Problems with urination in men - excruciating pain
December 5, 2014
Problems with urination in men are quite common, and in many cases they are signs of the development of certain diseases. The most common of these problems - difficulty urinating, pain or burning during urination, and unusually frequent urination.
Bladder - a body resembling a balloon, which increases or decreases depending on the quantity of contents therein. When the bladder accumulates about 200-300 ml of urine, its wall strongly stretched, and in response thereto arranged on nerves send signals through the spinal cord to the brain, which occur as a result of urination. However, under some irregularities in these processes there is a failure, which leads to certain problems.

What can be caused by problems with urination in men
The first thing that many men are afraid of the appearance of problems with urination - is a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Indeed, this type of disease often affect the functioning of the urinary system. The most common causes of urinary problems are the following STDs:
- Chlamydia. This is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases today. According to experts, it is infected with chlamydia and 75% of women and 50% of men, but these numbers can be very inaccurate, because chlamydia often has no symptoms, or causes them over a long time after the infection occurred. Typical symptoms of chlamydia in men
Chlamydia in men - characterized by mild symptoms
- Pain during urination, clear or cloudy discharge from the penis, pain and swelling in the testicles, burning and itching of the glans penis;
- Gonorrhea - another common STD that affects the urethra, anus, and in some cases - the throat. Most men gonorrhea
Gonorrhea - self-ruled
asymptomatic. If symptoms appear, it is usually - pain or burning during urination, discharge from the penis of white, greenish or yellowish, swollen testicles.
Difficulty urinating in males can also be caused by:
- The stones in the urinary tract;
- Irritation or inflammation caused by certain activities, such as horseback riding or long trips by bicycle;
- The tumor in the urinary tract. Such tumors are rare, but they can cause difficulty in urination, and even the absence of urination;
- Enlargement of the prostate can also cause difficulty in urination and / or pain when urinating. The most common reason for this is prostatitis, but sometimes lead to an increase in prostate and cancer;
- Violation of the nerves, which move signals between the bladder and the brain can cause difficulty urinating. One possible reason for this - a compression of the spinal cord disorder in which the patient requires urgent medical care, otherwise it can lead to serious health problems;
- Surgery in some cases, may also lead to a violation of urination. Very often are the reasons for this surgery on the prostate and bladder;
- Medications. Some medicines can cause urinary retention, especially in men with enlarged prostate. Such drugs include ephedrine, pseudoephedrine and phenylpropanolamine, which may constrict the urethra, as well as certain antihistamines and antidepressants old generation;
- Prolonged immobilization, for example, due to certain diseases can also cause problems with urination.

Solution of problems with urination in men depends on what has become their cause. If any difficulties with urination as soon as possible address to the doctor - only he will be able to establish that they caused, and assign the most appropriate method of treatment. Early treatment to avoid serious health problems and, in the case of sexually transmitted diseases - to prevent infection of others.
If the patient detect chlamydia, he will be assigned to treatment with antibiotics. In most cases, this disease is assigned azithromycin (single dose) or doxycycline (two doses per day for one week). If the patient is allergic to these drugs, your doctor may assign other antibiotics such as erythromycin or ofloxacin. Men, like women, are advised to refrain from sexual intercourse, at least for a week after treatment. It is important that men also partner have been treated, otherwise there is a high probability of re-infection.
Side effects of medications used to treat chlamydia, can be a pain in the stomach, diarrhea, nausea.
For the treatment of gonorrhea are also used antibiotics. Typically, patients make a single injection of the drug (typically to the thigh or buttocks) and are assigned to receive another dose of the antibiotic in tablets or capsules. Symptoms of gonorrhea in most cases tested a few days after medication. Gonorrhoea is also necessary to treat sexual partner of the patient.
If urinary problems caused by prostatitis, will be carried out a thorough examination to determine the cause of this disease. When prostatitis is caused by a bacterial infection, antibiotic treatment is prescribed, but often the cause of the disease is not possible, and to treat it can be very difficult.
Treatment of acute prostatitis
Acute prostatitis - the culprit bacteria
Caused by bacteria, in most cases it lasts four weeks. Symptoms including difficulty urinating, disappear, on average, two weeks later, but in any case it is impossible to finish the course of treatment prematurely - it can cause a relapse. In chronic prostatitis
Chronic prostatitis - every man should know his signs
treatment can last from four to six weeks. In addition to antibiotics, the patient may have to take alpha-blockers, which relax the muscles in the prostate and the bladder, and facilitate urination. Among the possible side effects of alpha-blockers - dizziness, weakness, headache, decrease in volume of semen during ejaculation. After treatment the patient should be examined to make sure that the infection is truly defeated.
If the patient is non-bacterial prostatitis is diagnosed, the treatment can be used alpha-blockers, paracetamol and ibuprofen, which alleviate the symptoms of the disease.
If there were problems with urination after you start taking any medication, tell your doctor. He can prescribe other medications, or at least reduce the dose of drugs.
In cases where there are difficulties with urination after surgery, the patient must be carefully evaluated. If it turns out that led to difficulty urinating adhesions of scar tissue, may require another surgery - to remove them.
The protein in the urine - a sign of danger, which should not be underestimated - What forms the urine
January 28, 2010
- The protein in the urine - a sign of danger, which should not be underestimated
- As urine is produced
- Forum

