Treatment for constipation in pregnant women - Elimination of trouble

March 18, 2014

 treatment of constipation in pregnancy
 Every second woman during pregnancy suffer from constipation. To cope with this unpleasant, while not usually a threat to the health of the phenomenon, will help some simple ways to ensure the treatment of constipation in pregnancy.


Causes of constipation

The slowdown of the digestive tract is a consequence of decreased physical activity, especially in the second half of pregnancy, and hormonal changes in the body.

Progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
   and other female hormones Female hormones: because you - a woman!  Female hormones: because you - a woman!
   increases during pregnancy. Progesterone slows certain muscles, including the smooth muscle of the colon.

That is why during pregnancy, constipation may touch even those who have never had any problems with the work of the intestine. In women prone to constipation before, during pregnancy, this symptom is enhanced.


Treatment with diet

To stimulate peristalsis helps a balanced diet. Very often constipation Constipation - Watch out for food  Constipation - Watch out for food
   associated with malnutrition inconsistent with hormonal changes. Therefore, the menu should be varied and include foods high in dietary fiber. Do not forget about physical activity.

To organize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, doctors are advised to observe the following rules:

  • Prefer healthy food and includes a diet of fresh and heat-treated fruit and vegetables
  • Number of foods rich in dietary fiber, need to be increased gradually and reasonably, because the excess cereals or citrus elements in the body can lead to stomach cramps
  • Drink a half to two liters of water a day. A glass of water drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, facilitates the work of the gastrointestinal tract and promotes discharge of feces.
  • Experts advise to lead sedentary lives, if there is no medical contraindications. So, good help digestion walking.



In the case where a proper diet and diet Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food  Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food
   do not bring the desired effect, it is possible to resort to drugs.

  • "Classic" drugs

A pregnant woman can recommend a paraffin oil (odnu- two tablespoons of the evening), or preparations containing adhesives plant. Laxatives based on lactulose or laktilola also contribute to the work of the intestine. In the long absence of the chair doctor may prescribe Treatment micro Microlax® or glycerin suppositories (Rectopanbiline®).

Do not self-medicate. Exactly follow the requirements of a doctor or obstetrician.

  • Homeopathy

It is best to consult a doctor, homeopath, after consulting a gynecologist. For example, pregnant women are recommended homeopathic remedies such as Hydrastis; Sepia officinalis; Collinsonia 5 CH. The advantage of these drugs in the form of granules that do not contain toxins.

It has a laxative effect and acupuncture. It is best to make an appointment to see a doctor who specializes in acupuncture pregnancy, or to an obstetrician-gynecologist who owns this Chinese method of treatment.

Article Tags:
  • constipation

Oxalate in the urine during pregnancy - the risk of complications in the mother and fetus

July 17, 2014

 oxalates in the urine during pregnancy
 Oxalates in the urine during pregnancy are normally present even in a smaller amount than before pregnancy, as calcium oxalate is used to build bone fetus. Therefore, a persistent increase in oxalate in the urine of a pregnant woman becomes a signal for its further investigation and establish the causes of this phenomenon.


What do the oxalate in the urine during pregnancy

Oxalate - a salt of oxalic acid, mainly calcium oxalate. Normally they are formed during the cellular metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
   and only a small amount coming from outside the body with food. Then 85-95% of oxalate excreted human urine. Thus in urinalysis detect oxalate as crystals can be used only if the content exceeds the norm.

Oxaluria can develop and exist long before pregnancy, may be due to some processes that occur during pregnancy.

Oxalates in the urine during pregnancy first appear on a background of various diseases. For example, diseases of the digestive organs (intestines, liver, biliary tract, pancreas), diabetes, lack of vitamins (B6, A, E), some minerals (magnesium, potassium), any acute infectious diseases and so on.

All these factors can cause metabolic oxalate. Very often as a result of compression of the growing uterus digestive organs impairs their function, which contributes to increased absorption of oxalate in the blood coming from the food.

Oxalate in the urine of pregnant dangerous because they can lead to impaired renal function. This happens because of oxalate excreted in the urine, and increased concentration in urine can promote the formation of calcium oxalate kidney stones Kidney stones: identify and treat  Kidney stones: identify and treat

The kidneys during pregnancy bear a double burden, and even a slight decrease in their function is fraught with complications, both from the mother and from the fetus.


What are the symptoms of oxalate in the urine

Oxaluria in pregnant women often asymptomatic and the state of health of pregnant women is not reflected. But if she has a kidney disease, then oxaluria becomes dangerous. All kidney disease, especially infectious and inflammatory processes tend to identify asymptomatic and their sometimes not easy.

During pregnancy there is a physiological depression of immunity, which contributes to recurrence of infectious and inflammatory diseases, including recurrence of pyelonephritis Pyelonephritis - kidney disease  Pyelonephritis - kidney disease
 . In addition, there is such a thing as pyelonephritis pregnant - a disease which develops during pregnancy and disappears after childbirth.

Against the background of infectious and inflammatory processes in the kidneys oxaluria enhanced, which creates prerequisites for renal dysfunction.

Oxalate in the urine during pregnancy may also occur with diabetes mellitus pregnant women - another disease that occurs during pregnancy and disappears after delivery. In diabetes Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
   affects the peripheral vessels, including the vessels of the kidneys, which, as well as oxaluria will contribute dysfunction of this organ.

If the kidney function in the blood accumulate toxic substances, and there is a gradual poisoning of the mother's body and fetus. The woman there is a weakness, lethargy, headaches and other symptoms of intoxication. Increased amounts of toxins in the blood affects the condition of the child, especially for the development of his brain. If the damage of kidney function begins the second half of pregnancy toxemia (preeclampsia), it takes very seriously.


Oxalate in the urine of pregnant - what to do?

Do not panic - the main thing in time to detect and take action. It is for the identification and timely elimination of all kinds of complications observed in the woman a monthly women's clinic.

If you notice in the general analysis of urine from pregnant oxalate crystals it is prescribed quantitative analysis of urine oxalate - the study of their content in daily urine. If oxaluria confirmed, but there is no concomitant diseases that contribute to its strengthening, woman recommended a special diet with the exception of foods rich in oxalate. In identifying latent diseases of the kidneys, diabetes and other diseases of women appointed timely treatment.

Oxalate in the urine during pregnancy often does not affect the condition of the mother and child. But they need special prenatal care in order to detect and prevent serious complications.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • oxalates in the urine
