Weight loss - diet pill against - effective way

May 3, 2009

  • Weight loss - diet pill against
  • Effective methods

Merry spring days are coming when all jackets and coats will be removed and put on spring dresses and suits. But then you have to put on public display, and its shape. And if you have added a few kilos over the winter? With this urgent need to fight - start right now.

 Effective methods | Weight loss - diet pill against

Method One - pill

Who does not want to lose weight without worries and troubles by taking a few pills. So what are the pills are really effective? All tablets can be divided into:

  • pills that reduce appetite (sibutramine, Meridia, Reduxine) - they all contain sibutramine Sibutramine - effective but not safe  Sibutramine - effective but not safe
   - The preparation, depressing feeling of hunger at the level of the brain; it is an effective drug, but has many contraindications to use, so the pharmacy you can buy it only by prescription;
  • tablets, leading out of the body fats, such as Xenical; very good preparation, it acts on enzymes that cleave fats in the gastro-intestinal tract, whereby they lose their activity, and fats are broken down is not absorbed in the intestine; Xenical but there are two unpleasant features: cost (too expensive), and the side effect of incontinence after his admission;
  • pills and teas, has a laxative and diuretic effect; while taking laxatives and diuretics from the body excess fluid output How to withdraw excess fluid from the body - all sorts of ways  How to withdraw excess fluid from the body - all sorts of ways
 That's good, but such funds should not take long, as with the liquid from the body are derived vital minerals;

Weight loss is often used (as much as advertised!) As a biologically active food additives of questionable content. Remember that dietary supplements are not drugs, so they can not be very effective. And if some supplements advertised as something miraculous, you should think about what is really included in its composition.

 Effective methods | Weight loss - diet pill against

Method Two - Diet

Diets for weight loss - the sea, only a few of them:

  • The first diet - fasting; the body does not receive food and consumes its reserves, while in the course of going their own proteins, mainly from the muscles; the skin becomes flabby, dull hair, brittle nails;
  • Diet second - mono-diet; are kefir, cottage cheese, apple, rice, buckwheat diet; You can, for example, there is undercooked rice or buckwheat for a week and grow thin exactly; but the body goes largely fat and liquid, so if you go back to the old eating habits, then all rack and even add; although maybe we should start with this;
  • third diet - protein; if there are some proteins (meat, fish, eggs), they are used as "fuel" for energy (instead of carbohydrates), thereby forming a substance poisonous to the body (mainly, kidney); Dr. Atkins diet is famous (it is the Kremlin, she is American astronauts) is based on this;
  • Diet fourth - Dr. Ornish's - a vegetarian diet very low in fat and protein; lack of protein (you can not even have nuts!) is fraught with decreased immunity Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults  Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
 , The deterioration of the skin, hair and nails;
  • Diet fifth - Mediterranean - a remarkable diet; menu, fish, seafood, olive oil, lots of vegetables, fruits, nuts, dry red wine; however, long usidish not live in the Mediterranean, a little expensive.

Tired of reading? A diet else - hoo!

 Effective methods | Weight loss - diet pill against

The principles of good nutrition

If you urgently need to lose a few extra kilos, you can start with a strict diet, which will help remove the body of any excess fluid, and with it - toxins. Suitable, for example, such a diet: the bowels with the help of an enema, and then every day, except for the 7th, to drink 1.5 liters of yogurt plus 1 day - 5 boiled potatoes, Day 2 - 100 g of cooked chicken, 3 th day - 100 g cooked meat, Day 4 - 100 grams of boiled fish, 5th day - fruits and vegetables (except bananas Bananas: the benefits and harms health  Bananas: the benefits and harms health
   and grapes), the 6th day - a yogurt; Day 7 - mineral water; all - without sugar or salt.

Then you need to go on a balanced diet, the principles of which are well articulated in the Declaration of the WHO (World Health Organization). Recommendations for a balanced diet based on the principle of a traffic light:

  • green light - food without restrictions; This whole-grain bread, whole grains and at least 400 grams a day of fruits and vegetables;
  • yellow light - meat, fish, dairy products - only the low-fat and fewer than a 'green' products;
  • red light - beware of sugar, butter, pastries (the less the better).

Principles of good nutrition should be followed consistently.

