Water diet: drink and not have

June 26, 2011

 Water Diet
 The idea to replace the water, food or a part, of course, nothing new and nothing miraculous in it. However, the correct use of water for weight loss gives positive results. But the aquatic diet (as well as any other diet) should be treated calmly, without expecting from it sverhdostizheny.

 Water diet: drink and not have

The main provisions of the water diet

Water is vital to the human body. It is part of every cell involved in metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
   (Without water could not pass the biochemical processes that make up the metabolism), it displays the body of all the toxins and metabolic products. But use of too much water can be harmful to the organism.

 Water diet: drink and not have

The essence of the water diet

All water diet is based on the fact that drunk before eating water partially fills the stomach and dilutes the gastric juice, so when a person eats less food. Such a diet can not go too Polga, since due to lower amounts of digestive juices to digest food properly. This may result in dysbiosis Dysbacteriosis - what brings self  Dysbacteriosis - what brings self
   - Too much reproduction of conditionally pathogenic microflora in the intestines, which will inhibit the development of beneficial microflora. This will not only suffer digestion in the stomach, but throughout the gastrointestinal tract. But for three weeks (it is so much going on water diet) nothing bad will happen.

The rationale for the increased daily water consumption is that our brains hunger and thirst center is located in the same place, so people often confuse hunger and thirst, that is, eating when he is really thirsty.

In accordance with the provisions of the water diet before each meal (half an hour before eating) need to drink water How to drink water to lose weight  How to drink water to lose weight
 : Before breakfast - a glass before dinner - two glasses before dinner - three glasses. Recommendation absolutely irrational. What to drink from two - three glasses? It will only lead to a stretching of the stomach and increase appetite.

The recommended daily amount of water is also no place in reasonable limits:   the number of kilograms should be divided into twenty. So, if a person's weight is equal to fifty kilograms, he should drink two and a half liters of water (this is just fine). But if the weight is equal to ninety or one hundred kilograms (and lose weight because fat people), it is already required to drink four or five and a half liters. Imagine what would happen to the circulatory system after such a load. But many overweight people suffer from diseases of the heart and blood vessels. At the same time anywhere in the diet does not say that you need to limit salty foods, as they attract and retain water in the body. On the contrary, clearly written, eat what you want.

 Water diet: drink and not have

Pitfalls water diet

And the other end of the stick if every day to drink plenty of water and limit the intake of salt, it will be together with the water from the body flush out all useful salts. If such a diet will sit people after forty - forty-five (at this age, the amount of calcium in the bones begins to decline, the leaching of calcium from the bone can lead to bone fractures, disrupt dental health. People with heart disease may also worsen the condition of -this that cleaned up from the body potassium and magnesium salts.

That is why water diet requires revision.

 Water diet: drink and not have

Revised water diet

Of course, it makes no sense to drink a row three glasses of water, would be correct to eat 6 times a day, while drinking a glass of water. Water is also allowed to drink two hours after a meal that can also be done.

There is no need to drink a day for five - six liters of water, it will only worsen the state of health and did not affect weight. You can slightly increase the rate of drinking a day for two and a half - three liters regardless of weight. While heat can drink a little more. Do not take water during meals, as this would further dilute the contents of the stomach and the food goes into the gut undigested.

 Water diet: drink and not have

Dietary restrictions

Of course, such an aqueous diet requires additional dietary restrictions. Do not eat salty foods. In addition, if a person constantly eats fat fried meat, sweets and sugary carbonated water, then no water will not help him to lose weight, these products should be excluded. One should not drink strong tea or coffee (they stimulate appetite and narrow the blood vessels, and they are already working at maximum).

Finally, the water must be purified, then it is easier excreted. To make up for the loss of essential minerals - potassium and magnesium (they can potentially cause problems with the cardiovascular system) can be on a diet or taking asparkam Pananginum Panangin: macro for the heart  Panangin: macro for the heart
   - Preparations, which contain these minerals.

More than three weeks of an increased amount of water to use is not necessary. After the diet is a course of vitamin therapy in the form of vitamin and mineral complex.

Thus, if a water diet to treat the mind, it may well benefit.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • liquid diets

Diet for fat hepatosis - the sooner the better

October 11, 2014

 diet for fat hepatosis
 Steatosis - this is one of the most common causes of chronic liver disease in the world today and, apparently, it will become even more pressing problem in the future. This disease can lead to cirrhosis, liver failure, and even liver cancer. In this case, proper diet is very important when fat hepatosis.

