Diet for hypothyroidism - facilitates the unpleasant symptoms

November 28, 2010

  • Diet for hypothyroidism - facilitates the unpleasant symptoms
  • The basic principles of supply
  • Useful tips

 Hypothyroidism Diet
 The official medicine does not use the diet for the treatment of hypothyroidism. However, using some of the tips that are easy to observe, you can significantly improve your condition.

 Diet for hypothyroidism - facilitates the unpleasant symptoms

Avoid "antithyroid" products

In the first place it should be abolished, that in general, the existence of anti-thyroid products is very contradictory. These products include soy - it stimulates the activity of estrogen, which in turn inhibit the secretion of thyroid hormones Thyroid hormones: mechanism of action and physiological effects  Thyroid hormones: mechanism of action and physiological effects

By antitireoidnym products also rank as polyunsaturated fats - useful for most people matter. At the same time, they are able to inhibit the activity of the thyroid gland. Polyunsaturated fats are not only inhibit secretion of thyroid hormones and their movement in the bloodstream, and the use of hormones in the body. For this reason, polyunsaturated fats should be excluded from the diet hypothyroidism.

 Diet for hypothyroidism - facilitates the unpleasant symptoms

Eat saturated fats

When used in a moderate amount of saturated fats to help maintain normal blood sugar levels Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health  Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health
   and regulate the activity of stress hormones (increased levels of stress hormones is one of the causes of hypothyroidism). If possible, get saturated fats from organic meat.

 Diet for hypothyroidism - facilitates the unpleasant symptoms

Eat fruits

Fruit is an important component of diets in many diseases and hypothyroidism - is no exception. Contained in fruits Potassium helps maintain normal blood sugar levels Blood sugar - a very important indicator  Blood sugar - a very important indicator
 Thus reducing the level of stress hormone How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis

 Diet for hypothyroidism - facilitates the unpleasant symptoms

Eat broth from the bones

The broth from the bones contain many nutrients that can relieve the symptoms of hypothyroidism. Furthermore, these nutrients from the broth is more readily than some other dishes. Contained in the broth from the bones of amino acids have anti-inflammatory effects and are beneficial to the health of the thyroid gland.

 Diet for hypothyroidism - facilitates the unpleasant symptoms

Eat seafood

Seafood contain iodine required for normal operation of the thyroid gland, and selenium. Both of these substances are absorbed by the seafood is much better than from supplements.

 Diet for hypothyroidism - facilitates the unpleasant symptoms

Limit your intake of refined foods

Refined foods raise blood sugar and stress hormones; In addition, they contain toxins that slow down the conversion of thyroid hormone in their active form. All of this contributes to the progression of hypothyroidism.

 Diet for hypothyroidism - facilitates the unpleasant symptoms

Do not overuse water

Should not drink more than 1, 5 liters of water per day. For hypothyroidism is very characteristic of fluid retention and swelling in the body, which can be exacerbated if you drink too many fluids.

 Diet for hypothyroidism - facilitates the unpleasant symptoms

Drink Coffee

Oddly enough, the coffee effectively stimulates the thyroid, helping to eliminate some of the symptoms of hypothyroidism. It contains a lot of magnesium and B vitamins necessary for normal thyroid function. Of course, this drink should not be abused, but two or three cups of coffee a day will do more good than harm.

A diet low in cholesterol - fruits and vegetables in your diet

October 14, 2007

  • A diet low in cholesterol - fruits and vegetables in your diet
  • The essence of the diet

 cholesterol diet
 A diet low in cholesterol useful for most people - not only for people with initially high levels of cholesterol in the blood, but also for everyone who cares about their health. A diet low in cholesterol helps prevent many diseases and disorders that are the direct or indirect effects of chronic high blood cholesterol levels - including ateroksleroza, heart attack, ischemic stroke Stroke - a serious brain injury  Stroke - a serious brain injury
   and other disorders of the cardiovascular system.

 A diet low in cholesterol - fruits and vegetables in your diet

Cholesterol and its impact on health

Cholesterol - an organic compound which belongs to the class of fatty alcohol in a certain amount is always present in an organism (in the order of eighty percent of the total amount of cholesterol by the liver, kidneys and adrenal glands). Stable level of cholesterol in the body necessary for normal functioning of some of its systems - the fact that cholesterol plays an important role in the production of various steroid hormones (including thyroid hormones Thyroid hormones: mechanism of action and physiological effects  Thyroid hormones: mechanism of action and physiological effects
 , Female hormone progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
   and estrogen Estrogen - the key to bone health  Estrogen - the key to bone health
 , The male hormone testosterone). In addition, modern medical research suggests that cholesterol affects the immune system and helps protect against cancer. Unfortunately, the "ideal" cholesterol connection can not be named - raising the level of cholesterol in the blood, the excess of this substance in the body leads to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in the blood vessels and, in the long term, to a variety of disorders of the cardiovascular system.

 A diet low in cholesterol - fruits and vegetables in your diet

"Useful" and "harmful" fat

Cholesterol can be "bad" and "good": is dangerous to human health only cholesterol in the form of complex compounds - low-density lipoprotein, the main source of which - saturated and trans fats. Cholesterol compounds - high-density lipoproteins, in contrast, are considered beneficial to health, because, among other things, protect the blood vessels from atherosclerotic changes. High density lipoproteins contained in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Accordingly, the basis of a diet low in cholesterol - that, primarily carbohydrate and protein foods containing no fat at all, and the products with unsaturated fats that provide an adequate amount of nutrients, but not provoke dangerous rise in blood cholesterol levels.

 A diet low in cholesterol - fruits and vegetables in your diet

The composition of a diet low in cholesterol

The main components of the diet, prescribed a diet low in cholesterol - a low-fat dairy products, fruits and vegetables, as well as sources of carbohydrates and fiber - whole grains, cereals, legumes. Among them:

  • Dairy products: low-fat yogurt, cottage cheese, milk, soft cheeses
  • Any fresh fruit and vegetables
  • Starchy foods: rice, pasta and pasta, potatoes, legumes, whole grains, any

In limited quantities can be consumed lean (lean) meat - beef, chicken without skin. It is also very useful for the health of the cardiovascular system soy products - the main source of vegetable protein and healthy alternative to animal products.

The main sources of fat needed by the body:

  • Animal products: fish, fish oil
  • Vegetable products: vegetable oils (olive, sunflower, saffron oil), nuts and grains, avocado

By following a diet low in cholesterol, you should limit the use of or eliminate from your diet foods that contain large amounts of saturated fat - the main sources of cholesterol. These products include:

  • Red meat, pork, bacon, meat products, subjected to technological processing (eg, hot dogs, sausages)
  • Fat sour cream, milk, yogurt, butter, margarine
  • Any foods cooked with cooking oil (primarily baked)

Prerequisite a diet low in cholesterol - exclusion from the diet of any fast food, chocolate and sweets, alcoholic beverages.
