Diet for internal hemorrhoids - how to forget about the problem

April 24, 2013

 Diet for internal hemorrhoids
 Diet for internal hemorrhoids, combined with moderate physical activity can be the basis for treating the disease and preventing its recurrence. If lifelong adhere to proper nutrition Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food  Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food
 It is quite possible to forget about the internal hemorrhoids.

 Diet for internal hemorrhoids - how to forget about the problem

Internal and external hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids - varicose veins is Varicose veins - the operation is inevitable?  Varicose veins - the operation is inevitable?
   in the area of ​​the rectum and anus. For internal hemorrhoids varicose veins are located in the wall of the rectum, with the outer - around the opening of the anus.

When any kind of hemorrhoids you need to follow a diet that promotes regular bowel movement. But this is not enough to gut worked like clockwork, the food should be taken as often as possible in the same hours. The intestine will not work properly with the sedentary lifestyle, so reasonable (depending on the patient's age and state of health), physical activity is also mandatory.

 Diet for internal hemorrhoids - how to forget about the problem

The basic principles of supply for internal hemorrhoids

When an internal hemorrhoid food must take four to six times a day in small portions it will make the intestines work, will increase its peristalsis, the food will move faster through the intestines.

It is important to take food in one and the same time. The body gets used to a certain rhythm of the bowel - over time this will lead to a reflex of the regular release of the intestine into the same clock. Rhythm disturbances meal leads to a malfunction of the bowel and constipation. During constipation increases the pressure in the gastrointestinal tract, including increasing pressure in the veins of the rectum. This leads to a prolonged dull pain, which intensified during the act of defecation. There may be regular and bleeding associated with increased pressure in the branches of the inferior vena cava, the feeding area of ​​the rectum.

If the food is taken regularly in the same time, gradually formed defecation reflex, which also will occur at the same time, and the problem is solved.

Diet for internal hemorrhoids should be observed constantly, so the food must be complete, containing a sufficient amount of protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and mineral salts. The basic principles of supply for internal hemorrhoids include:

  • Power must be complete and balanced, regular;
  • every day in the diet of the patient must be present a large amount of fiber and water - fiber absorbs water, swells and promotes food through the intestines;
  • in the daily diet should include foods that contribute to weakening of the chair;
  • All meals should be steamed, boiled or steamed; fried foods are permitted only as an exception.

 Diet for internal hemorrhoids - how to forget about the problem

Foods that are recommended to be included in the diet for internal hemorrhoids

As mentioned above, when the internal hemorrhoids diet should contain large amounts of fiber. Vegetables are rich in fiber, they can be used to partially heat-treated, in part - fresh. Fresh vegetables better stepping motor activity of the intestine, but some patients can not tolerate such a large number of dishes: they contribute to increased gas production and the appearance of intestinal colic. Therefore, the ratio between fresh and thermally processed meals should be individualized. It is also rich in fiber cereals (buckwheat, oats, corn), wholemeal bread.

The daily diet of the patient must be present lean meat or fish. Better if it will be chicken and sea fish. Beef and pork are transferred worse, but periodically and can be included in the diet. It is particularly important to consume animal proteins with a propensity to bleed: regular blood loss may lead to the development of iron deficiency anemia Iron deficiency anemia: how dangerous it is?  Iron deficiency anemia: how dangerous it is?
 . The diet at the same time should be a sufficient amount of iron contained in animal foods (iron from plant foods by the human body practically not absorbed). Digestible iron is present in eggs and dairy products. Very useful natural (no additives or preservatives) dairy products - yogurt, yogurt, fermented baked milk, yogurt, and so on.

 Diet for internal hemorrhoids - how to forget about the problem

Items that should be excluded from the diet for internal hemorrhoids

When an internal hemorrhoid Hemorrhoids - a shameful disease  Hemorrhoids - a shameful disease
   It should be excluded from the diet, all meals, contributing to a rush of blood to the veins of the rectum. This sharp, salty, smoked, pickled, fried foods, fatty meats, sweets and pastries, carbonated soft drinks, strong tea and coffee. But especially harmful use of alcohol - if you do not stop their use (including consumption of beer), the hemorrhoids will escalate again and again.

Internal hemorrhoids can be defeated with the help of diet and healthy lifestyle.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • hemorrhoids

Diet with acute hemorrhoids - a comprehensive treatment of the disease

October 15, 2012

 Diet with acute hemorrhoids
 Hemorrhoids is one of the most common diseases. For a long time, hemorrhoids can occur unnoticed, chronically, but sometimes chronic becomes acute. In this case, the patient required urgent medical, including surgery, help. The structure of the complex treatment of acute hemorrhoids necessarily includes diet.

