Inguinal hernia - dangerous or not? - Treatment
July 8th, 2014
- Inguinal hernia - dangerous or not?
- How to define
- Treatment

Treatment of inguinal hernia
If the hernia is small and does not bother the patient, the doctor may recommend that he undergo regular inspections, and monitor its growth. For the treatment of large hernias that cause pain and other symptoms, surgical intervention is necessary.
Herniorrhaphy or suturing hernia - an open surgery for the treatment of inguinal hernias and others. During operation, the doctor makes an incision in the groin area, and pushes the protruding part of the bowel or omentum back into the abdominal cavity. Then he sews up the hole in the abdominal wall through which bulged hernia; in some cases, to strengthen the weak areas of the abdominal wall using synthetic mesh - such an operation is called a hernia repair. After surgery, patients are recommended as soon as possible to begin to move - walk, carry out simple exercises and so on. However, a full recovery after inguinal hernia repair may take from four to six weeks.
Laparoscopy - a minimally invasive operation that is performed through several small incisions in the groin. Through one incision a laparoscope is introduced - a delicate instrument, which is located at the end of the camera and light. Guided by the image produced by the camera, the physician enters through the other openings and surgical instruments with which it reduce a hernia, as well as eliminates holes in the abdominal wall and, if necessary, conducting hernioplasty.
The majority of people who do a laparoscopy
Laparoscopy - why is it necessary?
, Rehabilitation after inguinal hernia repair is faster than in those who underwent open surgery. Moreover, they are usually less noticeable postoperative scars.
Some studies suggest that laparoscopy is associated with a higher risk of complications than open surgery. The risk can be significantly reduced if the procedure is carried out a surgeon with extensive experience in the treatment of inguinal hernias.
Laparoscopic surgery for the treatment of inguinal hernia is contraindicated in the following cases:
- A hernia is very large;
- Part of the intestine descended into the scrotum;
- The patient previously had surgery on pelvic organs, such as the prostate gland;
- A patient, for whatever reason, is contraindicated general anesthesia.
No matter what way and with what precautions were treated always remains some probability that an inguinal hernia after the operation will appear again.

Complications after surgery
- Hematoma and seroma. Most of the gray, or clusters of serous fluid, disappear without treatment in six to eight weeks after their appearance. If seroma lasts longer, it may require aspiration
Aspiration: the main thing - do not get confused
. Bruising also usually pass on their own, but with very large hematomas may need medical assistance.
- Infections. In the case of extensive and long-term infection is sometimes necessary to remove a synthetic mesh used to reinforce the abdominal wall. Any infection after surgery can slow the recovery process and increase the risk of relapse.
- Ischemic orchitis, leading to testicular atrophy - a rare, but quite well studied complication of surgery for the repair of an inguinal hernia. Patients who develop this disorder usually complain of pain and swelling are not testicles; These symptoms may persist for two to three months, and in some cases causes ischemic orchitis testicular atrophy. It is believed that this violation is caused by the operation of other complications - thrombosis.
- Thrombosis. The probability of developing thrombosis
Thrombosis - the cause of heart attack and stroke
It is greatest in the treatment of recurrent inguinal hernias, but this complication occurs in those who are first removed hernia.
- Relapse. Within ten years after surgery relapses occur in 1-2.1% of patients (though some researchers believe that the relapse rate is much higher). The most likely relapse in people who have other serious diseases (eg, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), are obese, or take steroids.

The following suggestions may help reduce the risk of inguinal hernia:
- Maintain a healthy weight;
- Eat more foods rich in dietary fiber - it helps to prevent constipation
Constipation - Watch out for food
- Carefully lift the weight. Before you lift something heavy, squat rather than bend - so you reduce the load on the upper body;
- Quit smoking. Smoking not only increases the likelihood of an inguinal hernia, but also can lead to other, more dangerous diseases.
BPH - to blame if men themselves? - Lifestyle and medication
June 11, 2009
- BPH - to blame if men themselves?
- Lifestyle and medication
- Surgical intervention
- Nutrition and herbs
Methods for treatment of prostate adenoma
Method of treatment of BPH depends on the age, general health of the patient and the severity of symptoms. The symptoms of BPH can come and go, so you need to have regular checkup that helps control the progression of the disease. There are many ways to treat this disorder, including lifestyle changes, medication, and the use of herbal remedies. In cases of severe symptoms and when these methods do not help, surgery is required.

For many men BPH manifests itself rather weakly. In this case, to cure the patient only need to make some changes in your lifestyle.
- Need to urinate at the first urge to urinate.
- It is necessary to try to urinate in any spare time, even when there are no desires.
- It should give up alcohol and drinks containing caffeine. And especially after dinner. Two hours before sleep
Dreams: how to understand our dreams
best not to drink any beverage.
- It is necessary to drink slowly throughout the day. Do not drink large amounts of fluid at one time.
- It is necessary to discard any medications for colds and sinusitis
Sinusitis - difficult to cope alone
. Decongestants and antihistamines may enhance the severity of the disease.
- Requires regular exercise.
- To strengthen the pelvic floor muscles to do Kegel exercises.
- It is necessary to avoid stressful situations.

Alpha blockers, also known as alpha-adrenoceptor antagonists, relax the muscles of the bladder
Urinary bladder - structure and function
Thus facilitating urination. Previously, these drugs have been used to reduce elevated blood pressure. Best of all, they help those patients who have enlarged prostate is not very strong. By common side effects include weakening of ejaculation and lowering blood pressure. These drugs should not be taken simultaneously with medication to treat erectile dysfunction, such as Viagra or Cialis. For alpha-blockers include the following drugs:
- INN terazosin (Hitrin)
- INN Doxazosin (Cardura)
- INN Tamsulosin (Flomax)
- INN alfuzosin (Uroksatral)
Enzyme inhibitors, also known as inhibitors of 5-alpha-reductase reduce the amount of testosterone
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To be converted by the body to dihydrotestosterone, thereby causing the prostate to contract. DHT - a hormone that promotes the growth of the prostate. Such drugs takes more time to influence the patient than the alpha-blockers. Furthermore, they reduce the blood levels of prostate specific antigen (high levels of prostate specific antigen, may indicate the development of the patient's prostate cancer) that is difficult to diagnose prostate cancer. Enzyme inhibitors include:
- INN Finasteride (Proscar)
- INN Dutasteride (Avodart)
- INN Botulinum toxin (Botox)
Your doctor may prescribe a combination therapy to a patient, for example, the simultaneous reception of alpha-blockers and enzyme inhibitor.