done very carefully.
Teeth whitening with gel
The most famous method of teeth whitening at home - applied to the tooth enamel special bleaching composition. To better composition in contact with the teeth, they wear a kind of case - a mouthguard. These mouthguards should be made taking into account all the individual characteristics of the patient. However, sometimes the market can meet the so-called "universal" mouthguard. It should be noted that the use of such trays is not very convenient - in contrast to the individually fabricated, they rather poorly adhere to the tooth surface and thus can not provide a reliable contact with the tooth enamel whitening agent.
The only advantage of universal splints is their price - they are much cheaper to manufacture than a dentist with all the features of the patient. However, these savings are not always justified: the quality teeth whitening
Teeth whitening - which option is right for you?
using such universal splints, generally lower than with the individual. In addition, advertising is often silent about the contraindications and side effects of this method of teeth whitening. Meanwhile, the chemical bleaching is not recommended for many diseases, taking certain medications during pregnancy and lactation, as well as increased tooth sensitivity. As a result of bleaching tooth sensitivity
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It can significantly increase - in which case you may need special treatment, saturating enamel minerals.
Whitening toothpastes
Advertising claims that the secret lies in the dazzling smiles right toothpaste with whitening effect. However, dentists are less optimistic: according to the doctors, whitening toothpastes often cause only harm teeth. Such means comprises generally an increased amount of abrasive materials that effectively remove plaque from the tooth surface, but it can damage the enamel. Use these pastes can not constantly - you need to take breaks during which the enamel will be able to recover.
Are such means cheap - the price of whitening toothpaste is only slightly different from the normal value. As for the effectiveness of whitening toothpastes, it is not high: a maximum of what is possible - a clarification of the enamel only a couple of tones by removing soft plaque.
Teeth whitening using lemon
Lemon juice has long been used by women for skin lightening; on tooth enamel, he also has a bleaching effect. You can wipe the surface of the teeth with a cotton swab
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Dipped in lemon juice or white side of lemon peel, are also effective mouthwash diluted lemon juice. Do not look for immediate results, but after a couple of weeks of regular procedures of tooth enamel does become lighter.
Cons of using lemon juice are clear: acid has a destructive effect on tooth enamel. Use lemon peels safer, but the result of the bleaching is quite modest.
Teeth whitening using baking soda and activated charcoal
Whiten your teeth with baking soda is a snap: just pour the powder on a piece of gauze and clean their teeth. Soda for the procedure, you can buy in any store, and its price is very low - it makes the procedure extremely affordable. Regular wiping teeth soda will significantly lighten the enamel. Also, for clarification of the enamel can brush your teeth with a paste made of crushed tablet of activated charcoal with water - this should be no more than three times a week.
Yet dentists do not recommend using baking soda for teeth whitening. Unfortunately, this product has the property of damaging the enamel. As a result, the teeth become very sensitive. In addition, because of the damaged enamel teeth become vulnerable to various diseases, such as tooth decay. Restoring the enamel takes a lot of time.
Activated carbon also contributes to tooth decay. Even if you clean your teeth with the help of just three times a week, the enamel may suffer the consequences of more frequent use could be even greater.