Diprospan - it is an effective anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic glucocorticosteroid drug. It is used in the treatment of many serious diseases, but during pregnancy for use diprospana should be approached with extreme caution.
Why diprospan try not appoint pregnancy
The main reason for the diprospan not indicated during pregnancy is that clinical trials of adequate action of the drug in pregnant women and the fetus was conducted. In addition, very well aware of numerous side effects of glucocorticoid agents (corticosteroids) including diprospana, on the body.
Diprospan, pregnancy and infection
Like any glucocorticosteroid, diprospan the one hand is a very effective drug, and on the other - gives a lot of side effects. During pregnancy a woman's body is undergoing significant changes, which make use of diprospana in this period is particularly dangerous.
For example, during pregnancy it is always reduced immunity, which contributes to the spread of fungal infections. Particularly "fond" of pregnant women fungi genus Candida, causing thrush. In applying diprospana immunity is reduced even more and there is a risk of generalization (spread on the entire body) candidiasis.
The same applies to bacterial and viral infections - they will also apply to the background of diprspana. Especially dangerous is the herpes infection. The danger in this case threatens not only the woman but also to the fetus, which can develop intrauterine infection.
Diprospan, pregnancy, and hormonal disorders
Diprospan inhibits the secretion of certain hormones of the pituitary gland. This may cause failure of the thyroid gland, which has a negative impact on the state of women during pregnancy.
Even more dangerous suppression of the synthesis of pituitary adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), which stimulates the production of its own glucocorticoid hormones by the adrenal glands in the body of the pregnant woman and the fetus. Prolonged administration diprospana during pregnancy suppressed private function of the adrenal cortex and the newborn baby may develop adrenal insufficiency.
Diprospan also increases body weight during pregnancy quite undesirable.
Diprospan, pregnancy, cardiovascular and metabolic disorders
In the second half of pregnancy there is a risk of vascular disorders that manifest themselves in the form of late toxicosis, or preeclampsia. The changes occur in the smallest blood vessels - capillaries, which leads first to the appearance of edema, then to a persistent increase in blood pressure and loss of body protein. After all, if a woman is not adequate to provide timely assistance to begin serious complications from the brain.
Diprospan contributes to high blood pressure, increased protein breakdown and depletion of their body and can cause side effects in the central nervous system such as seizures. Furthermore, dipospan gives aqueous salt metabolism
Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
That promotes occurrence of edema.
Therefore, even when the initial manifestations of preeclampsia introduction diprospana can dramatically worsen the condition of women.
Under the influence of diprospana could worsen the cardiovascular system and without signs of preeclampsia. This facilitates drug accumulation in the body of sodium and water removal, potassium and calcium. As a result, the heart muscle (myocardium) in a potassium deficiency loses its power, which leads to stagnation of blood, swelling and risk of thrombosis. A lack of blood enough calcium adversely affects the skeletal system of mother and child. It develops and muscle weakness that can hinder the flow of labor.
Diprospan, pregnancy, and disorders of the central nervous system
On the part of the central nervous system when using diprospana violation may occur in the form of headaches, dizziness, seizure, insomnia, increased intracranial pressure. Sometimes, increased intracranial pressure causes swelling of the optic nerve, which can cause blurred vision. And if diprospan entered in the head or neck may develop instant blindness.
Sometimes the introduction diprospana developing resistant depression
Depression - a little more than a bad mood
with increased anxiety
Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
, Irritability
Irritability - you try to control my temper
and tearfulness - is not the best way affects the course of pregnancy.
Pregnancy is not an absolute contraindication for appointment diprospana. But the appointment of the drug is necessary to consider the state of the pregnant woman and the possible consequences of such treatment.
Galina Romanenko