As urine is produced
Urine is formed in the kidneys from the blood, while in kidney tissue occurs first filtering urine delay a significant amount of various substances, including a large amount of protein, followed by re-suction during which most of the protein is fed back into the bloodstream. During the day the body is derived from more protein as well as any physical activity slows the process of reuptake (reabsorption).
In normal urine has a minor amount of protein which can not be detected by qualitative tests, so it is believed that no protein in urine. The normal daily urine lost small amounts of protein that is reduced by the body without ill effects. Isolation of protein in the urine (proteinuria) is of great diagnostic value. Even traces of protein (0, 033 g / L) was found in a single urine sample, require clarification reasons for its occurrence.

Types of proteinuria
Under certain circumstances in the urine of healthy people may appear sufficient for detecting the amount of protein, such as after exposure to cold, heavy physical or mental stress, or after ingestion of large amounts of meat. But the number was not so great and it disappears quickly after it expires caused factors.
Protein in the urine can be used to assess renal function. Proteinuria can have different origins:
- proteinuria associated with diseases of the urinary tract: inflammatory processes in the pelvis of the kidneys, ureters, bladder
Urinary bladder - structure and function
and urethra; wherein the amount of protein does not reach high numbers;
- proteinuria due to enhanced dissolution of protein tissue: they arise from the burns, frostbite, tumors, hemolytic disease (red blood cells decay and bonding);
- proteinuria associated with damage to renal tissue: as a result of inflammatory processes (pyelonephritis), infectious and allergic diseases (glomerulonephritis), metabolic disorders (nephrosis) in the kidney, effects on kidney toxins or infectious agents, as well as in lesions of blood vessels of the kidney (e.g. , nephropathy pregnant).

Features of certain types of proteinuria
It is important to understand what type of proteinuria is present in that particular patient. Thus, proteinuria urinary tract diseases accompanied by urinary large number of blood cells (white blood cells or red blood cells), which are formed during inflammation or bleeding (eg damaged mucosa stone).
In renal form of proteinuria in the urine except blood cells normally present cylinders (protein cell formations which are formed in the kidneys). Renal proteinuria caused in violation of filtration processes - reabsorption in the kidneys and is one of the most important signs of kidney disease. It can occur when:
- infectious and allergic diseases of the kidneys (glomerulonephritis);
- inflammatory diseases of the kidneys (pyelonephritis);
- toxicosis second half of pregnancy (gestosis);
- disorders of the heart in which the kidneys produced congestion (eg for hypertension);
- metabolic disorders in the kidneys (nephrosis);
- renal tuberculosis;
- systemic connective tissue diseases with renal impairment (eg in scleroderma);
- diseases of the small blood vessels in the kidneys (vasculitis);
- hemolytic anemia
Anemia - when you do not have enough blood
(which is based on adhesion and destruction of red blood cells).

The qualitative composition of urinary protein
The normal urine protein comprises protein molecules of different molecular weight: albumin (low molecular weight) - 20% globulins (with a large molecular weight: alpha 1 - globulins - 12% alpha 2 - globulin - 17% beta - globulin - 43 %, gamma - globulin 8%).
Selectivity proteinuria (kidney's ability to pass the plasma protein molecule depending on its molecular weight) is of great diagnostic value. With slight lesion of renal tissue in urine predominant low molecular weight proteins (albumin), whereas proteins with high molecular weight (globulins) comprise a small amount. In severe kidney disease reduces the selectivity of proteinuria, and urine appear macromolecular proteins (globulins).
The appearance of protein in the urine, even in small quantities always requires further investigation to determine the cause of this symptom.