The main methods of protection against viral infections, from folk to medical funds

September 18, 2011

 basic methods of protection against viral infections
 Viral infections are widespread. It is estimated that every person in their lifetime sick about sixty times some form of viral infection - it can be as heavy manifestnye cases and lungs, asymptomatic. Viruses - the oldest educational and survive due to the fact that they can change, and therefore, each contact with the virus body is seen as a new and depending on your immune system reacts.

 The main methods of protection against viral infections, from folk to medical funds

Natural protection

Man to survive in a hostile environment, is also endowed with the nature of the security system, which includes natural barriers - the skin and mucous membranes. In particularly vulnerable areas are reinforced barriers such as mucus in the nose or a special type of epithelium in the bronchi. There is a human factors of nonspecific protection, such as lysozyme and interferon, which are the first to meet the infectious agent and triggering mechanisms for combating it.

There is in the body and specific protection to which the development of immunity to certain types of infectious agents. Viruses and bacteria are attacked by the body, wherein the humans develop antibodies to it. This process is accompanied by the general reaction of the body: the body temperature rises, develop weakness and lethargy, marked headache. The next time you hit these antigens in the blood of antibodies inactivate them at once, and the general reaction of the body has not developed. In this mechanism, the immune response is based vaccination.

The immunity plays an important role in combating viral infections, so do not ignore the appeals of doctors of a healthy lifestyle that includes smoking cessation and alcohol, hardening, good nutrition and exercise Myths about exercise: do not believe  Myths about exercise: do not believe
   - Factors that allow the body to cope with a number of infectious agents using their own protective properties.

 The main methods of protection against viral infections, from folk to medical funds

Protection by external means

  • Folk remedies

Since ancient times, it is known for the ability of many people to protect plants from various infections. Many parents wanting to protect your child during the rise of the incidence of acute viral infections, hanged about his neck, a clove of garlic or garlic spread around the perimeter of a baby stroller when going for a walk. Indeed, volatile contained in large amounts in garlic Garlic health: almost a panacea  Garlic health: almost a panacea
   and onions, have the ability to disinfect viruses and inhibit the bacteria. Many volatile production, and in some other plants, for example in geranium and citrus. If they "settle" in the bedroom - incidence of colds is reduced. Volatile used in medicine is not active enough, because it is very bad to standardize, but for home use fit very well.

  • Medications

All medicines that help to deal with acute illnesses, divided into funds that stimulate nonspecific factors of protection of man and the means for the production of antibodies to specific pathogens.

By means of improving the protection of human non-specific, are drugs that stimulate the production of, or otherwise own interferon. The most common group of interferon inducers: arbidol, amiksin, anaferon Anaferon - activates antiviral immunity  Anaferon - activates antiviral immunity
 , Tsikloferon TSikloferon - restores the body's defenses  TSikloferon - restores the body's defenses
 . Such actions have the drugs from licorice root, lysozyme. These tools need to be taken in the event of the threat of infection and at the first sign of infection. Earlier and later taking them impractical.

Specific immunity develops after vaccination. Everyone is familiar with the flu vaccine, which provides the production of antibodies to specific variations of the virus. If vaccination is carried out in a planned manner and the time frame - it effectively protects against specific pathogens. The difficulty lies in the fact that the vaccine begins to be made long before the increase in the incidence and its composition as defined in theory, it may be different from that which is really necessary. Currently, there are drugs that are administered intranasally and stimulate the formation of antibodies to specific microorganisms, such as IRS-19. But they also protect only a limited range of pathogens.

Science does not stand still, every year adding to the ranks of new medicines for the treatment and prophylaxis of viral infections, however, are still the most effective prevention of viral infections is to limit contact with people during the peak rise of morbidity.

Svetlana Shimkovich

Symptoms of chickenpox - characteristics

February 20, 2014

 symptoms of chickenpox
 Symptoms of chickenpox usually have very special features. But sometimes goes unnoticed chickenpox or uncharacteristic symptoms. In this case, it can be confused with other viral infections, and sometimes just do not notice. The danger of this situation is that the patient is in contact with healthy people and spreads the infection.


