Atkins diet - too extreme

December 13th, 2009

  • Atkins diet - too extreme
  • Basic principles

 The Atkins Diet
 Good fried steak with gravy, scrambled eggs, bacon, scrambled eggs with cheese and rich soup with sour cream ... It seems to be less useful for weight loss meals is hard to imagine, but they are components of both the hugely popular, and constantly criticized the Atkins diet.

Carbohydrate-free Atkins diet, presumably not only helps to lose weight without suffering from constant hunger, but also improve the health of the cardiovascular system and improves the function of memory. The Atkins diet is based on the exclusion from the diet of carbohydrates. And carbohydrates, and fats - the main sources of energy for the human body, but carbohydrates are the body "burns" in the first place. Eliminating carbs and eating more protein and fat, it is possible, according to the creators of the diet force the body to burn fat more efficiently - and thereby, lose weight faster.

 Atkins diet - too extreme

How does the Atkins diet

Severely restricting the amount of carbohydrates consumed in food (in fact - the complete exclusion of carbohydrates from the diet) provokes a state of ketosis, in which the body starts to burn fat. The main source of energy in this state are ketones - organic compounds formed in the process of splitting fat. In a state of ketosis, appetite decreased, so people consume less food than in the normal state. In this "emergency mode", there are some very unpleasant side effects - such as constipation, bad breath.

As a result of ketosis the body uses as energy not carbohydrates, and fats - and fats, which are deposited over time "in reserve", turning into fat deposits on the thighs, abdomen, buttocks. A direct consequence of ketosis - rapid weight loss.

A diet with lots of carbohydrates often provokes the appearance of fat deposits. The sugar from carbohydrates into the blood, and the body as a reaction begins to produce insulin, preventing too sharp rise in blood sugar levels Blood sugar - a very important indicator  Blood sugar - a very important indicator
 . Insulin helps the accumulated excess sugar in the liver and muscles as glycogen, and the surplus turns into fat - the one who becomes the "culprit" extra kilos.

According to the theory of Atkins, under constant need insulin to compensate for the excessive amounts of sugar in the blood of the organism "accustomed" insulin The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives  The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives
   - And as a result the efficiency of the hormone that lowers blood sugar Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health  Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health
 Gradually reduced, which leads to the development of diabetes - disorders of metabolic processes in the body. But limiting the amount of carbohydrates causes the body to burn fat, and - according to the theory of Atkins - gradually normalizes metabolism. Although too much fat in the diet, Atkins diet provided, may increase cholesterol, this increase is usually short and in the process of getting rid of fatty deposits of cholesterol and triglycerides levels decreased.

 Atkins diet - too extreme

Terms of the Atkins diet: what can and can not eat

To provoke a state of ketosis, carbohydrate intake should be limited to forty grams per day. Although weight loss on Atkins more strenuous exercise does not require diet authors argue that in some cases, the onset of ketosis phase need regular exercise Myths about exercise: do not believe  Myths about exercise: do not believe
 . Another important component of the Atkins diet - vitamin supplements, since fruits and vegetables, sources of carbohydrates from the diet, the Atkins diet alleged, virtually eliminated.

The Atkins diet allows to use such products, which many women, dieters can only dream of: the main components of the diet - meat, eggs, cheese, and other sources of protein and fat. The downside - the strict ban, which imposes on the Atkins diet, many other products: following the rules of the diet, the diet is necessary to completely eliminate sugar, milk, white rice, any white flour products, whether bread, muffin or pasta.

By following the Atkins diet, it can be almost unlimited quantities consumed protein and fatty foods: red meat, fish and seafood, cheeses with any percentage of fat. Meals can be cooked in butter, season with olive oil or mayonnaise.

On the other hand, any sources of carbohydrates from the diet is necessary to exclude, limit the use of twenty grams of carbohydrates per day during the first two weeks of the diet .  Exceptions to this rule can not be as severely restricting the amount of carbohydrates (fruit forbidden, allowed only a very small amount of green leafy vegetables) stimulates biochemical processes in the body, and "includes" quick weight loss regime .  The Atkins diet does not require counting calories (in fact, at the expense consisting of protein and fatty foods diet the amount of calories consumed per day, usually increases) .  Two weeks after the beginning of the Atkins diet in the diet can include a small amount of carbohydrate foods rich in fiber - fruits, vegetables, whole grains .  Under the strict prohibition of the remaining sugar, milk, white rice, white bread and other products made from white flour, potatoes .  At the stage reached in the stabilization process of the Atkins diet weight amounts of carbohydrates can be gradually increased .

The diet of cancer - will not cure but can help

March 17th, 2011

  • The diet of cancer - will not cure but can help
  • Basics of good nutrition

 diet cancer
 Many cancer patients threatens nutrient deficiency, which can be connected directly with the disease, and treatment with the methods used. Cancer can change the body's ability to break down carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

  • Firstly, the cancer itself influences the metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 , Whereby usually decreases appetite. On the other hand, the body requires a lot of energy to fight the disease, so the diet in cancer should be sufficient caloric.
  • Secondly, appetite may change due to psychological reasons - the news of the diagnosis can make people forget about the food, as well as many other things.

Developing the resulting nutrient deficiency depends on the type and stage of cancer, characteristics of the patient, the methods of treatment and the side effects they cause.

Because there are many different types of cancer, give advice on the universal power supply is not possible; Here are general guidelines.

Diet for cancer should be high-calorie, than the usual diet of a healthy person. This is necessary to avoid rapid weight loss. The diet should include a lot of protein - it will prevent or slow the loss of muscle mass. Products in which how many calories and protein - whole milk, cheese, peanut butter, meat.

Some cancer patients receive an aversion to fatty foods. In this case, it is recommended to include in a diet low-fat yogurt, cottage cheese, lean meat, fish, legumes.

To diet in cancer has been balanced, it should be fruits and vegetables. Make juice from fruits and vegetables, eat dried fruits, cook a variety of vegetable dishes - so you will increase your calorie intake and facilitate the work of the digestive system.

 The diet of cancer - will not cure but can help


There are some recommendations to change diet in cancer to relieve some of the side effects of chemotherapy Chemotherapy - it always falls the hair?  Chemotherapy - it always falls the hair?
   Radiotherapy and Radiotherapy in cancer treatment: irradiation aid  Radiotherapy in cancer treatment: irradiation aid
 . What are they?

  • Difficulty chewing and swallowing

Eat liquid and semi-solid foods, such as yogurt, mashed potatoes, soups.

  • The pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea

Meals immediately before or after therapy sessions can help alleviate these symptoms. Position of the body during a meal may exacerbate symptoms - try to eat standing up or lying down.

  • Changes in taste, appearance aversion to certain products

Avoid food with a strong smell and taste, do not add seasoning to dishes. Eat cold food - high temperatures increase the aroma and taste. Do not force yourself to eat when severe nausea Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system  Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system
 , Or aversion to food can become even stronger.

  • Weight loss

More often eat fatty meats and eggs, drink high-calorie drinks - milk, juices, milkshakes. Eat four to five times a day in small portions. Between meals a snack than a calorie - nuts, dried fruit, cheese. Take vitamin supplements.
