Diet for hypothyroidism - facilitates the unpleasant symptoms - Tips and Tricks

November 28, 2010

  • Diet for hypothyroidism - facilitates the unpleasant symptoms
  • The basic principles of supply
  • Useful tips

Multiple ways to restore metabolism in hypothyroidism

Lethargy, problems with weight loss or weight gain during prolonged hypothyroidism may be due to slow metabolism, which is frequently observed in this disease. Even after successful treatment of hypothyroidism is hormone replacement therapy, you may find that the metabolism is not restored to its previous level. Because of this, you often feel fatigue, tired quickly and can not lose weight, despite a low-calorie diet. There are several ways to spice up your metabolism.

 Useful Tips | Diet for hypothyroidism - facilitates the unpleasant symptoms

Always Eat breakfast

If you do not eat breakfast, you slow down your metabolism even more, forcing the body to work in an economy - not receiving power for a long time, he thinks that you are starving and starts to save resources. Lack of appetite, and not just in the morning, often with hypothyroidism, but if you want to improve your health, you have to find a way to overcome itself.

 Useful Tips | Diet for hypothyroidism - facilitates the unpleasant symptoms

Eat most of the food in the first half of the day

Eat all the most nutritious breakfast and lunch. For dinner, you have to be very light food, in addition, the majority of experts on nutrition is not recommended to eat after 8 pm, or 3-4 hours before bedtime Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 . This allows the body to process food, as long as you are awake, that is, when the metabolism is much faster than in a dream.

 Useful Tips | Diet for hypothyroidism - facilitates the unpleasant symptoms

Do not starve

The desire to lose weight quickly is understandable, especially because of hypothyroidism you rapidly gained weight, that you do not decorate, but do not go to extremes. In using, for example, 1000 calories per day How many calories a day you need to lose weight - everyone has their own rate  How many calories a day you need to lose weight - everyone has their own rate
 , You force your body to save nutrients and fat and not burn too much. And when you return to a normal diet, it will begin to store fat in case of a new hunger.

 Useful Tips | Diet for hypothyroidism - facilitates the unpleasant symptoms

Eat small portions, but often

This diet allows you to maintain a healthy blood sugar levels Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health  Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health
   and provides the body with a stable supply of energy, which is very well stimulate metabolism.

 Useful Tips | Diet for hypothyroidism - facilitates the unpleasant symptoms

Aerobic exercise

Exercise - one of the best and most affordable ways to speed up metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 . Do not abuse the body - engaged as you can, but regularly, and have fun.

 Useful Tips | Diet for hypothyroidism - facilitates the unpleasant symptoms

Build muscle mass

Regular performance of strength training increases muscle mass, which burns much more calories than fat, even at rest.

 Useful Tips | Diet for hypothyroidism - facilitates the unpleasant symptoms

Water, water!

Of course, you've heard before that an adult should drink 8 glasses of water a day. H2O is vital for the body to effective work of all body systems.

 Useful Tips | Diet for hypothyroidism - facilitates the unpleasant symptoms

B vitamins

The first vitamins, which must be handled with loss of strength - a B vitamins Vitamin B12 is especially important to restore vital energy.

 Useful Tips | Diet for hypothyroidism - facilitates the unpleasant symptoms

Nutritional supplements against prostration

Any food additives made from substances that are natural means for energy recovery. These include:

  • Coenzyme Q10, which provides an energy muscle
  • L-carnitine
  • NADH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide), which helps to extract energy from food
  • Green tea extract

 Useful Tips | Diet for hypothyroidism - facilitates the unpleasant symptoms

Try Chinese herbs

Ephedra (ephedra), Ma Huang and lemongrass - the traditional means of Chinese medicine, used to recuperate. Before drinking tea from these or any other herbs, or taking them in pill form, it is necessary to consult with your doctor. The famous ginseng, for example, can be harmful for high blood pressure, and many herbs are not recommended for pregnant women or even banned.

 Useful Tips | Diet for hypothyroidism - facilitates the unpleasant symptoms

Mate tea

This South American tea - the perfect remedy for recuperation. It has more nutrients than coffee and black tea, and, although it also contains caffeine, it, unlike coffee actually energizes but does not have the effect of short-term excitation.

 Useful Tips | Diet for hypothyroidism - facilitates the unpleasant symptoms

Energy training

Yoga, tai chi, qigong and Reiki helps to restore and to balance your inner energy. Some people are skeptical about the possibility to restore your metabolism by such practices, but to ensure their effectiveness - or useless - you need to try.

Article Tags:
  • hypothyroidism
