White blood cells in urine - complications are inevitable - infants

January 31, 2010

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 white blood cells in the urine in infants

White blood cells in urine in infants - the risk of decreased kidney function

During the first year of life the baby several times appointed urinalysis. And this is not a formality - urinalysis allows timely identification of kidney disease and urinary tract infections in children. Most of these diseases are infectious and inflammatory character, in which the urine revealed elevated white blood cell count.

 Babies | White blood cells in urine - complications are inevitable

The rate for babies

White blood cells are determined in the urine sediment after centrifugation. The number of leukocytes in the same field of view is considered under a microscope. Today, instead of more commonly used special microscope equipment - analyzers. Most babies found in the urine up to eight leukocytes in sight. In boys, their is less up to five units. But often in the urine of a healthy baby found one or two leukocyte White blood cells as the basis of immunity  White blood cells as the basis of immunity
   in sight.

Often increased number of leukocytes in the urine of the child is related to its improper collection. If the child is not pre-substitution, the number of white blood cells in the urine rise - they will fall into the urine with mucous genitals of the child. Therefore, if no signs of disease in the child is not, parents are advised to pass urine again with a preliminary cleaning the child and collection of urine in a clean, dry bowl.

 Babies | White blood cells in urine - complications are inevitable

Interpretation of results

If the urine is put again in compliance with all the requirements for its collection and it is still present high content of white blood cells, the baby should be tested. With the survey, you can quickly identify latent infectious-inflammatory processes in the kidneys and urinary tract.

Many parents are at a loss: the child feels fine, gaining weight, why his survey? But this is just a feature uriniparous and urinary system, which consists in the fact that for the time inflammation can occur unnoticed and lead to permanent loss of kidney function.

In infants, such an infectious-inflammatory processes often develop secondary to a variety of inherent obstacles to urine flow.

It may be narrow or sudden expansion of a segment of urinary tract infections that lead to stagnation of urine. Reproduction of urinary pathogens (they can get there from the intestines, genital tract or from any body with blood) is long and hidden flowing inflammatory process that ends with the death of the cells of renal tissue and their replacement by connective tissue cells - so the kidney loses its function. Birth defects of the structure of the kidneys and urinary tract are often hereditary.

It is often an obstacle to urine flow causes the urine starts to move in the opposite direction - a reverse flow of urine is called reflux. Refluxes junction can be kidney, ureteral and renal pelvis, vesicoureteral. At whatever level, do not have the reflux, it will always maintain inflammation in the urinary tract.

Sometimes these inflammatory processes appear severe pyelonephritis, which are very difficult to treat and constantly recur. As a rule, get rid of this disease can only be surgically restoring the normal flow of urine and eliminate reflux.

 Babies | White blood cells in urine - complications are inevitable

Detection of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the kidney

If the inflammation goes unnoticed and is manifested only an increased number of white blood cells in the urine, the child examined first as an outpatient. First of all, it makes ultrasound of the kidneys and urinary tract. This research may reveal significant changes in the kidneys, for example, their doubling, polycystic and other parameters.

But a small obstacle to urine flow and reflux can not be seen on ultrasound. Therefore, if the suspicion of a disease still remains, the child is sent for further examination in a hospital, where he carried out X-ray examinations of the kidneys and urinary tract Cystoscopy - a study of the bladder Urinary bladder - structure and function  Urinary bladder - structure and function
   using special optical equipment. If necessary, the child held computer or magnetic resonance imaging (CT or MRI).

 Babies | White blood cells in urine - complications are inevitable

The child secondary pyelonephritis - what to do?

Secondary pyelonephritis Pyelonephritis - kidney disease  Pyelonephritis - kidney disease
   - An inflammation of the kidney tissue on a background of congenital anomalies of the structure of the kidney or urinary tract. Sometimes, if the defect is minor, the normal flow of urine can be restored by conservative methods such as physiotherapy using various techniques in combination with drug treatment.

But in most cases secondary pyelonephritis and continue to escalate until using surgery is not restored the normal flow of urine. If your child has a secondary pyelonephritis runs hard, with constant exacerbations, with a risk reduction of kidney function, surgery is best done as early as possible.

White blood cells in urine in infants may appear random, but may indicate the sluggish infectious-inflammatory process in the kidneys.

Galina Romanenko

Inflammation of the bladder - uncomfortable and unpleasant - Treatment

August 9, 2013

  • Inflammation of the bladder - inconvenient and unpleasant
  • Signs
  • Treatment
  • Folk remedies

 bladder infection treatment

Treatment of inflammation of the bladder

Inflammation of the bladder, especially if it is caused by chronic diseases - this is extremely unpleasant problem that can lead to a significant deterioration in the quality of life. Fortunately, there are a lot of tools to ease the symptoms of this disorder, or even completely get rid of them.