What happens in the body during chickenpox

Chickenpox is caused by the herpes virus type 3 Herpes type 3 - causes chicken pox and shingles  Herpes type 3 - causes chicken pox and shingles
   varicella zoster, which is ingested by droplets penetrates the mucosal cells of the airways and increased there during the incubation period (the average is 10 days, but may be up to three weeks). After that, the causative agent of chickenpox into the bloodstream, causing a general intoxication of the organism - this period coincides with the appearance of the first symptoms of the infection.

Chickenpox virus then penetrates into the surface layers of the skin cells, multiplies there and causes a characteristic rash chicken pox. Simultaneously with the introduction of the chickenpox virus in the body in the blood appear antibodies to them that destroy viruses. When antibodies produced enough virus chickenpox lose their activity, but not removed from the body and hide in nerve cells.


Early symptoms of chickenpox

The first symptoms of chickenpox - a sign of intoxication in the form of temperature and general malaise. In this period children this occurs more easily and is not as long as that of adults. Sometimes he does not. The first symptoms of chickenpox in children Chickenpox in children - a mild infection, but there are exceptions  Chickenpox in children - a mild infection, but there are exceptions
   in this case - it is characteristic for chickenpox rash with blisters

The first symptoms of chickenpox in adults Chickenpox in adults - a threat to life  Chickenpox in adults - a threat to life
 As a rule, much more pronounced. The disease begins with a sharp temperature rise (sometimes to very high numbers), severe headache, which may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting (sign of the chickenpox virus toxic effects on the brain), pain in muscles and joints. Such a beginning is typical for many infections, as well as adults are not so often get sick with chickenpox if there was no direct contact with the patient (eg, in the family sick child), chickenpox is often mistaken for acute respiratory viral infection (ARI), and does not always go to the doctor .


The most characteristic symptoms of chickenpox

Typically, a few hours after the temperature rise in children and in adults 1-3 days on the skin appears a few small red spots on the surface of which quickly formed bubbles with clear content.

The rash can appear anywhere on the body, including the scalp and mucous membranes of the mouth or genitals. Patients worried about severe itching - the extent it depends on the individual sensitivity of the organism. Rashes appear on the skin in several stages with an interval of 1-2 days and is accompanied by a sharp rise in temperature. Pediatric waves of usually less, they are not accompanied by too high temperature, in adults also another abundant precipitation, the temperature is higher and the number of waves is greater than in children.

The contents of a vial quickly becomes cloudy and in one - two days they dry on, turning to brown. Scabs fall off after 1-3 weeks without leaving scars.

Severe chickenpox rash is accompanied on the internal organs and in the brain - is over in children is very rare in adults also - quite often. May develop varicella pneumonia, nephritis, gastroenterocolitis, meningoencephalitis, and so on.


Chickenpox is a mild: symptoms

Chickenpox is a mild mostly found in children, in adults it can be seen very rarely. Developing the disease or lung ailments, or just with the appearance of the skin characteristic itchy blisters. Number of waves rashes can be from one to three, the disease is fast and without any consequences.

Asymptomatic chickenpox also occurs. For example, some women during pregnancy planning are surprised to learn that their blood has antibodies to chickenpox, whereas they did not suffer the infection.


Relieving symptoms of chickenpox

Children with chickenpox is usually appointed by the proper diet (lacto-vegetarian food), drinking plenty of fluids, skin care and symptomatic treatment of fever-reducing drugs and medicines, reduces itching (suprastin, diazolin, Claritin, and so on). Adults with chickenpox, as well as children who have this infection occurs in moderate and severe, prescribe antiviral drugs - acyclovir Acyclovir - as it is safe?  Acyclovir - as it is safe?
 , Valacyclovir, famciclovir, interferon preparations.

Externally applied on bubble eruption Zelenka, fukortsin, antiviral creams and ointments, which include acyclovir and interferon.

Treatment of chickenpox should occasion a doctor.

Galina Romanenko

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  • chickenpox
