Early child development - overtax the child is not recommended

November 22, 2013

 Early child development
 Early childhood - this is an extremely important period in terms of physical, social and psychological development of the child. Man appears to light having a very limited number of skills and capabilities - as compared to those which he acquires later. But it is very much learning in the early years of life, and people watching the early development of children, often are surprised how quickly they are from virtually helpless creatures turn into people who want as much as possible just to make your own - and often they pretty well.


The development of motor skills at an early age

As the child grows, his nervous system matures. As a result, the child is to successfully perform various tasks. The rate of motor development is a common source of concern among parents, many of whom are worried enough to quickly develop a child and compare it with the other children of the same age. However, the rate of development at all different, though of course there are certain limits of normal. The following skills are developed in healthy children aged up to six years. If it does not, perhaps, the child has any violations, delaying early development.

  • Gross motor skills. The development of gross motor skills associated with the development of the large muscles of the body in the first place - the muscles of arms and legs. By gross motor skills include walking, running, ability to maintain balance and coordination of movements.
  • Fine motor skills. For fine motor skills meet the small muscles of the eyes, fingers, and so on. Fine motor skills - a drawing, writing, ability to grab hold, throw (the last three skills should manifest itself in the early development of children).


The physical development of the child in early childhood

First, develop large muscles, then - fine. Thus, the muscles of the torso, arms and legs before developing muscles of the fingers and hands. For this reason, fine motor skills develop after fairly well developed gross motor skills.

The central part of the body is developing rapidly, "the periphery." The muscles of the body in children develop and become stronger before the muscles of the arms and legs.

Muscle development comes from the top down, from head to toes. For this reason, children first learn to keep your head, then begin to crawl, and then - walk.


Cognitive development in early childhood

In the field of cognitive development include memory, ability for reasoning and problem solving, as well as other features that develop in children. Speaking of the early intellectual development of the child, it is difficult not to mention Jean Piaget - famous psychologist known for his work on the psychology of children.

After receiving his doctorate at 22, Jean Piaget began his long career, which has left a deep trace in psychology and pedagogy. Based on the results of long-term studies, he came to the conclusion that children are not less intelligent than adults, they simply think differently. Albert Einstein called this conclusion Piaget "is so simple that it could get away with just a genius." According to Jean Piaget, children - are little scientists who are actively trying to understand the world, and not just passively absorb information.

Cognitive schemes - one of the fundamental concepts in the theory of Piaget about the intellectual development of the child. It is a scheme created in the mind concepts that help people organize and interpret information. The new information is used to change, supplement, or completely remodel the existing schemes. For example, in the mind of a little girl there is a scheme of a certain form of animals, such as cats. Under its scheme, fluffy cats, and they have four legs. When she first saw the dog, it may first come to the conclusion that this animal - a cat. However, when she notices the difference dog from a cat, or someone she explains what these animals are different, it is reviewing its scheme for cats and creates a new category for dogs. In the future, it can create a general scheme for pets, and so forth.


Stages of development of intelligence

Sensorimotor intelligence is the earliest stage of development of Piaget's theory of intelligence. So-called period of up to two years, when the knowledge of the world of the child receives only through perception and motor activity.

Stage dooperotsionalnyh ideas - is the period between the second and the sixth years of life, when a child learns to use human language. At this age, children are not capable of logical thinking (within the meaning adults) can not mentally manipulate information, and not being able to get to the point of view of other people.

These two date back to the period of early child development and is an important step for his future life.


Previously, speech development

Scientists have discovered that it begins to develop even before the baby is born - the fruit is already able to distinguish the mother's voice and intonation are likely to understand their value (although, of course, he still does not understand words). By four months infants already distinguish speech sounds and can even react to the movement of the lips - in short, they are almost read my lips! Furthermore, the investigation it was found that small children distinguish speech sounds of different languages, and not only the language, which is spoken at home. However, approximately ten months this ability disappears, and the child begins to respond properly only on the sounds of their native language.

