Sinusitis in pregnancy - what should be done

March 20, 2013

  • Sinusitis in pregnancy - what should be done
  • Treatment
  • When lactation

 sinusitis in pregnancy
 The body of a pregnant woman is highly sensitive to any kind of infection exposure. The inflammatory process develops in the acute form, and may also occur existing exacerbation of chronic disease. Treatment of sinusitis in pregnancy is largely hampered by limited resources that can be used during pregnancy. From this point of view, the important role should be given to preventative measures.

 Sinusitis in pregnancy - what should be done

What can be symptoms

In the first place during the installation of the diagnosis of sinusitis during pregnancy out the clinical symptoms of the disease. Many diagnostic methods are counter to any gestation (X-ray or computed tomography), so the doctor can only be based on an objective examination of the patient and on the evaluation of the clinical picture. If a pregnant woman, the following symptoms, you should consult a specialist without delay:

  • bloating and discomfort in the nose
  • headache, as well as pain in the nose teeth. Characterized by high sensitivity and tenderness face
  • shortness of nasal breathing (nasal congestion)
  • if the process takes place in the acute form, it could join the symptoms of acute inflammation (fever, weakness, malaise, loss of appetite, which characterizes the signs of intoxication)

With the development of the inflammatory process is disturbed outflow of contents from the nasal cavity, mucus accumulates and evacuated .  When there is stagnation of the mucus is easily attached bacterial flora, which is the cause of purulent inflammation .  Sinusitis in this form is characterized by the most severe, complicated course that requires treatment in a specialized department .  All the complexity of sinusitis in pregnancy is to limit the arsenal of diagnostic methods that affect the timeliness and accuracy of diagnosis .  Also, many pregnant women do not give enough attention to the state of nasal congestion, regarding it as a symptom of little importance cold .  Often, treatment begins at home, so at the time of treatment to the doctor a pregnant clinical picture can be erased .  Nasal congestion in pregnancy may be a sign not only of inflammation in the sinuses, as well as complications such as preeclampsia .  Categorically unacceptable pregnant self-study at home, dig a variety of nasal drops without consulting a specialist .

 Sinusitis in pregnancy - what should be done

The approach to the choice of treatment tactics

For a woman, it is important that the pregnancy is at a favorable background .  Before the advent of planned pregnancy you must pass a comprehensive examination, to exclude the presence of foci of chronic infection, including from the upper respiratory tract (sinusitis in chronic form) .  Pregnancy is characterized by a temporary state of immune deficiency, when the body's defenses can not fully cope with the protective function .  This causes aggravation of any chronic diseases, regardless of their location .  A woman's body should be prepared for pregnancy .  The main preventive measure should be tempering procedures, outdoor exercise, a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet .  If the body's resistance to infection will be at the proper level, then it is possible to avoid cases of exacerbation of the disease during pregnancy .  Effectively increases the body's defenses herbal preparations with immune stimulating effect (adaptogens) that a woman can use as a therapeutic and prophylactic .

There are several contributing factors that increase the risk of sinusitis:

  • shortness of nasal breathing, associated with anatomical defects (nasal septum deviation). The need for surgical correction is far debated. Many experts are of the opinion about the need to restore the normal anatomy of the nose. At the same time, there is another point of view, when it is recommended not to rush to surgery. It is necessary to address the issue in each case individually, depending on whether there was a change of nasal breathing on a background of an anatomical defect. If this is the main reason in the case of sinusitis, it needs to be eliminated before the pregnancy
  • presence of colds, which had not been fully cured. This is an important factor that contributes to the development of chronic diseases and long-term support the inflammatory process. This group of causative factors may also include the presence of allergic diseases
  • weakening the body's defenses

One of the methods of treatment of sinusitis Sinusitis - the treatment may only be carried out under the supervision of a physician  Sinusitis - the treatment may only be carried out under the supervision of a physician
   It is the appointment of antibacterial drugs. If sinusitis occurs in pregnant women in acute and occurs in the form of purulent inflammation, it is necessary to resolve the question of reception of antibiotics given gestational age. Pregnant women are allowed to designate only a certain range of drugs. In choosing the drug helps microbiological research, which can give an idea of ​​the form of the causative agent and its susceptibility (antibiogram).

