Games for kids that facilitate memorization - addictive memory training

May 11, 2012

 games for children memorizing
 Memory is like a muscle - the more you use it, the stronger it becomes. Naturally, there are children who do not have a good memory, especially in those subjects that they are not very interesting. But parents and teachers can help build and develop memory in children through games designed to train memory.

 Games for kids that facilitate memorization - addictive memory training


Board game "Concentration" and "Memory", has several options, but the basic principles they have one. This can be a special set of cards or regular deck of playing cards. You can use the cards of all sizes, but the card must be paired - to each card in the set was an exact copy of it. The entire set of cards should be put on the table face down.

During his turn a player turns over any two cards, so they can see each. Then put them back. The player's goal - to turn the two matching cards. All players try to remember, where there are some maps to see a map on the previous course, in his move to open two of the same. When a player turns over a matching pair of cards, he leaves them face up. Players get a point for each matching pair, and the winner is the one who has the most points.

 Games for kids that facilitate memorization - addictive memory training

Blind Puzzle

For children who love to collect puzzles, collect puzzle can be turned into a great game for the development of memory The development of memory - Play wizard  The development of memory - Play wizard
 . To collect puzzle blindfolded, one must first look at the picture, and then try to collect the puzzle, without focusing on the original. In this game, you should use the simplest puzzles, because they collect from memory is much more complex.

 Games for kids that facilitate memorization - addictive memory training


Quiz - a good way to exercise your memory and at the same time to expand horizons. Select the game on a topic that is interesting to the child. In such games each player has to answer a question on a particular subject. If a child wants to play the same quiz several times in a row, he will learn and remember the right answers.

 Games for kids that facilitate memorization - addictive memory training

Making stories

Inventing stories - a fun way to memorize lists of objects, words or numbers. In this game, each player receives one object from the list that you need to remember. Then the players come up with a story. The first player to come up with one or two sentences, which must mention the object from the list. The next player continues the story of his proposal, which he includes its object from the list. At the end of invented stories everyone can recall a list of objects.

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  • memory

The development of memory - Play wizard

May 9, 2012

 Memory Development
 At school, children receive and share vast amounts of information. To memorize all the numbers, images, words and characters the child has to strain your memory. It is not surprising that many children experience stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
   due to an inability to remember the necessary school information.

Memory student is the most downloaded by the end of the day. In kindergarten, children simply allow you to play and interact with each other, but in elementary school they have to memorize a lot of information, ranging from the daily routine and ending with training materials. Children need to remember the correct spelling of letters and numbers, arithmetic rules and be able to express their thoughts in writing. Also, the school children are already connected should be able to answer questions on the material they read.

Such a variety of tasks at a time is too much for some children, they not only can not remember something, but sometimes run into stress and refuse to have anything to take. At this stage it is very important to maintain the child and explain to him that remembering - is a skill that he has to learn, as well as many others.

 The development of memory - Play wizard

Types of Memory

Memory - is a complex process, and the children of primary school age unconsciously develop different strategies to help you remember and recall information. Also they need the ability to store information for several seconds (short term memory), for several minutes when the information is used (RAM) and a long time (long term memory). For example, when the child needs to rewrite the word from the board, he must remember the sequence of letters and play it while he did not have to look at the board after each letter. Many recite the words to himself or aloud.

The more a child's capacity to train memory, the easier it is to remember everything you need at the school. Parents should help their children to understand the mechanism of memory and give them the opportunity to learn this skill.

 The development of memory - Play wizard

Using details

It is proved that parents can help develop children's memory by asking specific questions about past events. For example, after visiting entertainment establishments can set your child questions about what exactly the number or kinds of ideas he liked, looked like actors that the child is added to the rooms. Focus on the details will allow the child to remember what he saw, and easy to reproduce the scene in memory.

 The development of memory - Play wizard

Games for the development of memory

There are plenty of games for the development of memory in which you can play with your family or with the child, whose need to develop the skill of memorization. The trip can also play these games. for example: "I'm going on a picnic and take with me ...", and all take turns adding one object to the list and repeat the entire list.

 The development of memory - Play wizard


Using mnemonic techniques, you can help develop the child's memory. It can be a variety of phrases, poems, usually helps to remember the studied facts. For example, you can teach a child to remember the number of days in months on the knuckles.

 The development of memory - Play wizard


If a child needs to learn a poem or role in the school play, better to break a given material into separate parts, and the first to begin the most difficult part.

 The development of memory - Play wizard


A good method is to test the child's spelling and multiplication tables. The verification process can be spoken out loud right words and numbers, and the most difficult - to write.

When a child realizes that the memory - it is an active process, it will feel more confident and will not be afraid to proceed to more complex tasks.

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  • memory
