Pubic lice - parasites who drink our blood - How is pediculosis

August 13, 2009

  • Pubic lice - parasites who drink our blood
  • How is pediculosis

Dangerous Parasite

Even today, the abundance of different kinds of soaps, shampoos and gels, body wash still found lice. And uncommon. Pubic lice are quite common not only among the homeless and drug addicts, but also among ordinary people, who are often not even aware of their existence. Head lice - a blood-sucking insects - parasites of mammals and humans. This is strictly a specialized lice parasites that are found only in certain types of animals. There lice, that live only on horses, swine, dogs, and so forth. Per person lives a special kind of lice - pedikulidy, which are divided into three types: headache, wardrobes and pubic lice.

Outside the host lice are rare and short-lived. Lice feed on human blood, small, frequent meals, fasting can not be long. If louse fed 1-2 times a day, the female can drink at one time and 1 ml of blood with a body length of not more than 3 mm. Males are smaller than females drink blood and therefore less. When the bite of blood in a blood vessel is minimized, but the salivary glands produce a natural substance ploschitsy thinning and digested blood. As a result, the site of the bite appear bluish-gray spots.

A month after fertilization, each female lays about 8 eggs (nits), which are secret special glands attached to hair. After 15 days from the date of the deposition of the eggs hatch new lice. In total, during the life of the female lays up to 300 eggs, which are oblong-oval, white-yellow color and glued using adhesive secretion glands to pubic hair. Hatched larvae in half an hour start to suck the blood of the host. Caught cold, ploschitsa may fall into "hibernation" and stored in this way for months.

 How is pediculosis | Pubic lice - parasites who drink our blood

How is lice (pediculosis), skin pubis

The spread lice observed under unfavorable hygienic conditions, especially during the wars and other disasters. Pediculosis pubis skin called pediculosis pubis. Cause his pubic lice or ploschitsy that parasitize mainly on skin pubis, lower abdomen and thighs. They can also move to other parts of the body covered with hair, for example, on the chest, legs, armpits, mustache, beard, eyelashes and eyebrows, and the children, and on the scalp.

Infection of pubic lice usually occurs during sexual intercourse, as well as in the common areas (baths, pools, etc.) And at home through the linen. When everyday way infestation often settle in atypical locations (for example, in the armpits). Ploschitsy firmly attached to the mouth of the hair follicles and hair.

For pubic lice Pediculosis - still not losing ground  Pediculosis - still not losing ground
   It characterized by itching, which is usually worse at night, but in some cases the person serene. On the ground, their bites are a kind of round, with a diameter of 1 cm spot from pale blue to pale gray. This so-called blue spots caused by exposure to saliva of the parasite hemoglobin Hemoglobin: worse - low or high?  Hemoglobin: worse - low or high?
   human blood. Sometimes, pubic lice bites cause an allergic rash in areas of defeat and marked skin irritation and scratching, which can always join the infection. Patients often identify themselves in their pubic hair nits.

 How is pediculosis | Pubic lice - parasites who drink our blood

Diagnosing pediculosis pubis skin

Pubic lice is very characteristic symptoms, so diagnosis can be clear already in the process of inspection. Female ploschits can be seen by the eye or with a magnifying glass. They are easier to see after they drunk the blood, which gives them a kind of brown. Detected and pubic lice nits that are attached to the hair a special adhesive composition. Externally, the nits on the hair look like dandruff Dandruff: where it comes from, and what to do  Dandruff: where it comes from, and what to do
 So for accurate diagnosis of the pubic hair lice are examined under a microscope.

 How is pediculosis | Pubic lice - parasites who drink our blood

Treatment of pediculosis pubis skin

Before treatment, the skin pubes shave and wash the skin with soap and hot water - it eliminates most of the ploschits. For the final destruction of lice and nits pubis rubbed into the skin, special ointments and solutions (such as vinegar or sublimate sulfuric ointment). From modern solution used nittifora spray- and Pax. Last used once - they wetted skin pubis, after half an hour wash it with hot soapy water. In the course of treatment must not be forgotten that both partners should be treated, otherwise it may begin again.

All Used underwear and bed linen should be soaked in a solution of detergent with bleach.

 How is pediculosis | Pubic lice - parasites who drink our blood

Preventing lice

In the fight against pubic lice is very important personal hygiene: regular washing of the body, frequent change of linen, if necessary - disinsection (destruction of insects by special methods) linen, clothing, bed linen of the patient.

  Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • genital infections

Warts in women - a tendency to frequent recurrence - Causes

April 28, 2013

  • Warts in women - a tendency to frequent recurrence
  • Causes
  • Symptoms
  • Treatment

 warts in women causes

Causes of viral infection

Warts in women - causes of this disease are not yet fully understood. However, it is known that the two main reasons - the introduction of human papillomavirus (HPV), and decreased immunity. If one of these factors is missing, the warts appear. What kind of a virus - HPV, which is infiltrating into the body, it remains there forever, causing disease only when lowered immunity?

 Causes | Warts in women - a tendency to frequent recurrence

Features of human papillomavirus

About genital warts or genital warts was known to Hippocrates. But on the human papilloma virus (HPV), humanity has learned relatively recently, in the 60s of the last century. Today, found that HPV - is one of the most common viruses, they are the majority of the adult population is infected. The prevalence of infections caused by them is increasing, as is evident, due to the deterioration of the environment, the frequent use of antibiotics, high neuro-mental stress and other factors that lead to decreased immunity.

Until a few decades ago it was thought that the main cause of cervical cancer is a herpes virus. Only at the end of the last century, it was found that the real "culprit" of cervical cancer is HPV. It was also found that there are many subtypes of HPV, some of which have low carcinogenic potential (ability to cause malignant tumors), and other high.

By subspecies (strain) with a low HPV carcinogenic potential are 6, 11, 42, 43 and 44. These subtypes cause exogenous growth (surface epithelium) warts. These are called genital warts - they rarely transformed into cancer (maligniziruyutsya).

Subspecies 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 68 cause the endogenous (oral tissue) growth of warts. These are called flat warts - they often cause changes in the basal layer of the epithelium. Such changes are called dysplasia - they can transform into cancer. And as flat warts often located on the cervix, it is believed that HPV is a cause of cervical cancer.

 Causes | Warts in women - a tendency to frequent recurrence

As transmitted warts in women - causes infection

The most common mode of transmission of HPV - sexual, but also the way home is not ruled out in close contact with the patient and using his laundry (eg towels). A feature of papilloma virus infection (PVI) is that it is practically impossible to determine exactly when a person infected with HPV, and from whom, as the virus after the introduction of "hiding" in the cells of the deeper layers of the skin or mucous membranes and causes disease only at lower immunity.

PVI treated only if there is any of its manifestations, as to remove the virus from the human body have not yet learned.

 Causes | Warts in women - a tendency to frequent recurrence

How are warts in women

HPV can long exist in the human body, does not prove itself. The appearance on the mucous membranes of the genital warts is usually associated with a decrease in immunity. Immunosuppression may develop a cold, any acute illness, exacerbation of chronic diseases, after surgeries, injuries, stress, hormonal changes in the background (including during pregnancy), and so on.

By reducing HPV immunity "come alive" and begins to move with the cell in which it is located, towards the outer layers of the epithelium. Once on the mucosal surface, it begins to multiply rapidly and "colonize" epithelial cells, making them hard to share - this process is very fast - primary warts can grow for several hours. Then the process may either stop or continue - warts grow, capture new areas of the skin or mucous membrane, fuse together, forming a "cockscomb" or conglomerates like cauliflower.

In addition to flat warts tend to malignancy giant genital warts, in the form of huge conglomerates (Buschke-Lowenstein tumor).

 Causes | Warts in women - a tendency to frequent recurrence

How is the diagnosis of genital warts

Genital warts have a very distinctive look, so the doctor can make a diagnosis based on the examination. It is difficult to make a diagnosis only when warts are just starting to grow and have the form of small nodules. In any case, to confirm the diagnosis carried out a study taken from the surface of the warts smear - polymerase chain reaction (PCR) revealed the DNA of the virus.

In addition, a study is mandatory for syphilis Syphilis - punishment of Venus  Syphilis - punishment of Venus
   (genital warts can be confused with large warts Extensive warts - one of the many manifestations of syphilis  Extensive warts - one of the many manifestations of syphilis
 Which are a sign of secondary syphilis). Another mandatory analysis - HIV, since HPV infection develops with reduced immunity, and often accompanies AIDS.

In the presence in the cervix of flat warts Flat warts - the most dangerous form  Flat warts - the most dangerous form
   be sure to colposcopy Colposcopy - how to prepare it properly?  Colposcopy - how to prepare it properly?
   (endoscopy, which allows to consider in detail the surface of the cervix and vaginal walls) during which a piece of tissue is taken for histological examination - identified cell changes induced by HPV.
