Cleansing the body in the home - whether or not to?

March 26, 2009

  • Cleansing the body in the home - whether or not to?
  • Detox Diet
  • Fruit and vegetable cocktails
  • Spring cleaning
  • Natural Ways

 Cleansing the body at home
   Cleaning - it's not quite the same as starvation, but has a similar purpose. Removing toxins naturally and replenishment of nutrients - it's simple, but a necessary component of good health.

Cleansing is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Detoxification will not only cleanse the digestive system; it is believed that it restores the balance, refreshes and supports skin health and clarity of mind, and also provides many other benefits, including improved sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 , Getting rid the body of impurities and even reduce or eliminate the pain.

Who needs a detox? Anyone who wants to improve their health. However, sometimes human health requires observation during detoxification. Nursing mothers and pregnant women should not detoxify as well as people with certain diseases. If there is reason for concern, before cleaning is necessary to consult a doctor.

 Cleansing the body in the home - whether or not to?

How often should I carry out cleansing?

Many doctors offer detoxify, at least twice a year. Some people prefer to carry out cleansing of the body more often, especially given the overabundance of toxins in our environment today. However, moderation is important here. Frequent cleaning can lead to depletion of nutrients in the body.

There are many ready-made tools to cleanse the body and intestines. Most of them contain extra nutrients that are important during purification. When choosing a pharmacy means necessary to ensure that it produced a reliable company and that the expiration date has not expired.

Washing: In order to really clear the body, you need to increase your water intake by eating more than eight - ten glasses a day. Herbal teas are also good. Additional liquid helps clean the liver, intestines and blood.

Cleansing: two - four-day course is the most common. Before you begin, it is best to prepare for a detox, abandoning what creates stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
   for the organism. Caffeine, fats and, of course, Smoking is all it is necessary to minimize or eliminate.

 Cleansing the body in the home - whether or not to?

How long is detoxification?

To really achieve the effect of a strict three-day diet consisting of pure, diluted juice - this is the best detoxification, but it may be too hard for some people. If so, you can try to eat the juices at least one day, and then leave the juice for breakfast and lunch and a light dinner to eat low-fat and high-fiber foods, fresh and minimally processed foods. If it is possible, instead of the usual food you can eat soups made with juice, and watermelon. This will satisfy your hunger and to support the force.

 Cleansing the body in the home - whether or not to?

Typical recipes for detox:

  • Each morning immediately after waking up to drink a glass of warm water with a few tablespoons of lemon juice, a pinch of cayenne pepper (on the tip of a teaspoon) and a teaspoon of honey.

 Cleansing the body in the home - whether or not to?

Breakfast and lunch:

  • A glass of the mixture of the following in any combination of juices: apple, celery juice, pineapple juice and berries (fresh or frozen), add a pinch of ginger and cinnamon. It is possible to use a juicer or blender at high speed, the mixture can be diluted with water.

 Cleansing the body in the home - whether or not to?

Lunch and afternoon tea:

  • A glass of juice or broth of the following in any combination of vegetables: carrots, cucumber, beet, cabbage, spinach, apples, fresh parsley Parsley Health and Beauty  Parsley Health and Beauty
   (important for purification) and celery stalks. (For broth - eliminate apples. For flavor you can add garlic Garlic health: almost a panacea  Garlic health: almost a panacea
   and onions).

This mixture can actually be consumed in any quantity, it is very nutritious and gives a feeling of satiety.

 Cleansing the body in the home - whether or not to?

Important tips and reminders:

  • The best possible use of organic products.
  • "The green protein", such as Spirulina, in tablet or powder, help cleanse the body and provide it with nutrients.
  • Rostoropsha faster cleansing and beneficial effect on the liver.
  • Important additional relaxation and deep breathing.
  • Exercise will strengthen the cleaning effect.
  • Dry massage (brush, sponge or a dry cloth) exfoliates dead skin cells and toxins. It is necessary to vigorously rub the entire body, and then take a bath or shower.

