Signs of pregnancy - thrush is one of the options?
May 25, 2013
Thrush is quite unpleasant disease that is very common in the fairer sex. Furthermore, the percentage of occurrence of thrush during pregnancy is much higher than before. Often thrush developing immediately after conception and implantation of the fertilized egg, which is why women are of the opinion that one of the signs of pregnancy - thrush, and therefore, it is not a disease and treat it is not necessary. But it is not.
What is thrush
Thrush (Candida vaginitis or urogenital candidiasis) - a disease that is caused by yeast fungi Candida. Normally, the fungi of the genus Candida is present in the body in small amounts (women are included in the composition of the vaginal microflora, but behave "properly"). When a variety of predisposing factors that encourage the growth and multiplication of yeasts, developing thrush, and in severe cases may cause candidiasis and generalized. Thus, thrush indicates a violation of the normal composition of the vaginal flora especially during pregnancy.
Why Thrush is considered a "sign" of pregnancy
So why do women feel strongly that thrush - is one of the early signs of pregnancy? Urogenital candidiasis during childbearing occurs not always, but if the disease has had an effect, then get rid of it would be quite difficult. Thrush accompanies pregnancy for good reasons:
As you know, the beginning of the pregnancy, there is a weakening in the body's defenses and immunity is called immunosuppression. This condition is explained very simply. The embryo to the mother's body is a foreign agent because it consists of cells, not only the mother, but the father, so the immune suppression protects rejection of a new life the female body. In addition, it is known that the yeast provoke a variety of diseases, but because of the above reasons, pregnant women are prone to infection with colds and other diseases, especially in times of epidemic.
With the birth of a new life in a woman's body begin to intensively produced hormones of pregnancy: hCG, progesterone
Progesterone - norm and pathology
and estrogens. In the development of thrush important role played by estrogens. During pregnancy, due to the effect of female sex hormones produced by increasing the number of discharges in the vagina that is also protective in nature (large amount of vaginal discharge
Vaginal discharge
washed pathogens). Progesterone and estrogens contribute to increased formation of glycogen, lactic acid bacteria which do not have time to process. Unused glycogen is a breeding ground for fungi, against this background, they actively begin to grow and multiply.
Another predisposing factor in the development of thrush are considered stress and fatigue. As for pregnant women, the very beginning of their "interesting" state of women inherent mood swings, feelings, fears and anxieties. Expectant mother is already in a state of permanent stress
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Constantly irritable and cries, it does not leave insomnia, and in some cases develop depression. All of these reasons for tire woman and contribute to the development of chronic fatigue syndrome
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It does not remain on the sidelines during the development of the urogenital candidiasis during pregnancy and early toxicosis. As you know, early toxicosis manifested by nausea and vomiting, increased salivation, perverted tastes and smell. Anorexia, which leads to a lack of essential vitamins and minerals exacerbates immunodeficiency. In addition, excessive consumption of starchy foods (sweet pastries), which often occurs in pregnant women contributes to the development of thrush.
Anna Sozinova
Tests during pregnancy - some of them are really necessary?
January 7, 2010
In a study of pregnant women divided into several stages of fetal development, which require monitoring. Healthy pregnant women should be observed obstetrician-gynecologist in a specific pattern. If a woman adheres to the recommended scheme of her observations, the risk of having a sick child to a minimum.
The definition of pregnancy
The first analysis of a pregnant woman usually spends itself at home using special test systems, which are sold in pharmacies. Laboratory methods for the diagnosis of pregnancy is based on the definition in the urine or blood of the woman human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) - a hormone that occurs only during pregnancy. Synthesis of HCG begins with the first days of pregnancy and continuing until delivery. Using test systems hCG detected in the urine 3-5 days after conception.
After the pregnancy test was positive, you must visit the antenatal clinic to confirm the diagnosis, even if you do not care. It is necessary, first of all, in order to give birth to a healthy baby. Women who are not promptly registered as a rule, have a lot of problems in the future.
Currently, diagnosis of early pregnancy used immunological methods based on the ability of the body to produce antibodies capable of neutralizing the foreign particles (antigens) invading the body. To carry out this reaction takes the standard serum laboratory studies containing antibodies to hCG, and red blood cells bearing the antigen hCG. If we add to them the urine of a pregnant woman having HCG, it will take the place of the antigen and red blood cells will remain unchanged, with the addition of a non-pregnant woman's urine red blood cells stick together in the antibody.
Analyses of hours I trimester of pregnancy (from start to 12 weeks)
To be sure of your health and the health of the unborn child, the woman should conduct some research:
- blood test for hormones (hCG, progesterone
Progesterone - norm and pathology
and etc.). This study is conducted from 8 to 13 weeks of pregnancy; a decrease in the serum of these hormones indicates a risk of miscarriage
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or at risk of having a child with birth defects or genetic disorders;
- smear on the latent infection (for chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureoplazmy), as well as general smear on the flora to eliminate inflammation and bacterial vaginosis (dysbiosis vagina when destroyed the normal vaginal flora and growing sickness, with no signs of inflammation), any infection may be the cause miscarriage;
- nnfektsiyu fetal blood as well as blood for HIV, hepatitis B and C, syphilis
Syphilis - punishment of Venus
- definition of the group and Rh factor; These indicators can cause incompatibility of blood between mother and child; they need to know, in time to help avoid trouble;
- general blood analysis; in the blood during pregnancy certain changes occur (e.g., the number of leukocytes, accelerated ESR); At the same time, the overall blood test can detect latent diseases.
Analyses during II trimester of pregnancy (from 12 to 24 weeks)
At 15-21 weeks of pregnancy is carried out triple hormonal test consisting of three hormones in serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and estriol.
These analyzes reveal the risk of genetic diseases. Low levels of AFP and estriol, and (or) high levels of hCG may indicate a higher risk of having a baby with genetic disorders. High levels of alpha-fetoprotein indicates a possible defect of the nervous system and the anterior abdominal wall. By reducing the AFP, AFP high numbers, high numbers of hCG is assigned consulting genetics.
In addition, a complete blood count to detect a variety of diseases of the pregnant woman.
Analyses during the III trimester of pregnancy (24 weeks before childbirth)
With proper and timely monitoring of pregnant women in antenatal clinics in the III trimester of pregnancy tests are not required (except for the general analysis of the blood). The risk that a child can be born sick, very low, but still it is, therefore, monitoring of his condition should be. But he carried out with the help of ultrasound (at 32-34 weeks).
Just before birth pridets repeated blood tests for infections (HIV, hepatitis A virus
Hepatitis A - do not forget to wash your hands!
and C, syphilis) - it is a prerequisite for staying in the nursing home.
If you during the pregnancy in a timely manner prescribed by the doctor performed all analyzes and ultrasound tests, you can be quite sure that the baby will be born healthy.
Galina Romanenko