Development of the teeth is a complex process that begins in the early stages of fetal development
Fetal development - week after week
(during gestation) and continues up to 18-20 years. In utero formed tooth germs, which eventually transformed first into temporary (milk), and then in the permanent teeth.
Bookmark, education and differentiation of tooth germs
This process begins at the person at 6-8 weeks of fetal development. Formed first roller along the top and bottom of the mouth slit, which turns into a plate divided into two parts: lip and tooth. Along the free edge of the dental Ulcerations plates having a cone-shaped protrusions 10 in each jaw. This so-called "dental authorities." As the body gradually separate a tooth from dental records and remains connected to it with a thin layer of cells - the neck of the tooth body. Around dental toothbrush body formed pouch.
Gradually begins to take place the differentiation of tissues - first homogeneous cells begin to take on a different shape and function. The dental organ between the cells of the central department begins to accumulate fluid dissecting cells - so-formed soft tissue of the tooth - the pulp. The surrounding pulp cells acquire a different form - have formed a solid cloth - dentin (on the 4 th month of fetal life) and enamel (5th month of intrauterine life).
The development of the roots of deciduous teeth occurs after the child's birth coincides with the beginning of teething
Teething: hard times
. At this point, crown teeth typically are fully formed.
How does the milk tooth
The tooth distinguished:
- crown - it is positioned above the surface of the gums;
- root - is located inside the jaw;
- cervix - the narrowed part of the transition between the crown and the root, surrounded by gum.
Outside covered tooth hard tissue. The crown area - this enamel and dentin, in the root - cement. Enamel covers the crown of the tooth from the outside, it is harder than dentin. Inside the crown of the tooth cavity is filled with a soft cloth or tooth pulp. In the pulp lot of nerve endings and blood vessels. Inside the tooth root are channels that are connected with the cavity of the tooth and also contain pulp.
The teeth are crescent - recesses in the jawbone. The root of the tooth is surrounded on all sides by tissue called periodontitis. The structure of periodontal include: gums, mucous membrane covering the jaw bone of the crescent and periodontitis (ligament that holds the tooth root in the hole).
Milk teeth have the same form as the permanent, but there are some differences: they are smaller than permanent enamel has a bluish tinge, shorter roots, tubercles milk incisors and canines on the cutting surface are less pronounced.
Teething deciduous teeth
Teething - is a complex metabolic process
Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
, Which involves the nervous and endocrine systems. In teething affect a variety of reasons: heredity, maternal and child nutrition, geographic conditions.
Dairy (temporary) teeth erupt between the ages of 6 months up to 2, 5 years at certain times and in certain sequence, usually in pairs. A total of 20 milk teeth: 8 incisors, 4 canines and 8 molars (4 central and 4 side).
In the center of the dentition are teeth that are adapted to nibble and tearing food (incisors and canines), and on each side - for its milling and grinding (molars). The arrangement of teeth is recorded in the form of dental formula where individual teeth or groups of teeth designated numbers, calculation starts from the middle of the dentition separately for each side of the upper and lower rows. For example, from the center to the periphery: the central incisor, lateral incisor, canine, molar central, lateral molar tooth (dental formula has four of the series, two for each of the jaw).
An indication of the correct dentition is fresh eruption of symmetrical teeth in sequence. The first is usually cut through the central incisors in the lower jaw, then the central incisors in the upper jaw (6-8 months). The lateral incisors erupt in 8-12 months, the central molars - 12-16 months, canines - 16-20 months, lateral molars - 20-30 months. There are significant deviations from this scheme in one direction or the other way. Very rare cases of incisors erupt before birth.
Mineralization of teeth (enamel saturation with minerals, mainly calcium) ends 3, 5 - 4 years. With five years begins resorption of roots of deciduous teeth.
Anomalies of the deciduous teeth
For anomalies of teeth include: violation of shape, size, number of teeth, the timing of the eruption, the position and structure of dental hard tissues. These anomalies can arise from different causes: hereditary characteristics, maternal nutrition during pregnancy, its diseases, the use of various toxic substances and so on.
Anomalies of tooth shape occur in utero. It may have an irregular shape like a tooth crown and root. This anomaly is most common in the upper lateral incisors. Abnormalities of tooth size can manifest change its width, height and thickness. Shapes and sizes of bits may vary under different conditions of dental hard tissues. Abnormalities of number of teeth - this increase (eruption of supernumerary) or decrease (and sometimes complete lack of) the number of teeth.
Any anomalies of the milk teeth should be required to consult with a dentist who will determine further tactics of treatment of the child.
Galina Romanenko