Until a few decades ago, it was believed that the acute cystitis treated with antibiotics is not necessary: it will be, and so subject to the regimen, diet, plentiful drink and strengthen the immune system
Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system
. But recent studies have led to completely change the tactics of treatment of acute cystitis
Treatment of acute cystitis: an integrated approach
As it is untreated acute cystitis is a cause of chronic process.

Antibiotic treatment of acute cystitis
If you do not treat acute cystitis
Acute cystitis: Treat treated responsibly
antibiotics, the infection "Hidden" and after some time, be sure to show itself, which speaks about the transition of acute to chronic.
Acute cystitis
Cystitis: urgently take action
It requires immediate assistance without prior examination of urine to identify the pathogen and its sensitivity to antibiotics. Previously, it has created a lot of problems, because not all infectious agents are sensitive to a particular antibiotics are prescribed. But today there is such a universal antibiotic to treat infections of the lower urinary tract as Monural.
Monural is a broad-spectrum antibiotic, it is active against most pathogens of acute cystitis (eg, E. coli, Proteus, Staphylococcus). Unlike other antibiotics, to Monuralu rarely develop resistance (immunity) of infectious agents. And one more unquestionable advantage: take Monural acute cystitis do not need a long time: just a single dose, after which the drug is rapidly absorbed into the blood and unchanged enters the kidneys. The high concentration of the urine Monural holds more than a day and completely destroys all pathogens. In severe cases (for example, when hematogenous cystitis) Monural appointed twice.
Monural mechanism of action is based on the fact that it blocks the action of the enzymes involved in the formation of the cell walls of pathogens. He did not have a toxic effect on the human body, so it is even allowed to take during pregnancy.
Do not use Monural when you are hypersensitive, significant renal impairment, children under 5 years and lactating mothers (it is highlighted with mother's milk).
After treatment obligatory in urine. Make a general analysis and urine culture to culture media to detect the presence of infectious agents (control of cure).

Antibiotic treatment of chronic cystitis
Treatment of chronic cystitis, on the other hand, begin with a complete survey and identify all the possible causes of the formation of a chronic process - different anatomic changes in the urinary tract. Furthermore, chronic cystitis never assigned to antibiotics without urine culture and sensitivity to detect them pathogens.
Monural in chronic inflammatory processes used much less frequently, as in these cases, the infection is so learned to hide, that one-two-single reception it is usually impossible to remove. Therefore, for the treatment of chronic urinary tract infections are most commonly used antibiotics fluoroquinolones (norfloxacin, ofloxacin, ciprofloxacin).
These drugs have a strong antibacterial effect against most bacteria, which cause infections of the lower urinary tract, and it almost does not generate resistance of these bacteria. The advantage of fluoroquinolones is the fact that they are able to destroy even such strong and neubiennogo pathogen as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which was previously almost did not give the effects of antibacterial drugs.
Proper selection of the dose and duration of treatment with fluoroquinolones facilitates removal of urinary tract pathogenic bacterial flora. Like most antibacterials, fluoroquinolones inhibit the function of enzymes required for the construction of bacterial cells, with their action comes very quickly, not allowing microorganisms to "adapt" to these drugs.
Contraindications receiving fluoroquinolones in case of hypersensitivity to it the body, at the age of 15 years (this may affect the formation of skeleton) and in severe kidney disease. During pregnancy receiving fluoroquinolones allowed only for health reasons, that is, when life-threatening to a pregnant woman. Breastfeeding during treatment is better to interrupt and resume only after the course of treatment.
Any drugs of fluoroquinolones group can appoint a doctor, as they have a number of side effects that affect many internal organs and systems.
After the treatment of cystitis fluoroquinolones necessarily appointed laboratory control cure - without this control treatment will be defective.
Galina Romanenko
Article Tags:
- drug treatment of cystitis