 Effective methods | Weight loss - diet pill against

The method of the third - physical activity

To lose weight, you must consume more energy than it receives - it is the foundation of any effective way of losing weight (well, except that in addition to Xenical). Therefore, a balanced diet must be combined with physical activity. Even if you work hard enough and are moving on the job, you can:

  • go to and from work on foot;
  • during a break fast meal and walk briskly down the street;
  • Once a week, I go to the gym or to do jogging.

If you combine good nutrition with physical activity, the extra weight will go by itself, and you will be filled with energy and health.

  Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Weight loss

Cleansing the body in the home - whether or not to? - Detox Diet

March 26, 2009

  • Cleansing the body in the home - whether or not to?
  • Detox Diet
  • Fruit and vegetable cocktails
  • Spring cleaning
  • Natural Ways

Homemade cleansing of the body using detox diet

Regular cleansing the body of toxins, or detoxification, increases energy levels and improves health. Here's how the detoxification of the body. Do not get involved in fad diets that can be bad for health.

Detoxification is a natural cleansing of the body with the aim of getting rid of toxins. Natural detox - diet does not require fasting, although specialists in Ayurvedic medicine say that short-term starvation leads to clarity of mind and body ease. The body can naturally purify itself by increasing the consumption of water, minerals and fiber, as well as the temporary exclusion of fats from the diet. Although some detox - a diet designed for a whole month, many of them can be used for a week or a few days. At the end of the diet the body cleansed of toxins should feel light, energetic and positive.

 Detox Diet | Cleansing the body in the home - whether or not to?

As should be the natural detoxification

People often spend detoxification if they consumed more sugar and fat than usual (during the holidays), if they feel depressed or breakdown, or when recovering from illness. According to the Ayurvedic practice, detoxification helps to restore or maintain the balance of mind, body and spirit.

 Detox Diet | Cleansing the body in the home - whether or not to?

The main components of the diet to detox

Diet to detoxify suggests that you need to fully focus on nutrition, physical exercises Myths about exercise: do not believe  Myths about exercise: do not believe
 And eliminate junk food and drinks. The following are the main components, which include cleansing diet:

  • Products: cleansing diet is based on the fact that you need to eat only pure and natural products that improve the function of the liver, kidneys and lymph. Products that help cleanse the body of toxins include: fruits, herbs, seeds and nuts, garlic Garlic health: almost a panacea  Garlic health: almost a panacea
   and citrus. Although doctors practicing natural treatment during detox - diet recommends eating foods in the most natural form, hunger could complicate detoxification. A number of Indian recipes, for example, dhal (traditional Indian soup of boiled beans), contain cleansing ingredients and can be easily adapted by replacing butter with vegetable. It is necessary to avoid feelings of hunger during the day, keep a snack.
  • Drinks: replenishing fluid loss is necessary for the body, and thirst is a sign of dehydration. During detoxification you need to drink plenty of water. What is "plenty of water" - it is not clear, but one guiding principle to be followed - is to drink a glass of water every two hours to prevent thirst. According to some experts, is very good for the health of green tea, the healing properties of which mankind has been used for over 4000 years. During detoxification is useful to drink green tea with lemon to aid digestion and provide the body with antioxidants Antioxidants: the truth about the notorious benefits  Antioxidants: the truth about the notorious benefits
  • Cardio: exercise for the cardiovascular system helps with detoxification as the body together with then removes toxins through the skin. Because detox - diet does not contain a lot of calories, the body will not get the same amount of fuel as usual. 25 - 30 minutes a day kardionagruzok will boost energy and help eliminate toxins, but if there was a feeling of vertigo, you need to stop.

 Detox Diet | Cleansing the body in the home - whether or not to?

Tips: how to benefit most from the detox diet

The tips below will help to carry out cleansing of the body with the greatest success:

  • Post-detoxification: after the completion of the planned program of cleansing, do not overload the body. It is necessary to return to a normal diet gradually. As a guide for a healthy diet Healthy eating - do not limit yourself to eating  Healthy eating - do not limit yourself to eating
 , Nutritionists recommend a combination of the products of six different colors on your plate at each meal.
  • Regular cleaning: doctors, natural health practitioners, and specialists in Ayurveda recommends short, regular program of detoxification of the body instead of rare or long-term positions, which deplete the body and cause an imbalance. If detox - the diet is producing positive results, you can choose one day a week or a month to regularly practice the same diet.

Detox diets are controversial in the medical community because of the lack of empirical data to support the claims of their health benefits. It is important to pay special attention to the condition of the body during the detoxification, and to any drastic change in diet is best to consult a doctor or qualified professional in the field of health.
