- How to lose belly fat and maintain the achieved results
- References
Fat in the abdomen is at all, even those who look perfectly flat stomach. It becomes a problem only when it is too much: volume waist not only looks ugly, but it can also be a symptom of various health problems. How to lose fat from the abdomen and bring the body back to normal?
The problem of the appearance of fat
Fat on the abdomen can be a challenge for both the full and for slim people - not only subcutaneous, and visceral or deep fat.
A certain amount of fat on the abdomen, as the subcutaneous and visceral, a person needs, but its excess there is an increased likelihood of developing disorders such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dementia and some types of cancer, such as breast cancer and colon.
Fat does not just lie in the body as a reserve in case of a hunger strike, he performs certain functions, for example, facilitates thermoregulation in cold weather.
In addition, it can produce harmful substances, and the more fat, the more of these substances enters the body. In addition, when the fat becomes much, it begins to be deposited in a variety of locations, including - around and even within different organs. So to lose weight you need not only for aesthetic reasons, but also for the sake of their own health.
Similarly, to assess the amount of subcutaneous and visceral fat only by means of computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging, and in the home, you can determine whether it is time you take her figure. Take a measuring tape and measure your waist. If it is less than 88 cm for women and less than 101 cm for men - the amount of fat on the abdomen has not dangerous to health, but probably, it already looks ugly. If the waist more, there is a serious risk that excess body fat can lead to lead to health problems.
Excessive amounts of visceral fat and may be delayed in people with normal weight, leading a sedentary lifestyle. The following recommendations for reducing body fat on your stomach, you can use everyone, regardless of weight and waist circumference.
The reasons for which the fat is not going away from the abdomen
With age, men and women's metabolism slows down
Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
, Due to which it becomes easier to gain weight and harder to lose it. Women in this regard falls particularly difficult - due to a sharp change in hormone levels due to menopause. If a woman gains weight after menopause, fat will be deposited primarily on the stomach. During this period, the female body produces much less estrogen
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and progesterone
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, the sooner; testosterone
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they also decreases slowly. These changes and lead to the fact that the stomach is delayed more fat - even in women whose body type is far from the "apple."
Daily jogging, cycling or dancing good for the heart, but the cardio stress enough to make the stomach more flat and waist - thin. To get the desired result, you need to combine strength training with cardio exertion. Strength training helps to increase muscle mass, and because of this the body starts to burn more fat. Even at rest, muscle spend more energy than fat tissue. If you need to remove a lot of fat from the abdomen, in the first weeks of strength training devote as much time as cardio exercises. To maintain results, enough to spend on strength exercises third of training time.
Such as white bread, crackers, chips, white sugar, candy, and so on. These products contain a minimum amount of nutrients are high in calories and, in addition, they contain substances that stimulate inflammation. As a result, deposition of fat is burned more slowly than those who eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and other foods rich in dietary fiber and antioksadantami.