Oblique inguinal hernia - can be congenital and acquired

July 9, 2014

 Oblique inguinal hernia
 Oblique inguinal hernia - the most common abdominal hernia. It may be due to inherent imperfections in the inguinal canal, and may be, and acquired character. In any case, the only optimal way to treat oblique inguinal hernia is surgery.


Oblique and direct inguinal hernia - how do they differ?

Inguinal hernia - a protrusion of abdominal viscera or parts of them, together with their covering serous membrane (peritoneum) under the skin through the inguinal canal. Inguinal canal - a gap between the oblique muscles of the abdomen, through which men pass the spermatic cord and his nerves, and for women - round ligament of the uterus.

Inguinal hernia is hernial (inguinal canal), hernial sac (formed by the peritoneum) and the contents of the hernia sac (bowel loops, as well as any body abdominal or pelvic organs). Hernial sac is divided into the mouth, neck, body and bottom.

Inguinal hernia is oblique or direct. There are also combined inguinal hernia.

The most common type is an oblique inguinal hernia Inguinal hernia - dangerous or not?  Inguinal hernia - dangerous or not?
 In which the internal organs out through the spermatic cord (vas deferens, blood and lymph vessels, surrounded by a single shell), lying inside it. Oblique inguinal hernia can be either congenital or acquired.

Direct inguinal hernia occurs when the internal organs are located in the inguinal canal is the spermatic cord due to weakness of the muscles and ligaments. Direct inguinal hernia occurs only acquired.

Combined inguinal hernias seen in the fact that the patient on one side there are two or three separate hernia sac, not communicating with each other and represents a straight, oblique hernia, or a combination thereof.


Oblique inguinal hernia in men - symptoms

The disease manifests itself in the form of tumor bulge in the groin and pain of varying intensity protrusion and pain aggravated by exertion, which allows the correct diagnosis.

If hernial protrusion at rest is not (this is possible in the early stages of the disease) patient survey conducted after the exercise. In addition, an inguinal hernia can indicate clearly palpable thickening of the spermatic cord.

Partly oblique inguinal hernia in men Inguinal hernia in men - at any age   It may not cause pain, but they do create a risk of prejudice associated with physical activity (such as heavy lifting).

Large long-existing hernia almost always accompanied by discomfort, constipation Constipation - Watch out for food  Constipation - Watch out for food
   and pain, which are localized in the groin and lower abdomen, is given in the lumbosacral region. Large hernial protrusion create obstacles when walking and physical work adversely affect the performance of the patient.


Oblique inguinal hernia in women - symptoms

Imperforate peritoneum, groin gap in women takes place correctly than men, and therefore oblique inguinal hernia have much rarer. However, such disease is in women. Oblique inguinal hernia at first appears as a small protrusion. At the same time during a heavy physical strain can be felt oval formation. When relaxing the abdominal it disappears. Women can disturb periodic pains in the groin associated with exercise (prolonged walking, weight lifting, etc.). Pain can also be enhanced during menstruation.

When long-existing oblique inguinal hernia in women is possible to increment the contents of the hernia hernia sac. In this case, the hernia becomes nevpravlyaemoy and increases the risk of infringement.


Treatment of oblique inguinal hernia

Treatment of oblique inguinal hernia can only be surgical. Conservative treatment of bandages can be carried only in small vpravimyh inguinal hernias. In this age of the patient increases the risk of infringement, as hernial opening will increase.

All operations in oblique inguinal hernias can be divided into two types. Features related to the operation by closing the opening through which the hernial content falls into the hernial sac. With some techniques closing hole occurs by pulling the surrounding tissue, in other - by means of "patches" - implants. Recent methods are more modern and efficient.

The implant may be used as the patient's own tissues (e.g., muscle taken from the thigh) and synthetic materials. Today this purpose most often used polypropylene mesh implants made of special fibers and resistant to the development of infections.

