How to prevent the sexualization of girls: the recommendations of the parents - How to reduce the harmful effects

May 15, 2012

  • How to prevent the sexualization of girls: the recommendations of parents
  • How to reduce the harmful effects
  • Influence Fashion
  • Understanding the Beauty
  • How to talk with her daughter

 how to reduce the harmful effects on the development of girls

How to reduce the harmful effects on the development of girls

Fashion magazines

A recent study by American scientists has shown that teenage girls who regularly read glossy magazines (if the verb "read" can be applied to gloss), namely articles about diet in the future increasingly resorting to radical way to lose weight than girls who do not read such Article (or rarely read). It was also found that girls of school age are regularly read articles about diet, twice as much at risk of eating disorders in the next five years than their less anxious peers diet. These girls are often literally starve themselves, cause vomiting, taking laxatives or smoking, to lose weight. Researchers advise parents not to buy glossy magazines and do not keep them at home, so that the girls did not have the temptation to look at them.

In this context, the question arises: is it possible, the main task of fashion magazines is precisely to arouse readers a sense of inferiority and dissatisfaction with their appearance that they are again and again to buy magazines to learn the secrets of harmony and beauty, and at least a centimeter closer to unattainable ideal .   When the girls get used to the fact that their value and the value determined by their appearance, and that their main task and purpose in life - to meet the man, parents can only prepare for the impending catastrophe .  Many psychologists on the devastating impact on the psyche of fashion magazines compared to alcohol and drugs .  Perhaps it is time to banish this bad stuff out of our house and start the process of detoxification, if you or your daughter has fallen into the trap of gloss .  Look at the teenage girl with the magazine and discuss its content .  How seriously it relates to this? Do they understand the desire for gain, which is behind the glossy image, or purchased on the images, which can be achieved only with the help of medicine?



Earlier, twenty years ago insulting words like "bitch", "chick" or "infection" seldom spoken aloud and used with great care. Your reputation has been tarnished forever if you've heard in your address one of these words.

Today, these words have become part of the lexicon of every teenager and became almost a compliment Compliments and their meaning: do not mistake the words  Compliments and their meaning: do not mistake the words
 . Good girls are called knots. Bad girls are called knots. If you have a daughter of school age or older, most likely in the company it is often called a bitch. And if you do not intervene, it is most likely to respond to an insult to smile and accept it as a pet nickname.

But these nicknames have become acceptable? When they had become the norm? Maybe it's in hip-hop, rap, and pop culture, depicting a woman as being the only purpose and desire is - to serve as an object for sexual pleasures of men? This is especially true of Western music: in 2004, thirty-two songs with obscene or outright vocabulary twenty-seven refers specifically to the genre of hip-hop or rap. These are songs that sound over and over again on the radio, on television, MP3-players and even school dances ... Is it any wonder that insulting nickname for girls have become the norm?

Therefore, if we want to confront the implanted pop culture the notion that girls are - nothing more than sex objects, it is time to forbid children to buy and listen to music in which women appear in this light. In practice, of course, difficult to implement, but you can control the music you listen to your child, for example, to switch the radio station when there is transmit songs from demeaning to women text (before switching station, explain to your child why you do it, and what is bad this song).


Film, TV and Internet

Many champions of morality recommend that parents turn off the music and entertainment channels like MTV, which have been known to represent women as sex objects. In addition, parents should not neglect their duties, and make sure that what TV shows and movies watching a child what Internet sites he visits. Fortunately, you can easily learn about the content of the TV series or movie, read the annotation to him and the audience responses.

To protect the child from visiting inappropriate websites and to provide the maximum level of protection against risk content and install a special filter program that tracks the movement of the user on the Internet. Of course, it is impossible to protect the child from the harmful effects of 100%; as the child grows up, he learns to bypass the restrictions set by you and watch the video banned home / sites with friends. That is why it is so important for parents to use critical moments to tell the child about the creation of the media the wrong image of women as well as to discuss the implications of this phenomenon.

Psychosexual development of children ten to fifteen years: a difficult period - Relationship with mother

April 30, 2012

  • Psychosexual development of children ten to fifteen years: a difficult period
  • The relationship with his mother

 psychosexual development of children ten to fifteen years, the relationship with his mother

The relationship with his mother

Studies have shown that the greatest fear of teenagers - the fear of losing their parents. When the children of 10-15 years were asked to write about how they feel about their mother, the results showed that:

  • Mom is still the most important person in their lives.
  • Quarrel with mom teens consider "normal" and quickly forget them.
  • Teens looking at the mother's comfort and support

The following quotes confirm conflicting emotions Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code  Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code
 That cause teenagers their mothers:

  • "I love my mother more than anyone else."
  • "My mother and I get along very well. However, sometimes we fight, but this is normal. Who would argue with my mother? "
  • "I do not know what would do without my mother."
  • "I love my mum - on Saturday we went shopping, she bought me new clothes."
  • "I love my mother as much as before. Even if she forbids me to sit on the bike until I was sixteen. "
  • "While my mother and I swear sometimes she treats me when I'm sick, and I'm glad that I have it."
  • "Sometimes my mother is very cool, and sometimes I simply can not stand. Now she is cool. "
  • "My mother takes care of me, but often brings me so I can not say exactly what I feel for her. I know one thing for sure: it is a positive feeling. "
  • "Recently, my mother took me a little bit. I love her, but I would like to make it a little relaxed. "


Tips for parents

  • Even when to raise a child is becoming increasingly difficult - frequent quarrels for any reason, because of the clothes, friends, music, appearance - parents should not give up and forget the simple truths:
  • Your child never does not admit it, but you are still the most important person in his life.
  • Your wisdom and the ability to remain calm and a sense of humor in crisis situations will help to overcome the crisis in relations with the teenager.
  • Or provoke uncontrollable behavior of your son or daughter is normal and will pass with time (with the mohawk, baggy pants, piercings and other means of self-expression). It's just a natural phase of development through which all.
  • Your home should be a safe haven for the child where he will always feel safe, which is free to express his opinion.

Some practical advice from child psychologists:

  • With humor attitude to the changes in the behavior of your son or daughter;
  • Be calm and smile more often;
  • The first steps towards reconciliation; bye baby wrongs inflicted on you;
  • Do not miss the opportunity to spend time with the child;
  • Not "ship" it is too serious approach to life; Learn how to defuse the tension joke;
  • Demonstrate sincere interest in the life of a child, without trying to control it;
  • Trust your child and believe in his strength;
  • Always discuss the problem and look for a compromise;
  • Muster the courage to stop and take care of your teenager.

Article Tags:
  • psychosexual development of the child
