Pregnancy and childbirth - it's always great. But there are times when a child does not fit into the lives of their future parents. Such a pregnancy can be the result of negligence, ignorance of the basics of sex life, "no response" of contraception and a variety of other reasons.
Every woman wants to be a mother, but very often women are faced with the fact that this particular pregnancy is not desirable for them, it happens:
- if the woman's age does not allow her to give birth to a healthy child, and then keep it;
- if a woman is not financially independent, and relatives against the child;
- if the child against his future father;
- if the pregnancy is the result of rape;
- if a woman does not know how to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy.
This is just basic common causes, in fact they can be very much, and they will be diverse as life itself.
How to prevent unwanted pregnancy
Very often young girls only first-hand knowledge about the possibilities of protection from unwanted pregnancy and did not know how to use these tools, causing irreparable harm to their health.
The most commonly used and proven means of contraception is the condom. This so-called barrier method of protection from unwanted pregnancy. If a woman has more than one sexual partner, the condom will protect her even from diseases, sexually transmitted diseases.
Women living with family life can be used IUD or hormonal contraceptives. Hormonal contraceptives today are an excellent way to protect against unwanted pregnancy. Their disadvantage is that they do not protect against sexually transmitted infections.
How can terminate an unwanted pregnancy
Unwanted pregnancy is possible only by means of abortion. Abortion, especially if it is first, it affects the health of women, very often after the women does not happen at children.
In the early stages of pregnancy (before 12 weeks) can be carried out medical abortion, mini-abortions or abortion tool. They all have their limitations on the duration of pregnancy. Any of these types of abortions has its indications and contraindications, and can be carried out only obstetrician-gynecologist in a hospital. If the abortion is performed by non-specialist or by the woman herself, it is called a criminal (ie the criminal case). Such rigor respected but unfortunately mortality in illegal abortions
Criminal abortion: issues relevant at all times
It exceeds all possible presentation on the subject.
Medical abortion - abortion is using drugs, which are used in early pregnancy and prevent the formation of progesterone
Progesterone - norm and pathology
Necessary for the carrying of a pregnancy. Mini-abortion - termination of pregnancy by a negative pressure, also carried out in the early stages of pregnancy. Tool abortion - the most traumatic method, it can be done even with a 3-month pregnancy. Held scraping
Scraping - heavy and unsafe procedure
mucous membrane of the uterus along with the fetal egg.
Late in pregnancy may also be interrupted, but only for medical reasons, the presence of severe diseases in pregnant women. Abortion produce a gynecology department, or by removing the fetus after opening the uterus, or by introducing medicinal fluids into the uterus.
You have decided to still keep an unwanted pregnancy
Its within certainly it affects both on the mother and the baby. The fact that the carrying of unwanted pregnancy is always accompanied by severe stress and emotional experiences that are moving into a state of chronic stress
How to beat stress? Create an oasis
. And in times of stress the body produces substances that promote the revitalization of the whole organism: high blood pressure, increased heart and breathing, spasm of blood vessels and so on. Imagine what the state of the pregnant woman constantly, except it will not affect the pregnancy?
The child also suffers, because the blood vessels spasm did not give him the required amount of nutrients and oxygen. Furthermore, it was found that the experience of the mother and child are transmitted certainly. All this adversely affects the child's development, especially in the state of his brain, the formation of immunity and so on.
What is the way out of this situation?
The solution, of course, is to get acquainted with the means of preventing pregnancy. And if unwanted pregnancies still occurred, the decision on its continuation or termination must be taken immediately: pull no sense, it will only aggravate the situation. If, however, there is the slightest chance that the child is better to save, it would be much better physical and mental health of the mother.
When you finally make the choice to benefit the child, no matter what the situation was not preceded by an unwanted pregnancy, it will be not so relevant to the fore, of course, will your future baby.
Galina Romanenko