- Ureaplasma women: how to enter the body, and why not all causes disease?
- Symptoms
- Treatment

The symptoms of lung disease with severe consequences
Ureaplasmas - are representatives of conditionally pathogenic microflora that are present on the skin and mucous membranes of many women. They cause inflammation (ureaplasmosis) is prolonged and invisibly. Today, some experts doubt that ureaplasmosis treated. Nevertheless, it is still worth doing, as a discreet and difficult process can lead to permanent infertility.

Promotion ureaplasmas in women
Starts ureaplasmosis
Ureaplasmosis - inflammation of the urogenital system
women often invisibly - to ureaplasma implementation in the lining of the cervix and the emergence of small discharge, discomfort, sometimes - with certain disorders of urination. May appear and signs of acute inflammation: fever, chills, malaise, abdominal pain, frequent painful urination.
Usually, the infection starts with the vulva, vagina and cervix, and then moves to the endometrium of the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. Wherever it finishes another round of inflammation at the site of the fabric (it is destroyed) develop connective tissue adhesions - the basis of future infertility.
Infection also captures urinary tract and kidney, causing a first failure of the bladder (cystitis) and then the ureters and kidneys. It is also possible the defeat of the urinary tract and kidneys.

Why is ureaplasmosis developing infertility in women
Infertility is developed due to the fact that the ovaries and fallopian tubes to the egg become impassable. She can not get out of the ovary after fertilization, can not move the fallopian tube toward the uterus. After adhesions will form, there may be considerable pain in the abdomen.
Yet infertility in this disease develops not always, a woman's body protects its internal sexual organs and the baby during pregnancy from the action ureaplasmas. But the danger of complications, difficult to treat, is maintained. Besides infertility complications may begin after conception and lead to miscarriage
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, Transmission of the infectious agent with the development of the fetus had intrauterine infection, etc. In postpartum women in the background ureaplasmosis can begin postpartum endometritis - inflammation of the lining of the uterus.
Ureaplasmosis often associated with HPV infection, which causes cervical cancer.

Symptoms ureaplasmosis woman
Ureaplasmosis (and a whole bunch of genital infections, sexually transmitted diseases) often develops in women who are promiscuous. Ikubatsionny period of the disease (time from infection until the first signs of it) is about a month, but can be less or more - every woman differently. This feature gives rise to first carriage and then (with a decrease in immunity) - ureaplasmosis.
Ureaplasma begins with the symptoms of inflammation of the vulva, vagina and cervical canal. A feeling of mild discomfort in this area, a small itch, urinary disorders (they are becoming more frequent and a little painful) - signs of lower urinary tract segments. Appear and discharge from the genital tract, usually colorless, but may be mucopurulent since ureaplasmosis often combined with other sexually transmitted diseases.
In some cases, ureaplasmas multiply rapidly in the area of the external genitalia, displacing the normal microflora - dysbacteriosis vagina
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or bacterial vaginosis, which manifests itself with abundant variety of discharge with an unpleasant odor.
If the infection goes to the internal genitalia, there abdominal pain
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, Malaise, weakness, sometimes slightly raised temperature, showing signs of intoxication. This state can then pass, then reappear for a long time.

Call a doctor
Any inflammation in the urinary organs should be treated, but not the woman, and a specialist in a medical institution. To help in this case can gynecologists, urologists or dermatovenereologists.
Prior to treatment, a woman fully examined reveal the infectious agent and the presence of inflammatory process in the internal genital organs or the consequences of this process in the form of adhesions, and tubal occlusion, and possibly infertility.
After establishing the final diagnosis and possible complications of complex treatment the woman and her sexual partner. After the treatment the newly appointed laboratory tests to confirm cure.