There are several theories about the development of speech. According to one of them, in early childhood, it is caused by the fact that the child imitates adults. According to supporters of another theory, children are born with a certain voice tool that allows them to produce sounds, as soon as they acquire big enough vocabulary.

Communication with parents is important in the early development of speech. Studies have shown that a particular type of speech that parents typically use to talk with their children - simple and short sentences characteristic high tone - help the child learn it quickly and start talking to. As the child develops, the parents begin to talk to him more and more "grown-up", adapting for its needs.

Article Tags:
  • child development

Emotional blackmail: how not to become hostage to the child's behavior

May 11, 2012

  • Emotional blackmail: how not to become hostage to the child's behavior
  • Methods of restraint

 emotional blackmail how not to become hostage to the child's behavior
 If your child is comfortable with scenes in public places, do not worry, you can take control of his behavior. It is necessary to observe the behavior of a phased strategy, which you can use, the next time you go to a mall or a store.

Many parents are inferior to the child when the hysterics. Children often use emotional blackmail and threaten the bad behavior, only to get what you want. Some parents are even afraid to take the children in public places, especially the store because they know that still buy your child everything he asks for, but it did not used to call them, not stamped, not shouting and not make a scene that will make parents feel humiliated and powerless. In fact, in such cases, parents simply become hostages of the child's behavior.


What is happening and what to do

What happens when parents are inferior to a child who behaves this way? The child understands that bad behavior will solve all their problems, because they know that parents still give way to him. Do not make the mistakes that provoke such behavior of children.

When a child does not get the desired, he arranges a tantrum in public. He worked out a model of behavior in which he blackmailed the parents to achieve the desired result. Baby thinking works like this: "Either give in to me, or suffer my bad behavior! ". If the child is younger, he can yell, scream and went into hysterics. He may be angry facial expression and tone that expresses disgust and older children allow disrespectful remarks and even curses. Anyway, all the scenes that play children, built on the use of bad behavior to control external circumstances. Children do not want to learn to solve problems encountered.

When children learn this lesson, they realize that there is absolutely no reason to change something, or to grow. The more often parents encourage bad behavior of the child, the more he is convinced that this strategy is working behavior. That's right: you are, in fact, reinforces the child's desire to behave in an unworthy manner, after which he refused to follow the social rules and behave.

You have to treat education as follows: - Your task is to teach children good behavior and teach them how to live in society. In our culture to behave properly in public places, such as in the shopping center, and treat people with respect. If a child behaves inappropriately, and you give in to it, he will grow up without the skills to resolve difficult situations in life.

Another problem is that if the child tries to use the method to solve the problems of hysteria, he never really mastered the right way to solve problems. Sometimes it happens that children hysterics when they are frustrated and upset. No matter the reasons for the child arranges hysterics - because he was disappointed, upset or depressed, parents still have to adhere to certain rules. Children will continue to arrange a tantrum in public, if you go at them on occasion.


A few words about young children

If a child under the age of two to three years, arranges a tantrum, you do not have to do anything, just give them some time to settle down. When little kids get tired or have an overabundance of feelings, it is very difficult to control their emotions Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code  Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code
 . Only the responsible parents know their children, know how kids are hardy, and understand when children are tired and want to go home.

In shopping centers, you can often observe children aged three to five years, crying or just frazzled. Many parents realize that their child is overtired. The mind of the adult and the child's mind the different senses stimulation. Adults know how to limit themselves and decide what they need and what is not. Children not yet know how to limit their wishes. Therefore, a hike with the child in a shopping center can be compared to going to the circus. Parents should be prepared for such behavior and patience to negative emotional outbursts of the child. Parents need to learn how to avoid such situations, or find a way to take them under control.

When the child arranges a tantrum because he was tired, and he was angry because he did not give the desired management skills such behavior the same in different situations. Are you waiting. You do not console the child. You do not give in to the child.
