The crisis of seven years: help social adaptation of the child
November 21 2011
The crisis of seven years, few people know at all aware of the fact that at this age children go to school. During the process of preparing for school - a visit to training courses, buy books and clothing, get medical help, many people forget that the most important thing - to prepare a child for school psychologically, because it is entering school - a real stress
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for it is accompanied by a change in self-esteem. Of course, advantageous if the self-esteem increases, but if self-esteem is lowered, the crisis seven years unfolds in all its glory.
Psychophysiological features of the crisis seven years
On entering school the child is significantly expanding circle of friends, both by adults and by children
. If your child attended kindergarten, it can smooth out the crisis, but not completely, as in the garden is usually a small group of children and teachers clearly regulate the communication of children
. At school, the situation is different: the number of children in a class higher than in the group of kindergarten, moreover, have to communicate with children of the parallel classes and other students
. Along with the expansion of the circle of friends of the child there are new responsibilities, increases the responsibility - and it all happens practically in one day
. The psyche of the child can not cope immediately with a sharp change of lifestyle and growing crisis that could worsen if the right to bring a child to abuse, and increased requirements for failures
. A more severe form of the crisis develops when impressionable child begins to worry in advance about what will be in the school, summing up all the negative experience of the older children, with whom he communicates
How does the crisis seven years
Suspected crisis coming seven years can be when a preschooler starts to ask a lot of questions about school
. If the responses of parents are uninformative and do not meet it - is formed a negative attitude toward school, which have been reluctant to go to school even line the first of September
. The developed negativism entails a cautious attitude to everything going on at school: the child shows no activity in the classroom, does not respond, even if the subject knows, uncomfortable with classmates and virtually nothing tells her parents about school
. If at this time does not take action, the crisis will begin to worsen, taking psychosomatic color: the child begins to get sick often complain of headaches, fatigue, fatigue, poor eyesight or hearing
. This is not a fictional disease
. The pediatrician can detect the child tachy or bradycardia, increase or decrease in blood pressure
Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?
Which is usually regarded as a manifestation of vascular dystonia
Vascular dystonia - a violation of the autonomic functions of the organism
. Children under the age of seven is rarely expressed strong protests against the school, often they experience internally, and the flowering of the crisis suggests psihosomatichskie disorder.
What to do in a crisis seven years of a child
This crisis is going through every child, adult task is to maximize the mitigation of its manifestations, and good social adaptation to school.
Quite correctly received those parents who drive their children to attend training courses to the first class in the same school in which the child will learn. Better if it will not be short-term summer courses, and long-term, for six months with once every week - so the child has time to get used to the school, to the teacher and classmates. Every visit to the school should be a pleasant event, followed by a discussion of the details - so the child gets used to share their feelings with their parents, which is very important for the further training already as a student of the first class.
Do not leave any question unanswered question posed by the child's school - he tries on the role of the student, and it is important for every detail, so you feel confident.
We need to set realistic goals, and the child did not require that he can not do, but be sure to praise his first-graders for the slightest real achievements, developing a positive attitude to school process.
If parents notice the anxiety
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child, you should refer to the school counselor as soon as possible, this will allow for timely diagnosis and to prevent the development of psychosomatic reactions.
Svetlana Shimkovich
How to educate boys and girls: their complexity
June 1st, 2012
- How to educate boys and girls: their complexity
- Stereotypes
A few years ago, the social networking site Facebook has been carried out a small survey. Members were asked to bring one better: boys or girls. All 265 respondents, except one, have confirmed that the boy was raised better than girls. But what is the difference between them.
And boy, and a girl - is, above all, people. The survey results make us think, do all feminist discourse so deeply ingrained in our consciousness that is now passed from generation to generation? For girls and boys placing so much the specific gender-oriented requirements, which can be assumed if the parents are still raising children, guided by gender stereotypes. Very sorry. In many ways, the girls were lucky - they can and dance and play basketball, and no one will tease or harass them. Unfortunately, our society is still prejudiced against the basketball in his spare time playing the flute or engaged in contemporary dance.
