The worst pain a woman - is the pain of losing a child. Particularly badly that the child may lose even during pregnancy. This premature birth, and spontaneous abortions, and so-called missed abortion. According to statistics, about 15% of all pregnancies freeze. Diagnosis of missed abortion is sometimes difficult, in this regard, it is not conducted in a timely manner, as determined by pathology only for routine examination of women (gynecological examination, ultrasound, determination of indicators of human chorionic hormone). That is why it is so important to know the signs of missed abortion is not only a doctor, but the woman herself.
What is missed abortion
Missed abortion (or would-developing pregnancy miscarriage) - a condition where at any stage of pregnancy is terminated fetal development, causing him to die. Missed abortion refers to the pathology of miscarriage
Miscarriage - why you lose the most precious thing?
and can happen in any trimester. The most frequently missed abortion occurs in the first trimester (13 weeks).
Critical periods, when the development of non-viable pregnancy
Missed abortion - do not lose faith in yourself
more likely - it is 3-4 weeks, 8-11 weeks and 16-18 weeks.
For missed abortion cite different reasons. These include infections, malformations of the uterus, fibroids and endometriosis, uterus, hormonal disorders, endocrine diseases (diabetes, thyroid disease), unhealthy lifestyle (smoking, drinking), the woman's age (over 30 years).
What should alert
First pregnancy proceeds as normal. After conception the fertilized egg enters the uterus, which is implanted and starts to divide. The woman says all the typical signs of pregnancy: delayed menstruation, breast tenderness, nausea and vomiting, a positive pregnancy test. The very moment of termination of life of the fetus is seamless. In the early stages of the disease is possible to preserve all the signs of pregnancy.
The first sign of missed abortion is the sudden cessation of toxicity, absence of pain and breast engorgement. But this is not typical symptoms. Later, may cause nagging pains in the abdomen or in the lumbar region, spotting
Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology
. Basal temperature drops to 37 degrees or below. In some untimely diagnosed cases, long-term course of the disease, the decomposition of the fetus, resulting in intoxication. The woman was rapidly deteriorating state of health, fever, loss of appetite, vomiting occurs.
Missed abortion can reliably identify the doctor. During a pelvic exam palpated the uterus, the dimensions of which do not comply with the expected term of the pregnancy. To that end, each visit to the antenatal clinic pregnant in the first trimester ends with mandatory inspection on the couch.
In the later stages of pregnancy, a woman does not feel the fetal movements are also possible abdominal pain
Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
and lower back, the occurrence of bleeding. The doctor notes the absence of the fetal heart.
What are the signs of missed abortion could feel the woman
Pregnancy freezes in the case when an embryo or fetus dies. This happens more frequently in the first trimester of pregnancy. The most dangerous is an 8 week when there is a bookmark of the vital organs of the fetus.
Healthy woman may not always feel the pregnancy and its fading in the first weeks. However, many do it. The main feature of missed abortion - the disappearance of the signs of pregnancy. Disappear typical signs of pregnancy such as breast engorgement, changes in taste, attitude to different odors, and so on.
But these signs do not manage to catch every woman and there are two reasons. The first reason is that some women begin pregnancy without any features, which is why they did not catch her fading. The second reason - changes in the state fade after pregnancy will not happen immediately, but after a week or two, it is common and is associated with the individual characteristics of the functioning of the hormone system.
If a woman during pregnancy developed early morning sickness with nausea, vomiting and all the other "charms" of the state as it is not immediately returns to normal after pregnancy fading.
Some women may intuitively feel that with them that something was wrong, and this feeling is to listen, but not to panic and seek medical advice. If a woman periodically measures her basal temperature (the temperature in the rectum, as measured on an empty stomach in the morning before getting up), it is also able to capture the moment fading pregnancy: basal temperature in the missed abortion decreases sharply, indicating a change in hormonal levels. The increased basal temperature stays in the first half of pregnancy, during the second half of this symptom is losing its importance.
In the second half of pregnancy, the fetus begins to move, and the sudden termination of perturbations is the main feature of missed abortion. But sometimes stirring ceases completely and lose its intensity, in this case, you should consult your doctor and check if the child is not threatened danger.
Finally, the danger signs are the appearance of bleeding and abdominal pain. In this case, you should call an ambulance may even be able to save the baby in hospital.
Signs of missed abortion, which may reveal the doctor
The first signs of missed abortion, which could see the doctor, identified during the inspection, followed by ultrasound and blood tests.
At the next survey of women in the antenatal clinic doctor may notice a discrepancy between the size of the uterus and pregnancy. But this symptom is not always revealed - sometimes the uterus can grow and missed abortion by increasing the membranes of the ovum. Therefore the physician during a routine inspection of a woman focuses not only on the survey data, but also to complaints or simply feeling the woman.
If you suspect a missed abortion women an ultrasound study, in which the diagnosis of missed abortion is confirmed or withdrawn by the presence or absence of fetal heart tones and consistent with its size in pregnancy.
The diagnosis of missed abortion is also confirmed by blood tests on the woman's HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin - the main hormone of the first half of pregnancy). When fading pregnancy amount of hCG in the blood first ceases to grow, and then gradually (over 1-2 weeks) is reduced.
Sometimes a woman turns to the doctor later, when the background of missed abortion she shows signs of intoxication - fever, chills, headaches, pain in muscles and joints, and so on. It says a lot about the state of the doctor: it not only confirms the diagnosis of missed abortion, and requires emergency medical care in mind the threat of infection.
Emergency aid is needed when a woman and her pain in the lower abdomen and bleeding.
Sometimes pre-diagnosis of missed abortion is not confirmed in the survey: the fruit has not died, but is in critical condition. In this case, to help the woman to keep the baby can be only in a hospital.
Diagnosis of missed abortion
For timely diagnosis of missed abortion is shown:
- gynecological examination;
- Ultrasound (determination of gestational age and uterine size, fetal heart rate, presence or absence of the embryo);
- identification of indicators of human chorionic gonadotropin (with missed abortion says stop, and then declines).
Prevention of missed abortion
Prevention of missed abortion involves removal of all hazards, nutrition, vitamins. After a case of missed abortion is recommended not to repeat pregnancy before six months, with a preliminary examination:
- Pelvic ultrasound;
- Consultation genetics;
- examination for infections (toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus infection, chlamydia and others);
- detection and treatment of hormonal disorders;
- determination of autoantibodies in the blood;
- determination of homocysteine in the blood.