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Juice therapy to prevent cancer
The human body - is so perfect and still staggeringly complex creation, it still remains a mystery to the world of medicine. Despite numerous studies, diseases such as cancer, hypertension and AIDS is still not curable. And it is not that the methods and means are not good enough to deal with the insidious killer, and that is often a disease detected too late, when it has already managed to cause irreversible damage and treatment, at best, it can only delay sad outcome.

Causes of Cancer
There are many theories about the causes of cancer, but none of them did not find sufficiently strong evidence. It is known that contribute to cancer by factors such as stress
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, Nutrition, heredity, viral infections, hormonal imbalance, alcohol and drug abuse, smoking, abuse of spices, bad ecology. The hypothesis about the causes of cancer can be made on where the tumor formed. For example, cancer of the nose, throat, mouth, lips, tongue, larynx, pharynx, esophagus may develop due to smoking and frequent drinking too hot food with lots of spices. Breast cancer in women can be caused by chronic stress, smoking; the risk increases if a woman has had more than one pregnancy. Alcohol, drugs, medicines and some foods can cause cancer of the liver
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, Intestine, stomach and spleen.
If any suspicious symptoms need to see a doctor - as it is known, launched a cancer cure is extremely difficult and in many cases impossible. And of course, every two years is necessary to pass a full medical examination - at least for a long time insisted that the doctors and her stubbornly ignore many patients.

Juice therapy: prevention and help in the treatment of cancer
Surgery, radiation, chemotherapy significantly weaken the overall resistance and the immune system. Meanwhile, only a strong and healthy immune system allows the body to prevent the development of cancer. You can help your body if you eat right and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
It is believed that the beta-carotene can not only prevent cancer, but also inhibit the further development of existing tumors. This substance is found in green and red fruits and vegetables; in the human beta-carotene is converted into vitamin A. To protect against cancer, doctors recommend daily drinking 1-2 glasses of fresh carrot juice, rich in beta-carotene. Juices, cabbage, turnips and broccoli also have anticarcinogenic properties.
Onion smell which can prevent a full social life, is a powerful tool for cancer prevention. Recently, scientists have found that onions with the strong smell most effectively inhibits the growth of cancer cells. Already mentioned beta-carotene, iron, selenium, vitamin C, calcium, potassium and vitamin E also enhances the immune system, in large quantities contained in apples, spinach, green pepper, parsley
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and various greens. It should be noted that the nutrients are almost always better absorbed from juice than from whole fruits and vegetables.
It should be borne in mind that when the experts recommend Juice therapy to prevent cancer, they do not speak about those juices that are sold in stores. These drinks, most of which are diluted with water concentrates with added sugar and preservatives, have little to do with fresh juices. To increase the shelf life, they are subjected to processing, during which breaks most of the vitamins and enzymes. Although shoplifting juices useful cola, sugary sodas, coffee and alcohol, to prevent cancer, they are not suitable.
To get the maximum benefit, cook your own juice and drink them for half an hour after cooking. If you put fruit juice in the refrigerator, it quickly loses its beneficial properties. As soon as you squeeze out the juice, natural juice enzymes will destroy the nutrients and vitamins. In vegetables these enzymes more than in fruits, vegetables, juices therefore lose their beneficial properties even faster than fruit.