The diagnosis of cystitis is made by medical examination, laboratory data and instrumental studies.

Laboratory tests - a general analysis of urine (found a large number of white blood cells or pus), urine culture (to clarify the nature of the pathogen, causing inflammation), CBC (detects the presence and degree of inflammation in the body), if necessary - immunogram (blood test detecting violations of immunity).

Instrumental studies - is ultrasound of the bladder and kidneys, the study of the internal condition of the bladder using special equipment (cystoscopy), X-ray studies.

Treatment of acute inflammation of the bladder begins with bed rest, diet, eliminating sharp and savory food, plentiful drink (juice, infusions and decoctions of diuretic herbs, fruit drinks).

Painful urination removed heat (heating pads, warm baths, foot baths), medication, relieves spasms of smooth muscles (muscles of internal organs), such as No-Spa, papaverine Papaverine - for pain caused by spasms of smooth muscles  Papaverine - for pain caused by spasms of smooth muscles
 . In marked during acute appointed antibiotics.

In the treatment of chronic inflammation of the bladder necessarily detected and possibly address the underlying causes of disease, such as prostate adenoma removed. Antibiotics are appointed only after a urine culture and identify infectious agent. Of great importance in the treatment of chronic cystitis given immune reconstitution and treatment of permanent foci of infection (carious teeth, chronic tonsillitis).

A method of treating inflammation of the bladder depends on the cause of the disease.

 Treatment | Inflammation of the bladder - inconvenient and unpleasant

Treatment of bacterial inflammation

For the treatment of inflammation of the bladder caused by bacteria, most commonly used antibiotics. Which antibiotics are assigned and how long the treatment lasts depends on the general state of health, and on what exactly are the causative agents of disease bacteria.

  • Primary infection. Symptoms often improve considerably already within days after starting antibiotics. However, the treatment should last from three days to one week, and depending on how severe the infection was form. Regardless of the duration of treatment, patients need to pass all the designated course to eliminate infectious agents.
  • Repeated infections. Repeated inflammation of the bladder can be recommended more long-term treatment with antibiotics; in some cases, the patient is sent to a doctor who specializes in diseases of the urinary system. This will identify any abnormalities of the internal organs, which lead to recurrent infections. Some women makes a single dose of an antibiotic after intercourse.
  • Nosocomial infections. Treatment of inflammation of the bladder caused by nosocomial infection, particularly difficult as living in the hospital bacteria are often resistant to the most common use of antibiotics. In such cases, use special treatments. In particular, it is recommended to prescribe antibiotics with the most narrow spectrum of action. Often treated with combination therapy - taking two antibiotics simultaneously.

Women after menopause is particularly prone to develop inflammation of the bladder. They were under the treatment may be recommended to use a vaginal ointment containing estrogen Estrogen - the key to bone health  Estrogen - the key to bone health
   0 if their use is not associated with an increase in other health risks.

 Treatment | Inflammation of the bladder - inconvenient and unpleasant

Treatment of bladder inflammation of unknown origin

When the cause of inflammation is unclear (such cases are known as interstitial cystitis), treatment is aimed at relieving symptoms. To do this, use the following tools:

  • Medicines, relieving the symptoms of inflammation of the bladder;
  • Special treatments to alleviate the symptoms, e.g., tensile bladder water or gas, or surgery;
  • Stimulation of the nerve endings of the weak electrical impulses, which relieves pain and, in some cases, reduces the frequency of urination.

 Treatment | Inflammation of the bladder - inconvenient and unpleasant

Treatment of other forms of non-infectious inflammation of the bladder

If the inflammation is caused by hypersensitivity to certain substances, containing, for example, in foams for baths or a spermicide, the main treatment is avoiding the use of these substances. Inflammation of the bladder, is a complication of chemotherapy or radiotherapy, are treated with analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs. Normally such inflammation passes after the end of chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

 Treatment | Inflammation of the bladder - inconvenient and unpleasant


In most cases, inflammation of the bladder can be managed with medication. Usually, treatment is given anti-inflammatory and anticholinergics, and antihistamines. Patients with more severe symptoms the doctor may prescribe anti-depressants or anti-epileptic drugs - they help to cope even with the severe pain.

Often, doctors prefer to use a combination of different drugs. During the course of treatment, patients should be screened regularly - this will allow the doctor to assess the effectiveness of therapy, and reduce the risk of side effects.

