Children's jealousy be unique

September 22, 2011

 sibling rivalry
 Why most of the children are very painfully react to the birth of a younger brother or sister? Many psychologists are inclined to explain this by saying that children perceive their family as a kind of comfortable private space where they provided the parents' love and all good things of life such as toys and so on. Children's jealousy is a great test for both the little man, as for his parents, as to inflame the passions sometimes it is not inferior to adult jealousy.

Nothing catastrophic, and pathological jealousy in the children as such, no. This is quite normal. The child does not know how to manage their feelings and his desire to be unique in the eyes of the older members of the family is quite natural. On one of the female Internet forums elderly woman told the story of how thoroughly and delicately she and her daughter preparing eldest grandson - a boy six years old - to the birth of the younger. That seems to be at first did not mind, and even has plans for the future, which was given to the place and little brother. But when brother brought home from the hospital and beginning to crowd around him all day long the whole family, preschooler broke down and said: "How long will this all take? Let's Bring it back to where they brought! ".

 Children's jealousy be unique

Manifestations of sibling rivalry

When the eldest child is hostile to the youngest - for example, takes toys, trying to accidentally push, hit or some other way to offend - no doubt remains: This is the sibling rivalry at its purest. However, the jealous parents to a brother or sister, the child can not always show it outwardly, while in his heart at times played a real tragedy.

Children's jealousy can manifest itself in such seemingly unexpected forms, such as sleep disorders Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   and appetite, not eating, various fears: fear can suddenly appear dark, despite the fact that the first baby to sleep quietly in a dark room. Sometimes the child becomes restless, inattentive, moody, for any reason, rolls prolonged tantrums. In fact, all of these ways, he is only trying to attract the attention of parents. The main thing - to see to it that it did not come to neurotic reactions like tics and stuttering Stuttering - when you need a comprehensive approach  Stuttering - when you need a comprehensive approach
 And if these symptoms and have had an effect, do not delay a visit to a good therapist.

You can not blame the child for symptoms of jealousy. According to the American child psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Donald Winnicott, it arises only because of the fact that children are very fond of their parents. "The child does not show jealousy only when he is unable to love" - ​​says Winnicott.

Sometimes the oldest child gets jealous of the youngest, not immediately after he was born, and after a while. This is especially the case during the so-called age-related crises: the first one, usually falls on the second or third year of life, and the second occurs in the fifth or sixth year. The child is gradually getting ready to become an independent person, but psychologically he was still very vulnerable and dependent on their parents and their relationship to it.

 Children's jealousy be unique

How to deal with sibling rivalry?

It would be better to say that a child's jealousy Jealousy and what to do with it  Jealousy and what to do with it
   no need to fight, but just gently and delicately reduce it to nothing. Many parents do wrong from a pedagogical point of view, suggesting an older child that he is now in front of the younger - solid commitments: he has to share his toys with him, to reckon with the fact that parents can not pay attention to it in the previous levels and so on. But it would be much more reasonable to impose certain restrictions and for the younger child, for example, forbid him without permission to take the toys belonging to older brother or sister.

It is important all the time to remind every child that is actually mom and dad do not make differences between them and love everyone equally. For example, if a family has two children, one should never compare them: one to criticize the benefit of another, or, conversely, to praise. And do not just impose older child nurse function, if you see that the appearance of the baby in the family caused him not very sensitive feelings. If he will feel surrounded by love, he did once want to give it to others, including the new members of the family.

Svetlana Usankova

Article Tags:
  • jealousy

Milk teeth - how they are formed?

May 23, 2010

 baby teeth
 Development of the teeth is a complex process that begins in the early stages of fetal development Fetal development - week after week  Fetal development - week after week
   (during gestation) and continues up to 18-20 years. In utero formed tooth germs, which eventually transformed first into temporary (milk), and then in the permanent teeth.

 Milk teeth - how they are formed?

Bookmark, education and differentiation of tooth germs

This process begins at the person at 6-8 weeks of fetal development. Formed first roller along the top and bottom of the mouth slit, which turns into a plate divided into two parts: lip and tooth. Along the free edge of the dental Ulcerations plates having a cone-shaped protrusions 10 in each jaw. This so-called "dental authorities." As the body gradually separate a tooth from dental records and remains connected to it with a thin layer of cells - the neck of the tooth body. Around dental toothbrush body formed pouch.

