Homeopathic remedies are often very useful in the treatment of cystitis and other urinary tract infections, easing the unpleasant symptoms and speeding up the healing process. Homeopathy treatment of cystitis is not recommended only when the infection of the urinary puchey accompanied by a very intense symptoms - fever, pain in the kidneys. In this case, cystitis be treated only in accordance with instructions of the doctor.

Wrestler poisonous (Aconitum apellus)
This homeopathic remedy is often used when cystitis is accompanied by a burning sensation, or spasmodic pain before urinating and after emptying the bladder. In addition, a fighter helps with urinary retention.

Apis (Apis mellifica)
This tool is indicated for the treatment of cystitis homeopathy
Homeopathy - the placebo effect in the service of medicine?
in the case where the cystitis
Cystitis: urgently take action
accompanied by a constant urge to urinate a small amount of urine when urinating burning sensation observed or cutting pain, exposure to heat and touch exacerbate symptoms and cold compresses, on the contrary, facilitate the discomfort.

Deadly nightshade
One of the oldest homeopathic remedies, Belladonna is used for the treatment of cystitis in those cases when urge to urinate frequent and intense, with a small amount of urine a bright color, and the bladder becomes very sensitive. In the area of the bladder can be observed spasmodic pain. Furthermore, belladonna helps in mild cases hematuria - in the presence of a small amount of blood in the urine.

Berberis vulgaris (Berberis vulgaris)
It is indicated for cystitis, accompanied by bouts of cutting pain or a burning sensation in the urethra
Burning in the urethra - the penetration of infectious
, Feeling of fullness of bladder even after urination. Symptoms of cystitis are aggravated after walking.

Špansko fly (Cantharis)
Appointed at strong urge to urinate, accompanied by cutting pain before emptying of the bladder during urination and then with a small amount of urine. Blister fly helps in cases where even after urination is a sensation of fullness of the bladder and urination stored.

Borax (Borax)
This homeopathic remedy helps with cystitis caused by burning, sharp pain in the opening of the urethra and aching pain in the bladder
Urinary bladder - structure and function
, Constant urge to urinate.

Wintergreen umbrella (Chimaphila umbellata)
Is appointed in cases when under constant, intense urge to urinate there is difficulty in urination with a burning sensation in the process of emptying the bladder.

Clematis (Clematis)
This homeopathic remedy helps in the treatment of cystitis, accompanied by frequent urination with very little urine, as well as in cases when the cystitis causes a feeling of blockage of the urethra, and tingling or burning sensation that persists for a long time even after urination.

Horsetail (Equisetum)
If cystitis is accompanied by a dull, unpleasant pain and a feeling of fullness of bladder even after urination, for the treatment of cystitis is assigned homeopathy horsetail. This homeopathic remedy helps in cases when discomfort and urination become more intense after emptying of the bladder and bladder filling gradually attenuated.

Lipokody, moss (Lycopodium)
This homeopathic remedy is especially useful in cases when the cystitis causes frequent urination at night, accompanied by a large number of urine and pain in the back before emptying the bladder. If there is a rise in body temperature, urine becomes reddish, the kidneys feel pain or discomfort, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Chilibuha vomit (Nux vomica)
Bladder irritation, constant urge to urinate with a small amount of urine, burning or spasmodic pain in the bladder, itching sensation in the urethra during urination - the main indications for this homeopathic remedy. Symptoms of cystitis facilitate hot tubs or other exposure to heat (eg, hot compresses or a heating pad).

Sarsaparil (Sarsaparilla)
This homeopathic remedy is useful in cystitis, treatment which does not contribute to other drugs. Sarsaparil helps in cases when the cystitis is accompanied by frequent urination and burning pain immediately after emptying the bladder, difficulty urinating, the presence of sediment in the urine.

Sepia (Sepia)
This drug is useful in cases when the cystitis accompanied by frequent, sudden urge to urinate, inability to keep a sense of urination, involuntary urination with small amounts of urine.

Stafizagriya (Staphysagria)
This homeopathic remedy is often prescribed for the treatment of cystitis, the symptoms of which are exacerbated in women after sexual intercourse. After urinating can occur feeling of pressure in the bladder, the bladder fullness, constant burning sensation. Stafizagriya useful in those cases when the disease develops after anesthetic with a prolonged stay in bed, or after application of catheters.
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- treatment of cystitis traditional methods