Toothache after filling: a lot of reasons

July 10, 2011

 toothache after filling
 Unfortunately, toothache after filling does not occur very rarely and mainly in advanced dental disease. But there are also independent of the dentist and the patient the causes of pain, such as filling material idiosyncrasy.

 Toothache after filling: a lot of reasons

Why can occur when filling toothache

Toothache after filling can occur for various reasons. Sometimes, even a properly treated tooth ache after sealing, for example by mastication of solid food. This is because the filling of the tooth cavity prior treatment, if necessary - the treatment or removal of the soft tissues of the tooth (pulp) located in pulp cavity and root canals.

Perhaps the sealing was preceded by treatment of periodontal inflammation - ligament that holds the tooth in the cell. Even if all medical manipulations were carried out at the same time quite correctly, dental tissue and the surrounding tissue (periodontal) are injured and are entitled sometimes slightly hurt. But it is not severe pain, it is usually caused by biting or cold food, and runs for two months.

Finally, the reason for toothache Toothache - itself does not take place  Toothache - itself does not take place
   at sealing technology can be filling. For example, when using a light-curing filling material stream of light necessary for curing them, may cause a violation of the structure of the tooth pulp, and hence the toothache after filling.

If the pain continues after two months, you will need to find another reason for their appearance, for example, finished the cure pulpit Pulpit: what to do to not get on the table of the surgeon?  Pulpit: what to do to not get on the table of the surgeon?
   or periodontitis, errors when filling, idiosyncrasy filling material (in this case the seal simply rework, setting a new one from a different material).

 Toothache after filling: a lot of reasons

Incorrect or incomplete treatment of tooth

When the dental hard tissues are destroyed, the infection can penetrate into the first cavity of the tooth pulp and hit, and then root canals to get to the apex and go to the periodontium.

In this case, before filling necessary or cure inflammation in the pulp, or simply delete it. This is a fairly complex and lengthy process, and if some of the inflamed tissue is not cured or removed, it is, of course, will get sick. Thus, under seal, in the closed space of the inflammatory process may begin with a vengeance, causing even more dental pain than before sealing.

This situation can occur if the filling material is not filled in all the root canals or when the tooth cavity was not well prepared and cleaned before filling, and it remained under seal fragments of dental hard tissues, necrotic tissue. In such cases, the inflammatory process under seal flare up with renewed vigor.

And with periodontitis Periodontitis - a serious complication of pulpitis  Periodontitis - a serious complication of pulpitis
   can suffer, and general - appear fever, chills.

Severe pain, and the higher the temperature, can not be tolerated, it is necessary to address immediately to the dentist.

In this case, first of all, make an X-ray of the tooth and find out the cause of the pain. Then, the seal is opened and a tooth being treated again by all the rules. After two weeks of treatment at a temporary filling is set and only then, if the tooth does not hurt, it was changed to permanent.

 Toothache after filling: a lot of reasons

Irregularities in tooth fillings

In some cases, pain may be the result of the process of sealing. As you know, before filling a tooth cavity preparation takes place - the extension of its cut-off altered caries More about caries - take care of your teeth until it's too late  More about caries - take care of your teeth until it's too late
   tissues. At this time, possible injury to the pulp (usually burns), after which the cured inflammatory process is resumed. In preparation for the filling may be injured and solid tissue, for example, in contact with these acids.

Also, sometimes when fillings are not captured or are not fully taken into account the ability of the sedimentary filling material. Because of this, after a time between tooth fillings and crowns are formed slits which gets an infection causing inflammation of the pulp and toothache.

When the process is conducted continuous sealing tooth dentin acid treatment, it may cause a deeper penetration of the filling material into the dentin, which would irritate the pulp and cause toothache.

In all cases, the seals properly, it is removed again by all the rules being treated tooth, impose a two-week temporary filling and if during that time there is a toothache, is replaced by a temporary seal permanent.