The main differences between boys and girls
The first difference between boys and girls, which should be aware of parents, teachers and carers, and indeed all the adults involved in the child's upbringing
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, Is the development of brain men and women. In particular, the intensity of this development. However, parents need to understand that they are raising the birth of sons and daughters differently, and many differences between them due to the influence of parents and society. For example, when a girl begins to walk, her parents would run to catch, if it stumbles, and a boy, on the contrary, encourage fall and get up. The same applies to the interest. Numerous studies, in which the children of both sexes conducted covert surveillance, found that both boys and girls are most interested in toys, focused on girls. It is clear that the desire to play with dolls, barbie dress up and so is not encouraged in boys, although they can feel it and suppress. In fact, most of the differences between boys and girls are purchased by them in early childhood.
Interestingly, many parents believe that the huge difference between boys and girls is that boys do not listen to anyone, ever. They just obstinate or stubborn is genetically inherent in them? Scientists have proved that the boys heard worse than girls, and that girls are more receptive heard. In elementary school boys rumor comes in the "norm", but it still is not as sharp as in girls. It is particularly important that the studied range corresponding to the frequencies of the human voice. This partly explains why the boys need more visual learning with strict discipline. It is also interesting that parents often put in the corner moving boys than girls.
Today, many boys are diagnosed with behavioral disorders, such as attention deficit disorder
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or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The percentage of boys with these disorders much more than girls, of which, again, we can conclude that the main difference between boys and girls is in their development. Since the boys develop more slowly (and worse hearing), girls are ahead of them in the development of language skills. Many factors can lead to the formation of a specific circuit for the slow development, which is seen by experts as a learning disability. The truth is that such behavior, although different from the behavior of girls, may be perfectly normal for a man as a species (that explains a lot, does not it?).
But in the physical development of boys outperform girls. While the girls sit quietly and read a book, or are considering, the boys explore the surroundings. The contemplative activity is simply not suitable for a developing boy's mind. The boys want to know the world is not with the stories of other people, and their own experience. They also seek to leave a trace, at least to influence the world, so pull out pages from books and then trying to put them together. This behavior can be seen as problematic, while in fact it is quite natural for the development of boys. Because all the boys need to feel, touch, analyze, to understand how it is arranged, so educate them more difficult, especially at first.
Before puberty
The most important changes which distinguish boys from girls, account for the period prior to puberty
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. Girls outperform boys both hormonal and psychological development. Add to this the rapid development of raging hormones - and is now more difficult to educate girls. Or they simply ahead of their peers, boys. Besides, hormonal changes in girls are greater than boys, and many researchers explain this riot girls student. Again, education is very important and attitudes that got the girl from her parents and environment. The girls are taught since childhood to be a "lady" and not to give vent to emotions
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Especially negative. While the girls resolve conflicts apology, boys sort things out in a fight. And this behavior is perfectly normal and acceptable - it's the boys, and boys are supposed to fight. As a result, girls are taught to restrain emotions, which often leads to emotional confusion, as with age they have to restrain and even hormones.
Obviously, under the pressure of the social environment of the girls' parents strictly follow the order to protect the daughters of communicating with the boys, and the dangerous consequences of this communication, such as pregnancy or sexual promiscuity
. What about the boys in this regard,
Almost nothing
. What do parents do when caught teenage son with "Playboy" in the hands? They laugh and in the worst case confiscate Journal
. If such a situation happen again with the girl's parents immediately sent her to a consultation with a therapist, because "it is not so"
. Therefore, the sexual development of girls is often accompanied by emotional turmoil, because they do not know how they should behave
. Or another situation: the girl torn between her feelings, wants and needs, and by what it wants to see society and parents
. Unfortunately, this contradiction can deeply rooted in the minds of girls and disrupt its normal sexual development