 Diet with acute hemorrhoids - a comprehensive treatment of the disease

What happens in the body during acute hemorrhoids

Acute hemorrhoid develops only when the existence of hemorrhoids - the stagnation of blood in the cavernous calf, located in the walls of the rectum. These cavernous calf eventually turns into internal or external hemorrhoids, causing pain, bleeding and other discomfort.

Congestion in hemorrhoids promotes the formation of thrombi. Once the site was clotting, chronic process becomes acute. This disturbed tissue nutrition, which may lead to necrosis (necrosis) of the node. All these processes are accompanied by severe pain, making it virtually impossible process of defecation. That is why so much importance in acute hemorrhoids is diet.

Treatment of acute hemorrhoids spend conservatively at first, reduce inflammation of tissues, try to adjust the chair. But if hemorrhoids are often aggravated, then performed surgery - removal of hemorrhoids. After surgery, the patient is also assigned a special diet.

 Diet with acute hemorrhoids - a comprehensive treatment of the disease

Diet for conservative treatment of acute hemorrhoids

The challenge of diet in acute hemorrhoids - the maximum reduction in the volume of stool, thinning them, sparing the intestine and reducing the irritation of hemorrhoids.

All food in acute hemorrhoids should be liquid or semi-liquid, but fairly high-calorie, in order not to come the weakening of the body. Meals should be frequent and fractional - small portions five to six times a day. For dilution of feces should also drink up to one and a half liters of water a day. At night you can take an infusion of plants with soothing and laxative properties, like this:

  • take three tablespoons of buckthorn bark, a tablespoon of grass clover medicinal and valerian root (all the ingredients to dry and grind), mix thoroughly, take a tablespoon of the mixture, put in an enamel bowl, pour a glass of hot boiled water and heated in a water bath Sauna and health: the benefits and harms of bath procedures  Sauna and health: the benefits and harms of bath procedures
   within a quarter of an hour; the infusion should be cool forty-five minutes, after which the filter, squeeze, made up to the initial level (glass) and take half a cup at night.
  • The diet of patients with acute hemorrhoids Acute Hemorrhoids - office workers at risk  Acute Hemorrhoids - office workers at risk
   included non-concentrated broth, soufflé of lean beef or chicken, porridge on the water (preferred rice porridge, but it can be alternated with buckwheat and oatmeal), scrambled eggs or an omelet, the dried white bread or crackers.
  • You can not use the concentrated broth, mushroom broth, fatty meats, fried, smoked, canned, hot, sour and sweet dishes (including soft drinks) - all this irritates the intestines, causing its increased peristalsis, the accumulation in the intestine gases veins straight colon and lead to further exacerbation of the disease.

 Diet with acute hemorrhoids - a comprehensive treatment of the disease

Diet for the surgical treatment of acute hemorrhoid

Sometimes, despite actively conducted conservative treatment of hemorrhoids continues to deteriorate steadily. Thus, as a rule, each time the patient's condition becomes harder are prone to tissue necrosis, growing pains. In this case, the patient is first carried out in the hospital complex of conservative treatment in order to remove the inflammatory process, and then carried out an operation removing hemorrhoids. After surgery, the patient is assigned to a special diet, which excludes mechanical and chemical irritation of the intestine and in particular the area of ​​the rectum.

On the first and second day after the operation the patient is allowed to have a rather weak broth, boiled soft-boiled eggs (scrambled eggs, you can, but steamed), porridge on the water. On the third day the diet extends at the expense of low-fat boiled meat (beef, chicken, turkey) or low-fat sea fish. On the fourth day allowed to eat boiled vegetables and baked apples. Fresh fruit, devoid of stones and inclusions that can mechanically damage the delicate postoperative scar, can be used from the twelfth to fourteenth days after surgery. Then, during the first month after surgery eliminate from the diet of spicy food, irritating the gastrointestinal tract seasonings, hot spices Spices - delicious slimming  Spices - delicious slimming
 , Salted, smoked, pickled food and drinks.

Diet is very important for hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids - a shameful disease  Hemorrhoids - a shameful disease
 Because of the intestines depends on the state of the venous system of the walls of the rectum.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • diet for hemorrhoids
