Pink zoster - the unknown nature of the disease - Causes

June 21, 2013

  • Pink zoster - the unknown nature of the disease
  • Causes
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  • When pregnancy
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 Pink zoster causes


The exact cause of the pink lichen is unknown. It is associated, including a representative of the family of herpes viruses - human herpes virus type 6 (HHV6). At the same time, the connection is not established with pink lichen common types of herpes viruses that cause genital and oral herpes.

It is not known, and how it is transmitted disease. In all probability, this is not happening by direct contact with infected as people sick pink lichen, is not always in contact with other patients. Pink zoster Ringworm - not only infectious disease  Ringworm - not only infectious disease
   is not an allergic reaction, any sign of the disease, as well as bacterial or fungal infection Fungal infection: to prevent and defeat  Fungal infection: to prevent and defeat
 . Now, many experts believe that the pink lichen is a condition associated with a viral infection - such a view seems most likely due to appear at a pink herpes symptoms similar to flu symptoms, as well as due to the fact that in most cases, after a disease outbreak patients are immune to it.

 Causes | Pink zoster - the unknown nature of the disease

Who is pink shingles?

Pink zoster occurs with equal frequency in men and women, although some data suggest that the incidence of the disease among women a little more. He is equally susceptible to all races. For most people, pink zoster occurs only once in his life, although there is a theoretical possibility that it could occur again.

 Causes | Pink zoster - the unknown nature of the disease


Pink versicolor is usually diagnosed based on the appearance of the skin, especially the presence of large "mother plaques" and symmetrical arrangement of the next eruption. "Parent plaque" differs from others in that it has a particularly clear boundaries heavily shelled, and, in addition, has a very high resolution. To eliminate the possibility of the presence of other diseases of the patient, the doctor will usually perform the test with potassium hydroxide. It can help you identify the fungal diseases that mimic under the shingles.

Also, sometimes doing a blood test using a reactive plasma reagent for detection of secondary syphilis Secondary syphilis - can proceed unnoticed for several years  Secondary syphilis - can proceed unnoticed for several years
 Which is also able to mimic ringworm treatment.

 Causes | Pink zoster - the unknown nature of the disease

Common Errors diagnosis

The first spot, which appears in the pink shingles can be very similar to ringworm Ringworm - how not to be left without hair  Ringworm - how not to be left without hair
   (ringworm). However, the point in the treatment of antifungal agents to be no improvement noticeable. Other diseases, which are sometimes confused pink zoster:

  • Psoriasis
  • Eczema
  • Fungal infections
  • Secondary syphilis
  • Drug rash (rash on the skin, is a reaction to certain medications, such as oral antibiotics)
  • Fixed erythema dosage (single small, oval or round spot on the skin, caused by medications)
  • Chromophytosis
  • Parapsoriasis
  • HIV-associated rash
  • Folliculitis

 Causes | Pink zoster - the unknown nature of the disease

Can you prevent pink shingles?

Because the exact cause of this disease is not known, reliable way to prevent it does not exist. However, since it is associated with viral infections, it can be assumed that the risk of decrease in compliance elementary norms of hygiene. So wash your hands regularly and if possible, avoid contact with the source of the disease.

Viferon - effective for immune reconstitution

November 13, 2008

  • Viferon - effective for immune reconstitution
  • Properties and application

 Viferon - a drug, which includes a recombinant (prepared by genetic engineering method from bacteria) interferon-alpha - a protein that is produced in the human body and protects it from infection in the first place - by a virus.

 Viferon - effective for immune reconstitution

How does viferon

Viferon is the original drug developed domestic pharmaceutical company "Feron". A feature of this preparation is formulated as rectal suppositories, a gel and ointment. The main active substance viferona is human recombinant interferon-alpha, but have effects on the body and adjuvants - tocopheryl acetate (vitamin E, it is found in all dosage forms) and ascorbic acid (contained only in candles). In a rectal suppository viferona contained 150,000 IU (Viferon-1) 500 000 IU (Viferon-2), 1,000,000 IU (Viferon-3) or 3,000,000 IU (Viferon-4), interferon-alpha. In 1 g of ointment contains viferon 40000, and 1 ml of gel - 36,000 IU interferon-alpha.

Action viferona - a complex effect on the body of all its constituent components. Interferon inhibits the activity and the multiplication of viruses and chlamydia Chlamydia: insidious and widespread disease  Chlamydia: insidious and widespread disease
 It stimulates the immune system and inhibits the proliferation of cells of the tissue tumors.

Additional components that make up the viferona have a strong antioxidant effect (suppress the toxic effects of free radicals). This action significantly increases the effects of interferon, since for any infection reduced antioxidant activity of blood plasma, which causes damage to cell membranes of tissues, increasing their permeability to viruses. In addition, the toxic effects of free radicals reduces the effect of interferon, contributing to its rapid inactivation. As a result of the introduction of the additional components viferona its antiviral activity is increased by at least ten times, amplified and its stimulating effect on certain parts of immunity.

Vitamins C and E regulate redox reaction, carbohydrate metabolism (and hence energy), protein metabolism, promote tissue repair and protect tissue cells from the negative effects of drugs.

It has the meaning and the dosage form viferona. Rectal suppositories provide prolonged action of the drug and the ointment and gel protect against viruses skin and mucous membranes. Another feature viferona is the lack of side effects, which are almost always present in the application of interferon, especially when administered parenterally (bypassing the gastrointestinal tract, i.e. by injection) administration.

 Viferon - effective for immune reconstitution

Indications and contraindications

Candles viferon used in many infectious and inflammatory diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi. It is used in the complex therapy that can significantly reduce the dose of antibacterial and antiviral agents, and a long course of treatment.

Use candles viferon-1 can even newborns with acute respiratory infection (ARI), pneumonia, meningitis, sepsis, fungal infections (candidiasis), intrauterine infection.

The widespread use of candles viferon found in the treatment of cystitis and pyelonephritis in children and adults, and various genital infections associated with impaired immunity (candidiasis, chlamydia, papillomatosis, genital herpes, mycoplasmosis Mycoplasmosis - infection does not always equal disease  Mycoplasmosis - infection does not always equal disease
   and others), acute and chronic prostatitis. Viferon not contraindicated during pregnancy (it can be used after the 14th week) and nursing Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   breast that can significantly reduce the dose of drugs and the duration of their use in this group of patients.

The widespread use of candles viferon found in the treatment of chronic viral hepatitis, SARS (including influenza), especially complicated by bacterial infection, mumps (mumps), diphtheria, tick-borne encephalitis. There is evidence that viferon helps relieve inflammation and pain in the joints Joint pain - how to understand what is going on?  Joint pain - how to understand what is going on?
   in some forms of rheumatoid arthritis.

Viferon gel is applied to the nasal mucosa for the treatment and prevention of influenza and SARS, as well as the genital mucosa of women with genital viral infections. The ointment is applied to the skin and mucous membranes when herpes, genital warts and other viral lesions of the skin and mucous membranes.

Contraindications for the use of rectal suppositories viferon is the increased sensitivity to the body of the patient and the first 14 weeks of pregnancy. Ointment and gel viferon only contraindication is hypersensitivity of the patient to the drug.

From the side reactions viferona only known allergic reactions.

Viferon is the drug of choice for the majority of viral and bacterial infections.
