Omeprazole and breast-feeding - have any contraindications?

April 22, 2013

 omeprazole breastfeeding
 Most manufacturers of the drug believe that omeprazole and lactation Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!  Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!
   incompatible. But if you read the instructions in the original drug loseku, the active substance is omeprazole, one can see that breast-feeding is not a contraindication for receiving it - the manufacturer recommends to just assign this case losek with caution.

 Omeprazole and breast-feeding - have any contraindications?

How does Omeprazole

Antiulcer drug after ingestion of omeprazole is absorbed into the bloodstream and from there flows into the cells of the gastric glands located in the intestinal mucosa.

Action omeprazole occurs at the cellular level - it blocks the transport of hydrogen ions and chlorine from the cells. Since the interaction of these ions is formed, hydrochloric acid, resulting in a decrease in acidity. Next omeprazole through the bloodstream to the liver, it is decomposed into neutral metabolites and excreted primarily in the urine and partially with bile.

Currently, the question of whether it is allocated omeprazole with human milk, and if stands, the way he acts on the baby, still not fully explored. And if the manufacturer of the original drug loseka (Swedish pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca) conducted laboratory studies of the drug in animals, the manufacturers of generics (copies of the original drug), in most cases did not conduct such studies.

Hence the difference in the recommendations: losek allowed to take during lactation in the presence of vital evidence, remaining manufacturers do not risk to give such permission and recommend the treatment to interrupt breastfeeding. Obviously, the past is still right, as omeprazole may produce significant side effects. How is this effect of the drug will affect the baby, just do not tell anyone.

Of course, the mother may be conditions that require active treatment. This treatment should take place only under medical supervision using the drugs which it is known that they are not excreted in human milk. The appointment of medicines, the effect of which on the organism studied enough lactating women require interruption of breastfeeding. Omeprazole is assigned to long courses (at least two weeks in a row), so after the end of treatment recovery breastfeeding is likely to be impossible.

 Omeprazole and breast-feeding - have any contraindications?

Side effects of omeprazole

Omeprazole is generally well tolerated. However, this drug is sometimes (quite rare) can produce severe side effects, sometimes requiring hospitalization. If a woman is breastfeeding, the question arises: how to respond to omeprazole baby (of course, if omeprazole is excreted in human milk)?

Adverse effects of omeprazole can occur from the central and peripheral nervous system. In patients with headaches, dizziness, Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet  Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
 And various sensory disturbances (eg, creeping sensation in the body), taste disturbances, vision. There may be weakness, drowsiness or insomnia, irritability, depressed mood, recurring confusion. Severe liver disease may develop encephalopathy - exchange-dystrophic lesions of the brain.

As you know, many children in utero, during delivery are often subject to a variety of adverse effects, which then adversely affect the central nervous system. Is it worth it to risk it and add one more negative factor - the possible effects on the brain child omeprazole?

Side effects when taking omeprazole may also arise on the part of the digestive system. It nausea, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea, dry mouth, and propensity to develop stomatitis Stomatitis - to breath fresh  Stomatitis - to breath fresh
 , Abnormal liver function (and, if the patient had liver problems, the violations in patients receiving omeprazole can be very significant). Whether such side effects of nursing baby Baby man, though with a little finger  Baby man, though with a little finger
 , The digestive system is just beginning to function?

Finally, when receiving omeprazole may develop significant changes in the hematopoietic system. In peripheral blood white blood cell count decreases (and with it impaired immunity), platelets (there bleeding) and red blood cells (anemia).

Side effects when taking omeprazole are rare, but no one knows what side effects may occur in an infant if the drug, which takes his mother is released from human milk.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • omeprazole

Neyromultivit during pregnancy - why it can not be applied?

March 11, 2012

 Neyromultivit pregnancy
 The instructions to neyromultivitu indicated that this drug during pregnancy is not recommended due to the limited experience of its use in pregnant women and the lack of data supporting the safety of his appointment to this patient population.


Why pregnant women are not allowed to take Neyromultivit

The structure neyromultivita includes B vitamins B vitamins: the body useful helpers  B vitamins: the body useful helpers
   (B1, B6 and B12) at doses many times higher than daily requirement of these persons, including pregnant women. The main effect of high doses of these vitamins is aimed at restoring normal metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
   in nerve cells (neurons). For example, vitamin B1 supplies the necessary energy for metabolism, vitamin B6 has been actively involved in the metabolism of amino acids from which proteins are built, and vitamin B12 has an overall beneficial effect on the function of the nervous system. All together they can significantly intensify all kinds of metabolic processes in nervous tissue.

Pregnancy - is a special condition in which vitamins may even have a negative impact on the body. Therefore, in the first twelve weeks of pregnancy a woman can be appointed only physician folic acid Folic acid - the value is hard to overestimate  Folic acid - the value is hard to overestimate
   (also applies to group B vitamins), which can prevent the development of anomalies. Vitamin and mineral supplements in this period of pregnancy are not appointed because that is laying the tissues and organs of the fetus, so any impact on a woman's body can be disastrous during this period.

Later, vitamin-mineral complexes are assigned, but only those which are intended for pregnant women, with a specially verified doses of vitamins. No one knows how a pregnant woman can act high doses of B vitamins as well as clinical trials of its kind in pregnant women were not conducted.


Action on the body of a pregnant woman of high doses of vitamins B1 and B6

Of all three vitamins comprising the neyromultivita, vitamin B1 (thiamine) is the safest. The only drawback of this vitamin - it has a fairly pronounced allergenic properties, so it is not recommended for patients suffering from allergic diseases. During pregnancy, any allergic reaction can result in a catastrophe, so large doses of vitamin B1 is very dangerous.

Vitamin B6 (piridokin) can also cause allergic reactions. In addition, it is able to increase the acidity of gastric juice. As you know, many pregnant women are constantly worried about heartburn, with high doses of vitamin B6, it can repeatedly increase. It is dangerous to apply such high doses of vitamin B6 in gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer even though the film covering the tablet, because it dissolves it in the duodenum. With careful use of pyridoxine and coronary heart disease Heart disease and heart attacks: that every woman should know  Heart disease and heart attacks: that every woman should know
   and in severe liver disease. During pregnancy, liver woman carries a double burden, and no one knows how high doses of vitamin B6 will act on her body.

All of these recommendations relate to therapeutic doses of vitamins in their same dose Neyromultivit ten times higher, respectively, higher than the risk of side effects.


Action on the body of a pregnant woman of high doses of vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) deserves special attention. One of the effects of its use (particularly in high dosage) is the activation of blood coagulation. Therefore, an immediate risk of increased blood clots in pregnancy that is totally unacceptable.

The main concern of obstetrician-gynecologist of female consultation is timely detection and treatment of all circulatory disorders in pregnant women, as they may affect the operation of the system mother - placenta - fetus. If for some reason the blood circulation in the system is broken, the fetus does not receive the nutrients and oxygen, which leads to a slowing of his physical development and, most importantly, a negative impact on the brain.

Very often the cause of such disorders of blood circulation is the formation of blood clots in the blood vessels of the placenta. In order to prevent this, pregnant women with disorders of the system mother - placenta - fetus (ie placental insufficiency) intravenously administered drugs Heparin - a substance that prevents blood clots.

Very high doses of vitamin B12 during pregnancy are dangerous because they can contribute to the formation of clots in blood vessels of the placenta.

Neyromultivit - a drug that was generally well tolerated, but the pregnancy - a special period during which not worth the risk and apply these vitamins in high doses.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Neyromultivit
