Kidneys perform two important functions: capture decay products from the blood, leaving the body in the urine, and carry out the re-uptake of the substances in which the body still needs. Some substances that fall from the blood to the kidneys can not get dumped glomerular kidney filters because of their large size - for example, red and white blood cells or proteins.
Proteins - large molecules, the building unit of muscle and other tissues. In an extremely small amount of protein in the urine
The protein in the urine - a sign of danger, which should not be underestimated
child present time - depending on the analysis method are considered normal values up to thirty or sixty milligrams of protein in the daily urine volume or up to one hundred milligrams of protein per day. Most species of the protein is different too large in size, not allowing them to penetrate the filters of the kidneys. Thus, protein in the urine of a child - a sure sign that the function of the kidney filter - so-called vascular glomeruli - broken.
Penetration protein in the urine can be caused by various diseases in nature - infections, diseases affecting only microscopic filters or kidney diseases that affect the entire body. However, there are cases where the protein in the urine of a child accompanied normotensive
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and good health - a condition called orthostatic hidden, or cyclic, proteinuria. Practically, this means that the protein in the urine of a child appears only when a child remains active for a long time in an upright position, and disappears at night, during sleep
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When the body assumes a horizontal position.
Proteinuria (the presence of protein in the urine) is not usually accompanied by distinct or painful symptoms, but when released into a large amount of urine protein levels of the protein in the blood may drop - leading to edema and increase blood pressure.
Often, protein in the urine of a child - the first sign of any disease, allowing to diagnose the disease at an early stage. That is why a urine test is very important for young children.

Orthostatic proteinuria
Orthostatic proteinuria - a condition, common in teenagers and older children. Hidden cyclic or orthostatic proteinuria is the appearance of protein in the urine only when the child's activity: for some unknown reason, without any damage to the kidneys, the protein gets into the urine during the day. At night, when the child is asleep, the kidneys do not let protein.
For the diagnosis of this condition is usually applied a two-step analysis of urine - analysis of the first portion of urine collected in the morning, as soon as the child wakes up, and the second portion collected during the day.
The samples are stored in different containers. If the child - orthostatic proteinuria, protein is found in the second portion, but in the morning urine is missing. Orthostatic proteinuria - a condition is absolutely normal and harmless. It is not necessary to limit the child's activity - physical activity will not harm the kidneys, and can even provoke a temporary increase in the amount of protein in the urine of children.

Protein in the urine of the child when treatment is necessary?
And orthostatic proteinuria, and when a small amount of protein in the urine of a child treatment is usually not required. In some cases, your doctor may recommend a second urine sample of the child in a few months to determine changes in the amount of protein in the urine. If the protein in the urine of a child is still present, additional tests may be necessary to test kidney function and determine the cause proteinuria.
Whatever the cause of the appearance of protein in the urine, most often it is easy enough to fix.
In some cases, the only way to lower albuminuria
How to reduce protein in the urine - you need to find out why and fix it
the child - salt-free diet, non-consumption of salt. In other cases, the appointed medical treatment - special medicines which the first dose is usually large, and decreases over time. In certain situations, drugs in small doses, it is recommended to take a few months. It is very important to strictly follow the doctor's instructions.
Tatiana Smirnova