Oblique inguinal hernia almost always requires surgical treatment.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • hernia

Sliding inguinal hernia - requires an individual approach to treatment

July 5, 2014

 sliding inguinal hernia
 Sliding inguinal hernia often causes difficulties in diagnosis and causes a number of serious complications. Treatment sliding hernia requires individual approach and high professionalism of the doctor because of the complex surgery techniques developed for the treatment of hernias.


What is sliding inguinal hernia

Sliding inguinal hernias are called, in the formation of the hernia sac which, besides the parietal (covering the abdominal wall), and the visceral peritoneum is involved, covering a small slips over the body. At the same time one of the walls of the hernia sac is formed slides in hernia organ located retroperitoneal. Most often, such a body is the cecum, ascending or descending sections of the colon, at least - the bladder, uterus.

Occasionally hernial sac from sliding hernia may be completely absent, then the protrusion is formed slippeth body parts not covered by the peritoneum. Hernias are more common bladder in direct inguinal hernias and hernias of the colon and cecum - with oblique inguinal hernias. Features of formation of sliding hernias lead to the fact that during the operation increases the risk of opening the wall of an organ (intestines, bladder, and so on) instead of the hernia sac.

Sliding inguinal hernias may be congenital or acquired. The greatest practical importance are sliding inguinal hernias bladder Urinary bladder - structure and function  Urinary bladder - structure and function
 , Cecum and female reproductive organs (uterus and its appendages).


Sliding inguinal hernia bladder

This kind of sliding hernia in most cases, has acquired character. It plays the role of the development of a combination of several factors. Local factors contributing to the development of a sliding hernia of the bladder are weak back wall of the inguinal canal, wide hernial ring (the hole through which the internal organs are located), there is a direct or oblique (rarely) inguinal hernia.

The formation of a hernia in young and middle age contributes to excess body weight and fat accumulation around the bladder, which pushes the peritoneum and increases mobility of the bladder, making it easier to access to the hernial ring. In the elderly disease develops due to lower elasticity and tone of the tissues of the bladder.

Occasionally hernial slips are not covered by the peritoneum of the anterior abdominal wall of the bladder - developing primary extraperitoneal sliding hernia, in which the hernial sac may be missing.


Sliding inguinal hernia cecum

The main factor contributing to the formation of a sliding hernia cecum in children is congenital low position of blind and ascending gut. In adults, low position cecum often associated with acquired weakness of the ligamentous apparatus. Contributing factors are also wide hernial.

In the formation of a sliding hernia may participate not only the cecum, and appendix (appendix), as well as the final part of the small intestine.

The characteristic symptom of a sliding hernia cecum is incomplete vpravlyaemost hernia. The internal part of the hernia contents reduce a completely and outdoor remains nevpravlyaemoy.


Sliding inguinal hernia female reproductive organs

These types of sliding hernias may be both congenital and acquired. About innate nature tells them that they are common in childhood, combined with other malformations of the abdomen and pelvis. For example, sliding hernia genitals are often combined with shortening of the round ligament of the uterus, ovarian ligament elongation, high location of the genitals, vagina long, underdevelopment and various anomalies of the structure of the uterus and so on.

Most often in such cases, the hernial sac is the ovary, at least - the fallopian tubes and the uterus. Sometimes a combination of these bodies slide.


Treatment sliding inguinal hernias

Sliding inguinal hernia Inguinal hernia - dangerous or not?  Inguinal hernia - dangerous or not?
   subject to surgical treatment. The approach to treatment of hernias and selecting operation procedure should be individualized depending on the type of hernia, size, condition of the contents, presence or absence of adhesions at the hernial sac, the general condition and age of the patient.

Operations at the sliding hernias can only be carried out qualified professional, as the lack of experience can lead lumen opening, which is one side of the hernia sac. To avoid such complications, the sliding hernia trying to operate laparotomy using techniques conventional skin incisions.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • hernia
