Smile! - How often do we hear of the recommendation, which is to immediately get rid of the blues, and improve mood. But despite the fact that this truth is a scientific basis, not everyone likes to smile for the banal reason. I would like to smile was irresistible, and his teeth - beautiful and white. But it is not all nature has bestowed such data to gain some beautiful white teeth have to work hard.

Soda, lemon juice and other means
Some products are known for their potent bleaching properties that can be applied to the teeth and at home very quickly to make them whiter.
Once or twice a week you can brush your teeth with soda. And let the taste of it is not too pleasant, the procedure is effective, the more that it should not be done frequently to avoid damage to the tooth enamel.
Lemon is also used for tooth whitening
Teeth whitening - which option is right for you?
. Once or twice a week can brushing soaked fresh lemon juice, which is very effective in removing plaque and whitens. Once a week, you can wipe the teeth sage leaves
Sage - cvyaschennaya grass
- It is very useful for teeth and gums.

Whitening toothpaste at home
If you want to whiten your teeth daily, especially if you stick to natural methods, you can make your own toothpaste.
The recipe: Mix 20 grams of white (or green) clay, 5 g of fine sea salt and 20 g of soda. Add two drops of essential oil
Essential oils and conception: can help the roses?
Mint and its useful properties: aromatic freshness
or three drops of essential oil of lemon - depending on your preference. Mix everything and put in a sealed container. During use, dip wet toothbrush in this powder and the usual brushing teeth.
The main reasons why people fail to keep their teeth nice and white, are external factors that the teeth are regularly exposed. Coffee, black tea and wine - are the main foods that cause yellowing or brown tint on the teeth.
Smoking - the second most important factor here yellowing caused by nicotine in cigarettes. Nicotine destroys tooth enamel, from the mouth is unpleasant smell, as well as the lips become dry and unhealthy color.
Protein deficiency - is another reason, which is little known, but it is a reality! When a person suffers from a lack of protein in the body, and suffer his teeth, the enamel becomes thinner, the teeth are ugly, jaundice.

Five ways to get beautiful white teeth
The first and main way to save the white teeth - to avoid drinking too much juice. If you like fruits and vegetables, eat them fresh, especially with respect to apples, pears, carrots. When you eat these foods, you will naturally clean the teeth from plaque, because substances that they contain, works as a natural bleach.
Brush your teeth two to three times a day, and a couple of times a week, use a prescription toothpaste with natural bleaching properties that you can prepare yourself, as indicated in the recipe above. Two to three minutes is enough to keep teeth white, giving a touch to destroy them.
Try to use salt for cleaning teeth, but not the food that you are added daily to eat, and a large sea. When you brush your teeth paste, put a little salt on top. Sea salt is a good natural tooth whitener. To avoid damage to the tooth enamel, sea salt is recommended to grind to a fine powder.
Another method is the use of sesame oil. This is a very old method, but extremely effective. Dial 50 ml sesame oil in your mouth, rinse your mouth (but not the throat). Keep oil in your mouth for about 10 minutes, until it is very liquid. Then rinse your mouth and brush your teeth as usual. This is not only a thorough cleaning of the teeth, but also taking care of the gums.
The latest decision to gain the beautiful white teeth - a whitening gel. Previously, they had very little, but now the producers have taken care of our smiles, and pharmacies can find a variety of gels, toothpastes and bleaching kits to suit different budgets. Be careful - buy products only from reputable brands in specialized outlets (pharmacies), because the quality is first and foremost. Use them according to the enclosed instructions and observe the correct frequency of application without impacting the teeth of chemical components, which damage the enamel.