Furadonin during pregnancy - used cautiously
August 31, 2011
Furadonin traditionally long been used to treat urinary tract infections. Is it possible to assign furadonin pregnant women? Some doctors prescribe his short courses, but the women to read in the instructions that it is contraindicated in pregnancy, refuse taking this medicine.
Can I use furadonin during pregnancy?
Furadonin belongs in the group of nitrofurans and has an antimicrobial effect on a wide range of bacterial flora that causes diseases of the urinary tract. Today, of course, there are more effective antibacterial agents, but, nevertheless, are sometimes prescribed furadonin and why? This is usually done when the microflora caused by the disease, is insensitive to other antibacterial agents. And to furadonin addictive pathogens develops slowly.
But furadonina intake during pregnancy is contraindicated because of the fact that it crosses the placental barrier and can have toxic effects on the fetus.
Of course, this drug is not the most toxic drugs. By exposure of the fetus it belongs to category B, it means that the experimental animals revealed the risk to the fetus, but during the clinical trials it is not identified or is not sufficiently studied.
Drugs category B may be used during pregnancy, but the risk of toxic effects on the fetus is still there, so all instructions to furadonin
Furadonin - protects the kidneys and urinary tract
It says that it is contraindicated in pregnancy. In practice it is used, but only after a preliminary study of microbial (bacterial inoculation test) urine to identify the infectious agent and its sensitivity to antibiotics.
However, furadonin should not be used under any circumstances in the first twelve weeks of pregnancy. To be absolutely accurate, that starting from the second week, twelfth inclusive. At this time, the fetus is most vulnerable to the impact of any drugs, as is laying its main organs and tissues. During the first weeks of pregnancy, the fetus is not related to the mother's body, he developed completely independently, getting nutrients from the ovum. During this week, the fertilized egg moves through the fallopian tube to the uterus, and the seventh - tenth day embedded in the wall of the uterus. Immediately begins to develop the general circulation, and the embryo is fed through the circulatory system of the mother and nutrients to him can come and toxic substances.
Thus, the use furadonina after the twelfth week of pregnancy can only be prescribed by a doctor, who will assess the risk of its application and compare it with the risk of severe infections of the urinary tract.
Indications and contraindications
Pregnant women are prone to urinary tract infections because of low immunity, the proximity of the circulatory system of the urinary tract and intestines (infectious agents can enter through the blood from the intestine in the urinary system) and compression of the urinary system the growing uterus. Therefore, pregnant women often develop cystitis and pyelonephritis.
Furadonin used in infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract in pregnant women only when infectious agents are insensitive to other, less toxic drugs.
Contraindications for the purpose furadonina are expressed by the human kidney and liver, congenital enzyme deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, severe diseases of the cardiovascular system in violation of its functions and increased sensitivity to furadonin.
Side effects from taking furadonina
When receiving furadonina in pregnant women may experience the following side effects:
- from respiratory - chest pain, cough, dyspnea, toxic damage of the lung tissue; patients with bronchial asthma attacks may become more frequent;
- from the gastrointestinal tract - poor appetite, nausea, vomiting, discomfort and pain in the upper abdomen, diarrhea; possible liver toxicity with the development of hepatitis;
- of the central and peripheral nervous system - headache, dizziness
Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
, Lethargy, loss of peripheral nerves (neuritis);
- the blood system - reduction in the number of white blood cells (immune system falls), platelets (increased bleeding), develop various types of anemia;
- allergic reactions - different kind of itchy rash, including rash, swelling
Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
Angioneurotic .;
- skin reactions - toxic reactions in the form of various rashes;
- Other side effects - the rise in temperature, pain in the joints
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(it sometimes resembles flu), the accession of further infection.
Furadonin used in the treatment of pregnant women, but only when strictly necessary and prescribed by a doctor.
Galina Romanenko
Toxemia - a notorious sign of pregnancy
November 16, 2006
During pregnancy, the mother's body adjusts to the growing baby and its needs. Sometimes this process is not very well, and there are a variety of unpleasant symptoms such as morning sickness. After the end of pregnancy it goes, but for forty weeks the expectant mother can deliver significant discomfort.
Early toxicosis
Toxemia during pregnancy can manifest itself in different ways and have different causes. In the early stages of pregnancy is associated usually with hormonal changes - the body can not immediately adapt to the sharp rise in hormone levels, and responds by nausea and vomiting.
A classic is considered toxicosis manifested morning nausea and vomiting. In fact, it can occur at any time of the day. Toxicosis, usually are not random nausea, which happen a few times a week - every day.
Early morning sickness continued in the first 2-3 months of pregnancy. Treat it does not need and can not be, because it is a natural reaction to the changes associated with pregnancy. However, if the vomiting happen very often (more than ten times per day) and so strong that it is not retained in the stomach of any food or drink, should see a doctor. In some cases, such a strong toxicosis require hospitalization. Otherwise, the woman will develop an aversion to food, and it will rapidly lose weight, which affect not only her health but also the health of the child. Sometimes morning sickness in early pregnancy is accompanied by symptoms such as weakness, sleep disturbances
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White patches on the tongue, bad breath
Breath (halitosis) - is sometimes useful to close the mouth
, Increased heart rate (tachycardia), low blood pressure, a slight increase in body temperature, the presence of protein in the urine.
In the latter case, it may require hospitalization, as this condition is very dangerous for the mother.
Most pregnant women toxicosis symptoms disappear to the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy. Strong toxicosis, as a rule, too, can be cured with timely treatment for medical help. However, in the most extreme and very rare cases, the threat of a woman's life requires abortion.
Toxicosis in late pregnancy
Symptoms of toxicity may occur in the second trimester of pregnancy and before delivery. Some women have nausea and vomiting begin immediately after conception and ends only when the pregnancy is terminated. This is an exception - as future mothers, who know only by hearsay toxicosis. The exact causes are still unclear late toxicosis. Most likely, this is due to the activity of hormones of pregnancy, which can adapt to every woman's body. Yet most women morning sickness in the second and third trimester of pregnancy is significantly weaker than in the first.
At the stage of development of late toxicosis is preeclampsia. Its typical symptoms are extensive edema, increased blood pressure, presence of protein in the urine
The protein in the urine - a sign of danger, which should not be underestimated
, Severe headaches, blurred vision (blurred before his eyes), seizures, convulsions, in severe cases - coma. In this condition narugaetsya kidney, liver, circulatory system, central nervous system, metabolism
Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
. Preeclampsia is deadly for the mother and for the unborn baby; It requires immediate hospitalization. In some cases, in order to save the mother's life, we have to terminate the pregnancy.