Troxevasin during pregnancy - can be applied after the twelfth week

October 7th, 2012

 troksevazin during pregnancy
 Varicose veins and hemorrhoids - the most common problems during pregnancy, they are signs of chronic venous insufficiency. A rare woman manages to avoid them completely. Today, there are prevention and treatment of these diseases, designed specifically for pregnant women.

 Troxevasin during pregnancy - can be applied after the twelfth week

Varicose veins during pregnancy

Varicose veins - a frequent, but not obligatory companion of pregnancy. To the disease are more likely to pregnant women after thirty years. Most women have a genetic predisposition to the disease in the form of structural features of the vein walls.

During pregnancy, symptoms of varicose veins gradually increase with increasing gestational age, as the growing uterus compresses the veins that contributes to their stasis. The process may involve only the surface or superficial and deep veins of the lower extremities.

Some women who have, for example, overweight or suffering from diabetes Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
 It refers to the risk of developing varicose veins. Such women are advised to take the drug troksevazin one capsule (300 mg) a day, and applied to the skin of shins 2% gel troksevazin morning and evening, lightly rubbing it until complete absorption. After applying the gel it is recommended to lie quarter of an hour with raised upside down. Duration of course prevention is usually about a month.

When a pregnant woman signs of varicose veins in the form of heavy legs, night cramps in the calf muscles, the blue branches of the superficial veins on the skin of legs and thighs and so on is assigned a complex treatment, which necessarily includes a drug that has venotonic properties.

Today, pregnant women at risk prophylactically prescribe troksevazin. The use of this drug is allowed after the 12th week of pregnancy, as in the early stages is laying tissues and organs, in which undesirable to take any drugs.

In the treatment of varicose veins troksevazin he was appointed (and only after the 12th week of pregnancy), one capsule twice per day with simultaneous application to the skin over the varicose veins 2% gel troksevazin as twice a day, morning and evening. The course of treatment prescribed by a doctor can last from one to three months.

Under the influence of troksevazin reduced permeability of the walls of the veins, improves lymphatic flow, reduce inflammation and swelling, prevented the formation of blood clots in the veins. It is especially important during pregnancy tonic effect on capillaries troksevazin: it is a violation of the tone of the capillaries begin a serious complication of pregnancy as preeclampsia.

 Troxevasin during pregnancy - can be applied after the twelfth week

Treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Hemorrhoids - is one of the manifestations of venous insufficiency as a stagnation of blood in the veins of the anus and lower rectum. In pregnant women, hemorrhoids are very common. In early pregnancy, a woman may feel nothing, but as the growing uterus and the pelvic veins are squeezed, will increase and symptoms of hemorrhoids. This contributes to constipation, which always accompany pregnancy - a consequence of exposure to the female hormone progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology

Symptoms of hemorrhoids during pregnancy are pain during bowel movements, the emergence of blood droplets during defecation and sometimes bleeding hemorrhoids, which are dangerous because with frequent loss of blood even in small amounts in pregnant women may develop iron deficiency anemia. This anemia is dangerous to the fetus, as accompanied by a decrease in hemoglobin, which carries oxygen to the tissues of the fetus. Lack of oxygen to the fetus is fraught with a lag in the physical and psychological development.

Long oligosymptomatic for hemorrhoids may be complicated by thrombosis or infringement of hemorrhoids. At the same time there are very severe pain, inflammation and swelling of the tissues. In this case we speak of acute hemorrhoids, in which women require urgent assistance.

Hemorrhoid treatment during pregnancy is that with diet and physiotherapy try to restore normal chair. If there are signs of hemorrhoids, then the woman is prescribed a complex treatment, which must include venotoniki.

The most common venotoniki troksevazin prescribed to pregnant women that tones the walls of veins and capillaries, reduces inflammation and swelling of the veins and surrounding soft tissues, prevents the formation of blood clots.

Troxevasin hemorrhoids in pregnant women is prescribed only after the 12th week of pregnancy. Woman takes troksevazin Troxevasin - will help if there are problems with veins  Troxevasin - will help if there are problems with veins
   Encapsulated inside one capsule twice a day. If the anus have hemorrhoids, then they apply gauze pads How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions  How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions
   with plastered on them 2% gel troksevazin. The duration of the treatment of hemorrhoids in pregnant women is determined by your doctor.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • troksevazin

Utrozhestan and breastfeeding compatible

April 22, 2012

 utrozhestan breastfeeding
 Utrozhestan - a drug, an active substance which is the female sex hormone progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 . Feature of progesterone is that it partially inhibits the secretion of pituitary hormone oxytocin, which regulates the secretion of breast milk.