Gradually begins to take place the differentiation of tissues - first homogeneous cells begin to take on a different shape and function. The dental organ between the cells of the central department begins to accumulate fluid dissecting cells - so-formed soft tissue of the tooth - the pulp. The surrounding pulp cells acquire a different form - have formed a solid cloth - dentin (on the 4 th month of fetal life) and enamel (5th month of intrauterine life).

The development of the roots of deciduous teeth occurs after the child's birth coincides with the beginning of teething Teething: hard times  Teething: hard times
 . At this point, crown teeth typically are fully formed.

 Milk teeth - how they are formed?

How does the milk tooth

The tooth distinguished:

  • crown - it is positioned above the surface of the gums;
  • root - is located inside the jaw;
  • cervix - the narrowed part of the transition between the crown and the root, surrounded by gum.

Outside covered tooth hard tissue. The crown area - this enamel and dentin, in the root - cement. Enamel covers the crown of the tooth from the outside, it is harder than dentin. Inside the crown of the tooth cavity is filled with a soft cloth or tooth pulp. In the pulp lot of nerve endings and blood vessels. Inside the tooth root are channels that are connected with the cavity of the tooth and also contain pulp.

The teeth are crescent - recesses in the jawbone. The root of the tooth is surrounded on all sides by tissue called periodontitis. The structure of periodontal include: gums, mucous membrane covering the jaw bone of the crescent and periodontitis (ligament that holds the tooth root in the hole).

Milk teeth have the same form as the permanent, but there are some differences: they are smaller than permanent enamel has a bluish tinge, shorter roots, tubercles milk incisors and canines on the cutting surface are less pronounced.

 Milk teeth - how they are formed?

Teething deciduous teeth

Teething - is a complex metabolic process Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
 , Which involves the nervous and endocrine systems. In teething affect a variety of reasons: heredity, maternal and child nutrition, geographic conditions.

Dairy (temporary) teeth erupt between the ages of 6 months up to 2, 5 years at certain times and in certain sequence, usually in pairs. A total of 20 milk teeth: 8 incisors, 4 canines and 8 molars (4 central and 4 side).

In the center of the dentition are teeth that are adapted to nibble and tearing food (incisors and canines), and on each side - for its milling and grinding (molars). The arrangement of teeth is recorded in the form of dental formula where individual teeth or groups of teeth designated numbers, calculation starts from the middle of the dentition separately for each side of the upper and lower rows. For example, from the center to the periphery: the central incisor, lateral incisor, canine, molar central, lateral molar tooth (dental formula has four of the series, two for each of the jaw).

An indication of the correct dentition is fresh eruption of symmetrical teeth in sequence. The first is usually cut through the central incisors in the lower jaw, then the central incisors in the upper jaw (6-8 months). The lateral incisors erupt in 8-12 months, the central molars - 12-16 months, canines - 16-20 months, lateral molars - 20-30 months. There are significant deviations from this scheme in one direction or the other way. Very rare cases of incisors erupt before birth.

Mineralization of teeth (enamel saturation with minerals, mainly calcium) ends 3, 5 - 4 years. With five years begins resorption of roots of deciduous teeth.

 Milk teeth - how they are formed?

Anomalies of the deciduous teeth

For anomalies of teeth include: violation of shape, size, number of teeth, the timing of the eruption, the position and structure of dental hard tissues. These anomalies can arise from different causes: hereditary characteristics, maternal nutrition during pregnancy, its diseases, the use of various toxic substances and so on.

Anomalies of tooth shape occur in utero. It may have an irregular shape like a tooth crown and root. This anomaly is most common in the upper lateral incisors. Abnormalities of tooth size can manifest change its width, height and thickness. Shapes and sizes of bits may vary under different conditions of dental hard tissues. Abnormalities of number of teeth - this increase (eruption of supernumerary) or decrease (and sometimes complete lack of) the number of teeth.

Any anomalies of the milk teeth should be required to consult with a dentist who will determine further tactics of treatment of the child.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • teeth in children
