Twins - the phenomenon is not so rare, but three, four or more babies are born at the same time - this is a rarity. Many people say - a freak of nature. Despite the visual appeal (to give birth just two - it's great!) In such a lurking danger of pregnancy for both mother and child. Therefore, a woman with multiple pregnancies should punctually perform all the doctor's instructions.
What is multiple pregnancy and its causes
Multiple pregnancy - a pregnancy occurring with the development of two or more fetuses. The most common are twins. Among the causes of multiple pregnancy recently took heredity: there are families in which the generations born double and triple.
Multiple pregnancy may occur during fertilization of two (three, and so on), and then the eggs develop fraternal twins. But sometimes a single fertilized egg develops two fruits - is identical twins, who have absolute similarity.
Ovum and its structure
When multiple pregnancies every fertilized egg after the introduction of the mucous membrane of the uterine wall forms its shell, from which later forms the placenta from an independent network of blood vessels. Do identical twins
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It may be a common shell (amnion) or separate envelope for each fetus.
The fact whether monozygotic twins and dizygotic judged by the results of the examination of the placenta (afterbirth). For dizygotic twins is characterized by contacting the individual or placenta, partition Mezhuyev sac (amnion) is they have four layers. For monozygotic twins shared a placenta is typical, and the partition consists of two layers.
How is
Multiple pregnancy may proceed normally, but can often be complicated and miscarriage, premature birth and toxicosis. Even with uncomplicated pregnancy, a woman may appear fatigue, shortness of breath, frequent urination, constipation
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- All this is due to a significant increase in the size of the uterus.
Developing fetuses are usually uniform, their difference in weight is small. But sometimes it may appear pronounced unevenness of development associated with the presence of anastomoses (bridge) between the vessels of the placenta of the fruit. With varying intensity cardiac blood supply to the fruit of one of them better, because that will be the fruit of a second behind in development and may even die. Sometimes the fruit in the form of the formless formation detected during labor (the so-called "paper" the fruit). When monozygotic twins, located in one amnion, perhaps the birth of children with developmental disabilities in the form accrete twins.
Location fetuses in the uterus during a multiple pregnancy may be different, but most often, both the fetus are in longitudinal position and cephalic (head down). There are other options.
Before the advent of ultrasonography (US) fetal diagnosis of multiple pregnancy in the early stages it was difficult to deliver. But at the moment this diagnosis is not difficult, as the US is already in 2, 5 weeks of pregnancy is clearly visible heartbeat of each fruit.
Births in multiple pregnancies usually done vaginally and often occur normally. After the disclosure of the cervix is born first one fruit, then another.
But sometimes occur during childbirth and complications delayed rupture of membranes, uterine inertia forces due to distension of the uterus, hypoxia (insufficient oxygen supply to tissues) of the fetus, premature detachment of the placenta after the birth of the second fetus first, belated second rupture of membranes fetal bleeding.
Help during labor in multiple pregnancies
For the regulation of uterine activity and labor analgesia used antispasmodics (drugs, relieves spasms of smooth muscles of internal organs, including the uterus).
The bag of water first fruits opened, carefully and slowly release the amniotic fluid. The period of the expulsion of the fetus first lead expectantly, trying to do everything in a natural way. But in the event of complications in the mother or fetus accelerate the process by using various techniques (eg, forceps).
During the birth of the second fetus and expectant tactics. After 10-20 minutes after the birth of the first fetus is usually opened the second bag of waters and give birth the natural flow and, if necessary, apply special obstetric techniques.
Born then followed carefully inspected to determine their integrity (left in the uterine cavity piece can bleed) and in order to determine their origin mono- or dizygotic.
Prevention of complications during a multiple pregnancy
Pregnant women with multiple pregnancy require careful monitoring in a women's clinic. At complicated pregnancy (for example, toxicity and risk of miscarriage), a woman should be directed to the department of pathology of pregnancy, maternity hospital for necessary treatment.
Galina Romanenko