 Utrozhestan and breastfeeding compatible

How does progesterone

Progesterone promotes the formation of normal mucosa of the uterus in women, and its transition from the phase of proliferation (increased cell division and proliferation) in a phase separation secretion required for the implementation and development of a fertilized egg. If you select the area of ​​progesterone is insufficient, it may cause menstrual irregularities and infertility.

Progesterone is also a major action of hormones of pregnancy and its inadequate secretion of pregnancy may be interrupted. This is because that progesterone inhibits the contractile activity of uterine muscles. If the pregnancy is threatened abortion, then prescribe drugs containing progesterone, for example, utrozhestan Utrozhestan - corrects the deficiency of progesterone  Utrozhestan - corrects the deficiency of progesterone

 Utrozhestan and breastfeeding compatible

Interaction of progesterone and oxytocin

Progesterone inhibits the secretion of the hormone of the posterior pituitary oxytocin, which stimulates the separation of milk functioning mammary gland. The mechanism of action of oxytocin is to stimulate contraction of the smooth muscle fibers of the breast and uterus. Throughout the pregnancy the body's "kingdom" progesterone, under its influence breast preparing for lactation.

But just before birth progesterone decreases sharply, but the increased secretion of oxytocin, which stimulates the first reduction in uterine smooth muscle (birth place) and then breast - she starts to produce milk. As a result of smooth muscle surrounding the alveoli (the glandular tissue of the breast that produce milk) milk from the alveoli squeezed into milk ducts and lactation begins.

Immediately after birth, she will need to often put the baby to the breast - smooth muscle contraction causes the milk ducts friendly contraction of muscles of the uterus, the uterus contracts and rapidly decreases in volume. The immediate impetus for the secretion of oxytocin is a mechanical irritation of the nerve endings in the nipple of the breast, a reflex that causes separation of oxytocin by the pituitary gland.

In the body, oxytocin breaks down pretty quickly. In the blood of pregnant women is present oksitotsinaza enzyme which inactivates the molecule by cleavage of oxytocin. After 10-14 days postpartum this enzyme in the blood of women disappears and oxytocin inactivated by another enzyme.

Violation of oxytocin secretion leads to disruption of the course of labor and disruption of mammary glands during lactation.

 Utrozhestan and breastfeeding compatible

As utrozhestan effect on lactation

During lactation utrozhestan not usually prescribed - this is not necessary. If there have been any violations of the menstrual cycle after birth Menstrual disorders after childbirth: a temporary problem  Menstrual disorders after childbirth: a temporary problem
 , It is not immediately detected and the woman may continue to feed the baby.

Utrozhestan doctor can prescribe to prevent the proliferation of sites of endometriosis or uterine fibroids. In this case, lactation definitely reduced as blocked secretion of oxytocin. So we have to choose what is more important at the moment: the treatment of the mother or breastfeeding.

 Utrozhestan and breastfeeding compatible

Preparations of oxytocin to stimulate lactation

These drugs include demoksitotsin that some pharmaceutical companies are manufactured under the name sandopart. It is a synthetic analogue of oxytocin, which stimulates the generic activities and lactation. The mechanism of action of this drug is based on the fact that it increases the tone and contractility of uterine smooth muscle contraction and smooth muscle cells surrounding the alveoli of the mammary glands.

Available sandopart tablets, which are laid on the cheek or under the tongue and held there until complete resorption. The dose of the drug is prescribed by the doctor individually, but usually to stimulate lactation, it is used for five minutes before feeding baby Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   for half or a whole tablet under the tongue.

Side effects sandoparta can manifest itself in the form of nausea, vomiting, abnormal labor, premature detachment of the placenta, heart rhythm disorders, fetal hypoxia (lack of oxygen due to the compression of the muscles of the blood vessels), hypersensitive to the components of the drug.

Contraindications sandoparta are hypersensitivity to the drug and the condition in which the natural childbirth can not occur (for example, a mismatch narrow pelvis and size of the fetus).

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • utrozhestan