 Treatment | Inflammation of the bladder - inconvenient and unpleasant

Gidrodistenziya bladder

Gidrodistenziya or tensile bladder used for diagnosis and therapy of diseases that cause inflammation of the bladder such as interstitial cystitis Interstitial cystitis Cystitis: urgently take action  Cystitis: urgently take action
   - cystitis  Interstitial cystitis - inflammation of the bladder
 . While the patient is under general anesthesia, the surgeon fills the bladder with liquid, and leaves its walls stretched for two minutes. Thereafter, the bladder is emptied, and the procedure can be repeated several times. When you stretch the walls of the bladder are seen various consequences of inflammatory processes. During gidrodistenzii doctor may also perform sampling of mast cells for further analysis. Based on the test results can be diagnosed (or excluded) interstitial cystitis.

Gidrodistenziya often has a therapeutic effect - many people after this procedure comes improvement. Specialists there is no consensus about why this happens, but many people associate this effect with the procedure in that it increases the capacity of the bladder. Within 24-48 hours after gidrodistenzii inflammatory symptoms may temporarily worsen, but after two to four weeks the condition is completely normal. Long-term improvement occurs in 30% of patients who did gidrodistenziyu bladder.

 Treatment | Inflammation of the bladder - inconvenient and unpleasant


For the treatment of inflammation of the bladder can be used under its stimulation of nerve endings walls weak electrical pulses. Implement stimulation can be either through the skin or through special implantable device. The technology using pulses which penetrate into the deeper tissues through the skin, called percutaneous electroneurostimulation (TENS). This technique involves electrical stimulation trigger points, which are located on the back, in the pubic region and perineum. Devices implementing the stimulation may also be administered in the vagina or anus. In typical cases, the patient undergoes a single session TENS a week. Stimulation of electrical pulses helps to strengthen the pelvic muscles responsible for bladder control, and causes secretion of substances that block pain signals.

In one embodiment, the method TENS electrical pulses transmitted through thin needles like the ones used for acupuncture. Needles are inserted into the skin on the tibia, and they stimulate tibial nerve which is associated with the bladder. The patient takes one half hour procedure once a week for six weeks.

One of the newest technologies for treating inflammation of the bladder - a sacral nerve stimulator implanted. Using this technique is carried out direct stimulation associated with the bladder nerves. The patient wears an external test stimulator for three weeks. If during this time a noticeable improvement made real stimulator implanted.

 Treatment | Inflammation of the bladder - inconvenient and unpleasant

Surgical intervention

Surgery is used to treat inflammation of the bladder only when other therapies have been ineffective and the patient experiences pain, preventing him from living a normal life.

 Treatment | Inflammation of the bladder - inconvenient and unpleasant

Fulguration and resection of ulcers

Fulguration - a cauterization ulcers with a laser and electrical impulses. When the tissue in the area, which worked laser beam or an electric pulse, begin to heal, the site of the ulcer are dead cells, which will eventually be replaced by new and healthy cells. Resection involves cutting ulcers from the walls of the bladder. Both of these procedures are carried out under general anesthesia. They are carried out using a cystoscope, and are minimally invasive surgical technique.

 Treatment | Inflammation of the bladder - inconvenient and unpleasant

The increase in bladder

This type of surgery is to increase the bladder capacity. The surgeon removes part of the wall of the bladder, inflammation of the affected, leaving only healthy tissue. Then he cuts out a part of the colon of the patient, giving it the desired shape, and sew it to the remains of the bladder. As a result, the volume of the bladder is increased, but the majority of patients for emptying necessary to resort to catheterization. Painful symptoms of inflammation of the bladder after surgery does not disappear in all patients.

 Treatment | Inflammation of the bladder - inconvenient and unpleasant

Removal of the bladder or cystectomy

Such an operation for the treatment of inflammation of the bladder is rarely used, and only in the most severe cases. After removal of the bladder using a variety of methods to redirect urine flow. This is a complex reconstructive surgery, which requires patience and a strong patient motivation. Only very experienced surgeons can correctly carry out such an operation. Complications cystectomy may be a kidney infection, obstruction of the small intestine and metabolic disorders in the body.

 Treatment | Inflammation of the bladder - inconvenient and unpleasant

Home treatment

At home, the symptoms of inflammation of the bladder can be facilitated by the following means:

  • Warmer. Sometimes heater applied to the lower abdomen, significantly reduces symptoms such as pain and a feeling of pressure;
  • Drinking plenty of fluids. When inflammation of the urinary bladder is recommended to drink plenty of fluids, especially water and herbal teas. Before elimination of symptoms should avoid caffeine, citrus fruits and spicy foods;
  • Bathtub seat with warm water for 15-20 minutes can significantly relieve symptoms of inflammation of the bladder.

Often inflammation of the bladder can not cope alone home treatments. However, if the disease is frequently renewed, be sure to contact your doctor - Only a specialist will be able to develop effective treatments that will prevent the development of repeated episodes of illness.