For pregnant women, is not a contraindication holding of local procedures for the evacuation of pus from the nose. Sinus puncture needle produce low-impact but this can be used for the evacuation of pus soft catheter. Valid sinus lavage with antiseptic, but to perform this procedure must be a specialist in order to avoid possible negative effects.

Diprospan during pregnancy: it is not necessary to apply

July 1, 2012

 diprospan during pregnancy
 Diprospan - it is an effective anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic glucocorticosteroid drug. It is used in the treatment of many serious diseases, but during pregnancy for use diprospana should be approached with extreme caution.

 Diprospan during pregnancy: it is not necessary to apply

Why diprospan try not appoint pregnancy

The main reason for the diprospan not indicated during pregnancy is that clinical trials of adequate action of the drug in pregnant women and the fetus was conducted. In addition, very well aware of numerous side effects of glucocorticoid agents (corticosteroids) including diprospana, on the body.

 Diprospan during pregnancy: it is not necessary to apply

Diprospan, pregnancy and infection

Like any glucocorticosteroid, diprospan the one hand is a very effective drug, and on the other - gives a lot of side effects. During pregnancy a woman's body is undergoing significant changes, which make use of diprospana in this period is particularly dangerous.

For example, during pregnancy it is always reduced immunity, which contributes to the spread of fungal infections. Particularly "fond" of pregnant women fungi genus Candida, causing thrush. In applying diprospana immunity is reduced even more and there is a risk of generalization (spread on the entire body) candidiasis.

The same applies to bacterial and viral infections - they will also apply to the background of diprspana. Especially dangerous is the herpes infection. The danger in this case threatens not only the woman but also to the fetus, which can develop intrauterine infection.

 Diprospan during pregnancy: it is not necessary to apply

Diprospan, pregnancy, and hormonal disorders

Diprospan inhibits the secretion of certain hormones of the pituitary gland. This may cause failure of the thyroid gland, which has a negative impact on the state of women during pregnancy.

Even more dangerous suppression of the synthesis of pituitary adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), which stimulates the production of its own glucocorticoid hormones by the adrenal glands in the body of the pregnant woman and the fetus. Prolonged administration diprospana during pregnancy suppressed private function of the adrenal cortex and the newborn baby may develop adrenal insufficiency.

Diprospan also increases body weight during pregnancy quite undesirable.

 Diprospan during pregnancy: it is not necessary to apply

Diprospan, pregnancy, cardiovascular and metabolic disorders

In the second half of pregnancy there is a risk of vascular disorders that manifest themselves in the form of late toxicosis, or preeclampsia. The changes occur in the smallest blood vessels - capillaries, which leads first to the appearance of edema, then to a persistent increase in blood pressure and loss of body protein. After all, if a woman is not adequate to provide timely assistance to begin serious complications from the brain.

Diprospan contributes to high blood pressure, increased protein breakdown and depletion of their body and can cause side effects in the central nervous system such as seizures. Furthermore, dipospan gives aqueous salt metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 That promotes occurrence of edema.

Therefore, even when the initial manifestations of preeclampsia introduction diprospana can dramatically worsen the condition of women.

Under the influence of diprospana could worsen the cardiovascular system and without signs of preeclampsia. This facilitates drug accumulation in the body of sodium and water removal, potassium and calcium. As a result, the heart muscle (myocardium) in a potassium deficiency loses its power, which leads to stagnation of blood, swelling and risk of thrombosis. A lack of blood enough calcium adversely affects the skeletal system of mother and child. It develops and muscle weakness that can hinder the flow of labor.

 Diprospan during pregnancy: it is not necessary to apply

Diprospan, pregnancy, and disorders of the central nervous system

On the part of the central nervous system when using diprospana violation may occur in the form of headaches, dizziness, seizure, insomnia, increased intracranial pressure. Sometimes, increased intracranial pressure causes swelling of the optic nerve, which can cause blurred vision. And if diprospan entered in the head or neck may develop instant blindness.

Sometimes the introduction diprospana developing resistant depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood
   with increased anxiety Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?  Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
 , Irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
   and tearfulness - is not the best way affects the course of pregnancy.

Pregnancy is not an absolute contraindication for appointment diprospana. But the appointment of the drug is necessary to consider the state of the pregnant woman and the possible consequences of such treatment.

Galina Romanenko

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  • diprospan
