Salt-free diet - against edema and heart disease

April 20, 2008

 sodium restricted diet
 After hearing the recommendation to move to a salt-free diet, few feel the enthusiasm. It would seem that the food without salt - is the food tasteless and the food now becomes quite dull occupation. However, when forced to choose between health and taste familiar food preferences are obvious to most people.

Salt, or sodium chloride, preferably ingested from the processed and cooked food. In this dose of sodium, which regularly gets people is much higher than recommended. Sodium - one of the most important minerals for humans that helps maintain the right balance of fluids in the body, promotes the transmission of nerve impulses and influences the contraction and relaxation of muscles. Despite all this, the accumulation of sodium in the blood, which can result from excessive consumption of salt is harmful to health.

 Salt-free diet - against edema and heart disease

Use salt-free diets

Salt-free diet can maintain normal blood volume in the body. Due to this the heart can be operated in an optimum rate and blood pressure Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?  Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?
   It remains within the normal range. Salt-free diet to help reduce the risk of hypertension Hypertension - Control your blood pressure  Hypertension - Control your blood pressure
 , Which in turn often leads to various heart diseases, stroke, Stroke - a serious brain injury  Stroke - a serious brain injury
 , Disorders of the liver, and congestive heart failure Heart failure - when the heart is unable to cope with the work  Heart failure - when the heart is unable to cope with the work

Scientists believe that most people consume every day, 2300 mg, or one teaspoon, more sodium than is necessary. On average, only 12% of the salt enters the body of fresh natural sources (for example from vegetables and whole grains), the remaining 88% of the adds in man food itself, or buys the products with high salt content of the product.

 Salt-free diet - against edema and heart disease

Where does the salt

By the way, there is not very salty-tasting foods that contain a lot of sodium. These include, for example, various baking mix, cereals Quick-cooking cereals, salad dressings, soups and meat for grilling and barbecue, which is sold in stores. In addition, a lot of salt in the frozen foods, especially pizza, ravioli, risotto mixes, and so on, and canned goods. The least contain natural salt and fresh food.

Because eating alone fresh fruit and vegetables can not all learn to read food labels. They are not always written that they contain salt, but it is not so important; you need to look for sodium - the main and the most harmful component of salt for you.

 Salt-free diet - against edema and heart disease


Keep in mind that the maritime and iodized salt contain as much sodium as usual. For the human body to function properly, it requires only a small daily amount of sodium - 220-500 mg. More than 2,300 mg of sodium per day can be dangerous to health; that is the number of this mineral is contained in one teaspoon salt. Most people consume every day, in total, two teaspoons of salt.

Use only for cooking fresh meat and fish. The sausages, smoked meat contains a lot of salt. The same goes for meat in the marinade. Of course, these products have the advantage - they are tasty and everything that they need to do - is to put them in the oven and set the desired temperature. But better still buy fillets and cook the marinade or sauce yourself. Add to less salt and more spices.

In general, the salt-free diet make it possible to truly discover the world of spices. If you previously used only black pepper and bay leaf, buy basil, thyme, rosemary, nutmeg - you will find that they can give the dishes even more intense and interesting flavor than salt.

No need to give up the fish that lives in salt water. Its meat is only slightly more sodium than in freshwater fish, but it has essential fatty acids necessary for heart health and normal functioning of various body systems.

Article Tags:
  • unusual diets

Diet for hepatitis - one of the main forms of treatment

March 7, 2014

 Diet for hepatitis
 Diet for hepatitis helps relieve the liver cells from excessive load. Detoxification of the liver with hepatitis reduced by inflammation, so eating, hinders the digestive process can significantly worsen the patient's condition.


Hepatitis and diet - what does it do?

Nutritional care for hepatitis - an important element in the complex therapy. Consuming foods minimizes the strain on all the organs of digestion, it will offload the liver, reducing its burden of detoxification of toxic products of metabolism. Energy conservation is the restoration of the metabolism in the liver cells (hepatocytes).

Diet for hepatitis to be observed constantly. During acute inflammatory process it becomes severe during remission list of authorized food increases. In chronic hepatitis proper diet can provide long-term remission (a state without exacerbation), while the error in the diet can cause a worsening of the disease.


Nutritional care for hepatitis in the acute stage

Health food is hepatitis tables 5 and 5A. In acute exacerbation of chronic hepatitis and hepatitis diet appointed room 5A, the purpose of which - the maximum sparing of the liver. It is mechanically and chemically gentle diet with normal protein and carbohydrates, some reduced fat and salt. Proteins and carbohydrates are contained in the dishes in accordance with the physiological norm.

From the daily diet excludes cold dishes, enhancing the processes of fermentation (peas, beans) and decay (fatty meats) in the gut, stimulating the secretion of bile, gastric juice and pancreatic juice. You can not eat spicy seasonings, meats, foods rich in essential oils (onion, garlic Garlic health: almost a panacea  Garlic health: almost a panacea
 , Radish, radish). Prepare all steamed or boiled, cooked dishes rubbed.


Diet for hepatitis patients in remission

Diet number 5 in hepatitis is indicated for persistent (benign, non-progressive) hepatitis with signs of mild functional impairment of the liver. The purpose of the diet - the restoration of impaired liver function, mechanical sparing the stomach and intestines that are usually involved in the pathological process. A diet full with some restriction of animal fats. All dishes are boiled, steamed or baked in the oven. Food is not wiped.

Diet for liver hepatitis in remission, when patients do not show almost no complaints (except, of course, weakness and reduced performance - these symptoms remain the same), they feel almost healthy diet but still necessary.

Diet during remission is built in such a way that its main components had a positive effect on all digestive organs, primarily the liver.

Of great importance is the diet. Restoration of normal digestion promotes reception of small portions of food in the same hours. At the same time, long breaks between meals, and receive large amounts of food causes bile stasis, which immediately affects the state of the liver tissue.

Do I need a low-fat diet for hepatitis? Recent clinical studies have not confirmed the harmful effects of a small amount of fat in the daily diet of patients with hepatitis. But it noted that fat is better administered in the form of vegetable oils, because of their involvement in metabolic processes and choleretic action.

Nevertheless, choleretic effect vegetable fats may be contraindicated in the case where hepatitis Hepatitis - the scourge of our time  Hepatitis - the scourge of our time
   combined with the formation of stones in the bile ducts and gall bladder: increased motor activity of smooth muscles of the biliary tract can provoke an attack of biliary colic - infringement of the stone. For these patients, we recommend the introduction of a daily diet of the usual ratio of animal and vegetable fats - 3: 1. From animal fats like butter, it is recommended the most easily digested and absorbed. Refractory fats (fatty meats and fish) from the diet is better to exclude.

Vegetables, berries and fruit in hepatitis stimulate the secretion of bile and other digestive glands, reduces the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, eliminate constipation. The positive effect on digestion have carrots, zucchini, tomatoes, cauliflower and brussels sprouts, grapes, melons, strawberries, apples, prunes and others. Especially effective is the use of fresh or steamed vegetables with vegetable oil. Seeds and nuts can be consumed with hepatitis, but in limited quantities.

From the daily menu for hepatitis excluded vegetables rich in essential oils Essential oils and conception: can help the roses?  Essential oils and conception: can help the roses?
   (onions, garlic, radishes Radish: useful properties and rules of use  Radish: useful properties and rules of use
 , Radish) and oxalic acid (spinach). They are poorly tolerated due to their irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive system.

Power hepatitis is of paramount importance. Sticking to a diet during remission is not difficult, because of a set of products recommended for hepatitis, can be prepared a variety of dishes.

Galina Romanenko

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  • hepatitis