Pain after filling can be different, some of them just need to be patient, while others require immediate care dentist. In any case, if the tooth hurts very much, it is necessary to seem dentist.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • toothache

Wisdom Tooth - remove and not to suffer

March 15, 2009

  • Wisdom Tooth - remove and not to suffer
  • What is the wisdom tooth, and when he cut through

 Wisdom tooth
   Wisdom Tooth - a third of the molars or molars that most people cut through between 17 and 25 years. Healthy and properly positioned wisdom tooth can be a valuable complement to the rest of the teeth, but usually it is required to remove.

 Wisdom Tooth - remove and not to suffer

Why wisdom teeth need to be removed

Incorrectly positioned wisdom teeth pose a potential problem .  It can grow horizontally; sometimes they are turned toward the second molars, and sometimes turn away from them .  This could lead to pinching yl damage adjacent teeth, jaw or nerves .  If the wisdom tooth is too closely adjacent the second root tooth, the likelihood of plaque formation and accumulation of contaminants is greatly increased in the last .  Furthermore, the wisdom tooth can be entirely hidden soft tissue and / or jawbone; sometimes only partially opened .  In the latter case, the bacteria can readily penetrate into the hole in the soft tissue and begin to proliferate around the tooth, and consequently cause infection, symptoms which may be the pain, inflammation, swelling, deterioration of mobility of the jaw, and general malaise .  These teeth are the most susceptible to damage and gum disease, so because of the location they are difficult to clean like a toothbrush Toothbrushes - make no mistake in choosing  Toothbrushes - make no mistake in choosing
 And filament.

Your dentist may recommend a wisdom tooth removed before it causes any problems. As a rule, this is the best option, since the removal of wisdom teeth, when he will be damaged, will be much more painful. In addition, the wisdom tooth is better removed at a young age; after 30 years, this procedure will be painful, and the recovery process will take longer.

Before a wisdom tooth is removed, the adjacent tissue to it is administered a local anesthetic. Some patients are also encouraged to take a sedative to relieve anxiety is excessive Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?  Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?

The recovery rate after the removal of wisdom teeth depends on how passed deletion. For example, if the tooth is too far into the jaw and is visible only partially full recovery can take several days.

 Wisdom Tooth - remove and not to suffer

During the first days after the removal of wisdom teeth:

  • Bleeding may continue for several hours after the tooth has been removed. Put the remote teeth folded in several layers of wet gauze piece, bite it and keep about 45 minutes. When the bleeding will be a little weaker, it can be used to make cool tea bag. The tannic acid which is found in tea, improves blood clotting. Change your bags until the bleeding stops. If heavy bleeding continues for several hours, contact your dentist. Within 24 hours after the removal of wisdom teeth, try not to spit and do not sucking movements - in particular, do not drink through a straw, and smoking; should also avoid drinking hot liquids (such as coffee and soup).
  • Swelling of the face in the area of ​​the extracted tooth often appear after such a procedure. To reduce swelling, apply thereto ice cubes wrapped in a soft tissue. Hold for 10 minutes, then take a twenty-minute break. Repeat as necessary. Normally, the ice quickly eliminates swelling.
  • Painkillers may be needed during the first days after the removal of wisdom tooth. When mild to moderate pain, take acetaminophen or ibuprofen Ibuprofen: anti-inflammatory drug  Ibuprofen: anti-inflammatory drug
 . Avoid aspirin because it can cause increased bleeding. If pain is severe, your doctor may prescribe more powerful analgesics such as opioids, but with the possibility of receiving them should be avoided.
  • Food. Until after the action of a local anesthetic, can ingest only liquids. Within a few days it is recommended to eat only soft foods - such as cereals, mashed potatoes, soups, and so on. We'll have to temporarily give up cookies, crackers, nuts and other solids.

Brushing teeth in the day, when you removed a wisdom tooth is necessary, however, try to touch the teeth adjacent to the remote. After 1-2 days they can start brushing careful movements. One week later, usually has teeth can be cleaned, as usual. One day after tooth extraction pain, and if the tumor is not tested, toothbrushing can be complemented mouthrinse brine. Mix 0.5 teaspoon of salt to one cup of warm water. Rinse your mouth with this solution after meals and at bedtime Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   within one or two days. Do not use commercial means for rinsing the mouth.
