Diarrhea during pregnancy - to cope not work - In the early stages

April 8th, 2010

  • Diarrhea during pregnancy - to cope not work
  • In the early stages
  • When toxemia during the first days of pregnancy
  • What is the danger?
  • Causes

Diarrhea during early pregnancy

Diarrhea during early pregnancy - a rare phenomenon, but still met. In the early stages (within the first few weeks of the first trimester), diarrhea can be accompanied by sharp pains spasmodic, which can be mistaken for a sign of a possible miscarriage Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?  Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?
 . By itself, the diarrhea in pregnancy does not indicate a risk of miscarriage - only if you notice other symptoms, such as abnormal vaginal bleeding or a dull, constant pain in the lower back, urgently need to see a doctor.

One of the potential complications of diarrhea in pregnancy, especially in the early stages - dehydration, which can cause weakness, a feeling of constant fatigue. By itself, fatigue - it is a widespread consequence of the first weeks of pregnancy, and diarrhea can make the first trimester is even harder for women.

Diarrhea during early pregnancy - not a cause for concern: as a rule, diarrhea passes very quickly and without consequences.

 In the early stages | Diarrhea during pregnancy - to cope not work


Diarrhea during early pregnancy, as well as other discomfort - for example, constant bloating Bloating - if you are bursting inside  Bloating - if you are bursting inside
 Constipation - usually is a consequence of changing hormone levels in a woman's body. During the first weeks of pregnancy, the body produces a large number of so-called "pregnancy hormones" that misrepresented the number, slows down the gastrointestinal tract - it helps the embryo will receive the necessary nutrients for the development. Although such an effect of hormones beneficial for the child, the mother is in the first place, additional disadvantages associated with disorders of the digestive tract and including diarrhea or constipation.

 In the early stages | Diarrhea during pregnancy - to cope not work

Changes in diet

Most women who become pregnant, drastically changing eating habits, including diet more and more benefit to the child of fruits, vegetables, liquids, fiber. Such a diet is definitely useful - especially for constant constipation - but can cause and the consequence is unpleasant as diarrhea.

In some cases, diarrhea during early pregnancy may be caused by lactose-intolerant individual - this often happens when the content of the milk and dairy products in the diet increased sharply in connection with pregnancy and the need for a healthy diet Healthy eating - do not limit yourself to eating  Healthy eating - do not limit yourself to eating
 . To find out if it were not dairy products cause diarrhea, better on two or three days to give up milk - but do not forget that the body needs calcium.

 In the early stages | Diarrhea during pregnancy - to cope not work

Vitamins for pregnant women

A variety of food additives Food additives - basic classification  Food additives - basic classification
   and vitamins that pregnant women are beginning to take taking care of the health of the unborn child may, like dairy products, cause diarrhea. Such effects of vitamins on the body of a pregnant woman is strictly individual, so consider them harmful and even more so to give up on vitamins during pregnancy is not necessary.

 In the early stages | Diarrhea during pregnancy - to cope not work

Viral infections

The body of a pregnant woman more vulnerable to various kinds of infections - including viral infections, one of the most common consequences of which is considered to be diarrhea. Typically, diarrhea during early pregnancy caused by infection (eg, rotavirus), held their own in a few days, without harming the health of mother and child.

Diarrhea during pregnancy - to cope not work - at a toxicosis in the first days of pregnancy

April 8th, 2010

  • Diarrhea during pregnancy - to cope not work
  • In the early stages
  • When toxemia during the first days of pregnancy
  • What is the danger?
  • Causes

Diarrhea at a toxicosis in the first days of pregnancy

Diarrhea (diarrhea), which is observed in the first days of pregnancy, should not be confused with one of the signs of toxicity. Toxicosis in pregnant women is usually accompanied by nausea Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system  Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system
 , Vomiting, cramping abdominal pain, diarrhea, but the first few days of pregnancy, as a rule, is not observed. However, do not think that diarrhea at a toxicosis in the first days of pregnancy - a sign of serious health problems: diarrhea, often in such cases - is just one of the consequences of the hormonal changes that a woman's body undergoes during pregnancy.

 When toxemia during the first days of pregnancy | Diarrhea during pregnancy - to cope not work

What is the reason?

Another cause of diarrhea during the first days of toxemia of pregnancy, and the most common cause - any infection of bacterial or viral nature, causes and intestinal damage, including diarrhea. Usually in such cases, the diarrhea stops after one or two days, but the morning sickness can last for several weeks or even months.

In contrast to the last weeks of pregnancy, when the diarrhea may be associated with self-efficacy the woman's body for childbirth, diarrhea at a toxicosis in the first days of pregnancy can be caused by many different factors. It can be, for example, vitamin supplements for pregnant women, which include iron, or idiosyncrasy lactose - in such cases to provoke diarrhea too large quantities of milk or milk products in the diet. To determine the root cause of diarrhea in the first days of pregnancy, it is necessary to pay special attention to what you eat, and a few days to give up the foods that may have provoked diarrhea.

 When toxemia during the first days of pregnancy | Diarrhea during pregnancy - to cope not work

How to treat diarrhea at a toxicosis in the first days of pregnancy

In general, for treatment of diarrhea since the earliest days of pregnancy are quite suitable antidiarrheal drugs designed to normalize the intestinal microflora - but before taking any medicines is best to consult with your doctor. It is best to discard any medications and wait out this unpleasant period - usually diarrhea, even caused by a viral infection, is terminated by a very short time. This step is the most safe for the child. If the symptoms are acute, or prolonged and intense diarrhea can lead to dehydration, you need to see a doctor, who will recommend antidiarrheal drugs, the safest for pregnant women and children.

 When toxemia during the first days of pregnancy | Diarrhea during pregnancy - to cope not work

Prevention of diarrhea

To prevent diarrhea, should be included in the diet as much as possible products with high fiber content - be it vegetable salads, fresh fruit or vegetables. In addition, to normalize the intestine How to normalize the bowel - products and preparations  How to normalize the bowel - products and preparations
 Whose functions violate pregnancy hormones will help increase the amount of liquid. These measures will help to prevent dehydration - one of the most dangerous consequences of diarrhea, especially in early pregnancy.

 When toxemia during the first days of pregnancy | Diarrhea during pregnancy - to cope not work

When to see a doctor?

When various types of food poisoning and viral infections of the intestine diarrhea usually lasts for one to two days. If diarrhea at a toxicosis in the first days of pregnancy accompanied by a sharp rise in temperature, sharp abdominal pain Acute abdominal pain  Acute abdominal pain
 And the appearance of blood or mucus in the stool, you should immediately consult a doctor - in such cases, diarrhea may be one of the symptoms of bowel obstruction Ileus - the reasons may be different  Ileus - the reasons may be different
