- Circumcision - religion against science
- Indications for the procedure
Are there indications for circumcision
First of all, the removal of the foreskin may be purely hygienic procedure, which prevents the development of urinary tract infection. As a result of the operation of circumcision the glans penis is always in the open and not smegma accumulates in the prepuce, which reduces the risk of bacterial and viral infections.
But there are absolute indications for circumcision, they are phimosis
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and damage to the foreskin. Phimosis - a different degree of narrowing of the foreskin. This narrowing can be easy (the foreskin is hardly bares a head during erection
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It is easy to open it in a calm state of the penis) and very heavy (urine during urination first accumulates in the prepuce, and then drops excreted). Phimosis is dangerous because it can cause inflammation of the glans penis and foreskin (balanoposthitis) and infringement of the foreskin glans penis (paraphimosis), resulting in a violation of the blood flow in it and necrosis (death of tissue of the glans penis).
Damage to the foreskin as an absolute indication for circumcision. They can cause any trauma, an open wound or a strong bruise foreskin. When wound healing the resulting scar can cause narrowing of the foreskin, so it is better to remove.
Circumcision is often performed at the premature ejaculation and insufficient duration of sexual intercourse as a result of this operation decreases the sensitivity of the penis.

How do circumcision
Operation circumcision is usually performed under local anesthesia. Then special clamps pulled foreskin (if it is adherent to the glans penis, then it is separated from the probe), and the circle is excised with scissors (the blood vessels at this point superimposed clips, and then they are tied resorbable thread). On the wound sterile dressing is applied.
Circumcision may be partial (half-head closes the remaining foreskin in the quiescent state of the penis) or complete (head of the penis is always open). This frenulum (longitudinal narrow crease that runs from the external opening of the urethra to the coronal sulcus), circumcision is not affected, since by her to the head of the penis are small blood and lymphatic vessels and nerve branches. Typically, the operation lasts about an hour, and after 10-14 days, a person can live a full life, including sex.
But sometimes a person may have a short frenulum of the penis, which can tear during intercourse, then become inflamed and then decreases its elasticity. In such cases, along with circumcision performed plastic surgery frenulum of the penis. Circumcision surgery and plastic bridle can be performed simultaneously.
The bandage is removed after the surgery within two or three days. Stitches usually resolve within a few weeks, it is not necessary to remove them.

Complications after circumcision
Circumcision should be performed only in hospitals surgeon-urologist, while complications are extremely rare. Usually it is a hematoma (accumulation of blood under the skin) and infection of the surgical wound. A hematoma may occur due to inadequate ligation of small blood vessels, this complication is eliminated quickly.
Infection of the surgical wound is not uncommon, due to the anatomical features of the operated area: bandage soaked in blood, lymph and urine, and the environment are nutrients for pathogens. But also with this complication in our time easy to handle - appointed antibiotics
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Circumcision - medical and hygienic operation, proven for centuries. Therefore, if you have evidence for such an operation and the urologist advises her to spend, it makes sense to listen to his advice.
Galina Romanenko