When the body eliminates toxins through the kidneys, intestines, lungs, lymph and skin, a person may feel some sluggishness or fatigue. This feeling is only temporary, and after detoxification being becomes great. Drinking more water will help get rid of toxins faster and accelerate the healing process.

How to remove fat from the abdomen - train the body to respond correctly

July 12, 2009

  • How to remove fat from the abdomen - train the body to respond correctly
  • What can and can not
  • Exercises discharge weight
  • Workout and Diet

 remove fat from the abdomen
 There are many misconceptions regarding the fight against fatty deposits on the stomach, and, perhaps, the most common of them - is the idea that in order to remove fat from the abdomen, it is necessary to train the abdominal muscles. In fact, exercises abdominal muscles - not the only way to fight fat on your stomach: it is important to create a calorie deficit, which "force" the body to burn stored fat.

 How to remove fat from the abdomen - train the body to respond correctly

Calorie deficit "alarm" for the body

Firstly it must be remembered that there is no particular exercise, diet, drugs or food supplements Food additives - basic classification  Food additives - basic classification
 To help get rid of fat only in one specific location - such as on the abdomen. Hood, the man gets rid of the fatty deposits gradually (though often enough in the first place was burned belly fat - simply because the fat in this area most of all). To remove fat from the abdomen, you should start to use fewer calories than the body expends every day - that is, in other words, create a calorie deficit. Over time, the body begins to compensate for the lack of calories by burning - that is, turning into energy - fat and fat will gradually disappear. In order to create some calorie deficit, it is not necessary to engage in scrupulous counting of calories in foods - just cut back on portion sizes and to increase the body's need for energy that is often to exercise Myths about exercise: do not believe  Myths about exercise: do not believe
   (especially aerobic).

By itself, a calorie deficit is not able to save you is fat on the abdomen. For example, in men with abdominal fat tend to disappear almost in the last turn - the first "melt" fat deposits on the thighs, buttocks, arms, legs. But women often "tummy" goes first, and the fat on the hips and buttocks are retained for the longest time. That is why it is not necessary "hunger strike" and sit on a strict diet, hoping the body at an accelerated pace will begin to burn fat on the abdomen - this approach can lead to the opposite result: "emergency mode" starvation will cause the body to store more fat.

 How to remove fat from the abdomen - train the body to respond correctly

Strength training

Only one calorie deficit in order to remove fat from the abdomen, not enough to get rid of body fat is almost impossible, adhering to a sedentary lifestyle. Especially important strength exercises - that is, exercise, aimed at strengthening and development of muscle strength: such training helps the body burn fat for several hours or even days after one session. This is because that strength training help build muscle - and the more muscle mass, the more calories the body burns to maintain the normal operation of the organs and muscles. For example, for the "maintenance" of additional kilograms of muscle mass the body needs to burn those extra fifty to one hundred calories a day How many calories a day you need to lose weight - everyone has their own rate  How many calories a day you need to lose weight - everyone has their own rate

 How to remove fat from the abdomen - train the body to respond correctly

Aerobic load

However, only some strength exercises to remove fat from the abdomen, not enough - there will always be the most effective combination of strength and aerobic exercise .  The so-called aerobic or karditrenirovki - a high-intensity exercises, strengthens the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of the body (for example, long-distance running, training on a stationary bike or treadmill, swimming) .  Do aerobic exercise has several major advantages, chief among them - is that for one and the same time, employment power and aerobic exercise in the second burned more calories .  Thus the duration of a training should be thirty - forty five minutes: for the first twenty minutes of aerobic exercise a source of energy for the sugar are contained in blood and glycogen, and then the body "refers" to the additional power source .  However, in contrast to strength training, cardio does not cause the body to burn extra calories after class .  Thus, it appears that in order to remove the fat from the abdomen, it is best to combine these two types of loads .