In the early stages of the disease complex special treatment is not required: quite effective is a special menu at gepatoze fatty liver. The patient needs only to comply with certain (very simple) recommendations, and gradually the concentration of fat in the liver returns to normal.

Patients with FH before changing your diet, you should consult a doctor.


Nutrition for the liver fat hepatosis: general guidelines

The daily diet of the patient FH must include the following foods:

  • Fresh vegetables and fruits. Patients who need to lose weight How to lose weight - basic principles  How to lose weight - basic principles
   (such as among patients with FH majority) should initially have no more than one or two servings of fruit a day. This is due to those that many of them contain a lot of sugar, in addition, some fruits very calories. After the weight returns to normal, there will be more fruit. Vegetables such as cucumbers, tomatoes, greens, cabbage, carrots, you can have virtually no restrictions;
  • Baked, steamed and boiled vegetables. When fat hepatosis can cook various dishes from almost any vegetable, two conditions are met: it is necessary to limit the consumption of potatoes, and try to refrain from eating fried foods;
  • Seafood. They can be eaten canned, baked, boiled or fresh, but not fried or smoked;
  • Bird. The main sources of animal protein for patients with FH should be chicken and turkey;
  • Legumes (beans, chickpeas, lentils);
  • Nuts and seeds (not roasted or salted).

FH patients need to reduce the consumption of baking (especially white flour), chocolate and sweets, fried foods, and a variety of high-calorie snacks such as chips, cookies, and so on.

The following products in fatty liver gepatoze considered particularly useful:

  • The liver and egg yolks. These foods contain choline - a substance whose deficiency is associated with an increased risk of fatty liver. Other sources of choline are beef, cod, broccoli, dairy products, almonds Use almond: Fertility symbol of peace  Use almond: Fertility symbol of peace
  • Brazil nuts, sesame seeds contain methionine - an amino acid that is converted in the body into choline. Methionine also has various kinds of meat and fish;
  • Foods rich in vitamin E. Studies have shown that vitamin E can pretty quickly alleviate the symptoms of fatty liver, as well as improve the efficiency of the treatment of this disease. It is assumed that there is a connection between the lack of this vitamin, and the development of fatty liver. Patients with this disorder often recommended to eat sources of vitamin E, such as olive oil, soybean oil, corn oil Corn oil: the good and the harm to human  Corn oil: the good and the harm to human
 , Grains, nuts, and spinach;
  • Coffee. In the course of long-term observations of patients FH scientists have discovered an interesting pattern: the patients who drink more than two cups of coffee a day, in the liver, on average, less fibrous tissue than those who consumed the drink in smaller quantities. A similar effect was also observed coffee in patients with hepatitis C and cirrhosis. The reasons for this are unclear, but experts often recommend that patients with certain diseases of the liver regularly drink coffee in moderation - of course, if they do not have other diseases in which coffee may be harmful.


Steatosis diet 5

Diet №5 was developed more than half a century ago, but it has been successfully used in medical practice to this day. Usually it is administered in combination with drug treatment. With fatty hepatosis such diet is usually applied only in those cases when the disease results in the formation of scar tissue and problems with the liver. Diet for fat liver gepatoze includes products, processing of which is related to the minimum load on the liver, but it includes a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals.

The patient, stick to a diet number 5 should consume a half to two liters of water a day, no more than 300 grams of carbohydrates, 110 grams of protein, 80 grams of fat.

Meals should be frequent: recommended to eat at least five, preferably six or seven times a day.

The diet of the patient may include dairy products, lean meat, chicken and turkey, low-fat types of fish, whole wheat and rye bread, fruit, vegetables, vegetable oil, cold pressed, cereal, eggs (usually advised to eat no more than one egg per day, but Exceptions may apply). In addition, you can eat most types of spices, except for a very sharp, as well as honey, tea, coffee.

If commonly in patients with FH can be useful and even eat liver, the diet of the number 5, it is excluded - as most other byproducts. This diet also includes a waiver of any canned food, smoked and fried foods, muffins, mushrooms, garlic Garlic health: almost a panacea  Garlic health: almost a panacea
 , Mayonnaise and mustard, onions, cream and chocolate.

Article Tags:
  • hepatosis
