Different generations - different parenting styles

May 24, 2012

  • Different generations - different parenting styles
  • Sleep and feeding
  • Find time for yourself
  • Why unhappy grandmother

 different generations of different parenting styles
 Many women after giving birth to first child, in no hurry to acquaint him with my grandfather and grandmother especially. They know that my mother will immediately begin to command, leaving them no chance of their own to learn to be a mother.

There is no doubt that your mom has prepared an opinion on any bill: how to dress the baby (it is cold), feed (keep your child longer in each breast), when and where he needs to sleep (you put your baby to bed with? A it will not fall?)


Confrontation generations

Since time immemorial, there are contradictions between the generations, and it is quite natural. Grandma is bending over backwards to share worldly wisdom, but the newly formed mother did not hurry to take advantage of its advice and does not want to have a cradle behind her shadow loomed another woman. First felt the joy of motherhood, a woman wants to get the recognition of others in this new role for her without help.

On top of that, times have changed. What worked for Grandma thirty years ago, now seems outdated, absurd, or even dangerous. As a consequence, we have disputes about everything: how best to soothe a crying baby as put him to bed, as it is to feed, bathe, how to encourage and punish, finally. These conflicts do not destroy the relationship, but they will create tension. As if to take care of a newborn is easy, and my mother has the strength to fight in-law In-law - a survival strategy  In-law - a survival strategy
   or his own mother.

Fortunately, there is good news: the grandmother, the majority believe that we, the parents, copes with its task. They admire the ability of modern women to combine child education Raising a child: who will win?  Raising a child: who will win?
 , Career, personal care and housekeeping, as well as the desire to turn life into a holiday for themselves and their loved ones. Moreover, many grandmother's soul spare their daughters and daughters, because they are destined to live in such a difficult time.

To help my mother and grandmother to find a common language, the researchers surveyed more than 2,000 grandparents and asked them to share their views on education. Experts analyzed these views revealed "stumbling blocks" - the most contentious issues in the education of children - and suggested options out of the situation (or at least a compromise).


Discipline and punishment

The survey showed that it is a discipline often becomes the subject of a dispute between the newly-made mother and grandmother. Most grandparents said that the methods of discipline used by their daughter or daughter in law, inconsistent and insufficiently rigorous.

Modern Mom wants to be a friend for your child and discuss his (bad) behavior on an equal footing, and my grandmother at the time insisted on a strict upbringing and considered the child's behavior from the perspective of the parent. According to many of the older generation, the main problem of modern parents that in their view there is no hardness, which, as it says, "Do not try my patience! ". Grandmothers are confident that austerity and authoritarian parenting style is very effective, as evidenced by find success in life for their children.


Who is the head in this house

Psychologists confirm that the mothers of the twentieth century tried hard to emphasize his authority. This method of building their education: corporal punishment, such as flogging, stern look, a curfew. Moms twenty-first century have focused on the negotiations. For example, young mothers often complain that in-law "urges" to physically punish children from 4 to 7 years, and encourage them to be more stringent. If her advice unheeded, she begins to wipe his feet on the daughter, considering it weak and spineless. Of course, the strength of character should be even with small children, but the physical punishment can not be considered.

Expert advice: if your mother criticized your methods of discipline, try to catch her words a grain of common sense - even if you decide to ignore her actual advice. For example, maybe you gave her daughter five good reasons not to beat little sister on the head with a rattle, a baby crying but argues that she did not listen to you. In this situation, your mom may propose to punish the child as you do not like, for example, to spank her on the pope, but the fact is that your parenting practices are not effective. Listen carefully to the words of his mother, objectively recognize what she is right, and then offered his own solution. So, you can say, "Yes, you're right, my daughter is not listening. But I'm not going to try to reason with her, I'll take a time-out. "

Menstrual disorders in adolescents: critical parental control

September 18, 2012

 menstrual disorders in adolescents
 Menstrual disorders affect women of all ages. Especially dangerous and unfavorable prognosis in terms of menstrual disorders in adolescents. The most commonly in adolescent girls found juvenile uterine bleeding, and their frequency is 52%. Menstrual disorders in adolescence can lead to irreversible consequences (infertility). Mothers of teenage girls should carefully monitor their menstrual cycle, and in the event of any irregularity as soon as possible take the girl to a doctor who will prescribe the necessary treatment.

 Menstrual disorders in adolescents: critical parental control

The menstrual cycle at teenagers

The first menstrual period (menarche) occurs in girls aged 11-14 years. Only one-third of the girls menstrual cycle is established immediately, in other cases it requires a fairly long period of time (from one year to one and a half years). In a normal menstrual blood loss should not be less than 60 cc and more than 120 Menstruation should be painless or accompanied by a slight pain in the abdomen. Duration of the menstrual cycle of 21-35 days, and the duration of menses three - seven days.

 Menstrual disorders in adolescents: critical parental control

Causes of

The main cause of menstrual disorders in adolescents are considered to be factors acting on the brain. These include a variety of traumatic brain injury, infectious disease, and the meninges of the brain (meningitis, encephalitis), frequent colds (SARS, influenza), chronic tonsillitis Chronic tonsillitis - inflammation of the tonsils  Chronic tonsillitis - inflammation of the tonsils
 . All these diseases disrupt the neuroendocrine connection between the hypothalamus and pituitary, which leads to disruption of the menstrual cycle. Arterial hypertension and cardiopsychoneurosis (VVD) also can cause menstrual disorders in adolescents. Girls who are overweight tend to first menstruation begins very early, and in the future there is irregular, properly menstrual cycle.

Sudden weight loss, more than 15% of body weight (for girls, exhausting themselves diets) is uniquely persistent violations of the menstrual cycle, which is associated not only with the general weight loss, but also a decrease in the size of the uterus and ovaries. Not least important, and is a hereditary disease, syndrome sclerocystic ovarian disease or Stein-Leventhal. This pathology manifests obesity, hirsutism (increased hairiness), acne, irregular menstrual cycles and infertility in the future in the absence of treatment. In addition to violations of the menstrual cycle can cause a variety of genital infections (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis Ureaplasmosis - inflammation of the urogenital system  Ureaplasmosis - inflammation of the urogenital system
 , Human papilloma virus, etc.), bad habits (alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking), early and promiscuous. Special graphs should be noted congenital anomalies of genital organs (the partition into the vagina), the absence of the cervix or uterus, no ovaries.

 Menstrual disorders in adolescents: critical parental control

Juvenile uterine bleeding

For juvenile bleeding include acyclic (irregular) uterine bleeding occurring in adolescent girls. The clinical picture is characterized by long, more than seven days, heavy bleeding that leads to anemia (anemia). As a rule, such bleeding occurs after a long delay of menstruation (one and a half - six months), but may occur and fourteen - sixteen days after the previous bleeding Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology  Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology
 . Most juvenile uterine bleeding occur after an infectious disease or of mental overload.

 Menstrual disorders in adolescents: critical parental control

Treatment of menstrual disorders in adolescents

Treatment of the menstrual cycle begins with the removal of the cause. Needless thin girls is assigned to high-calorie diet, rich in vitamins and proteins. Emotional teenagers who are prone to stress is recommended normalization regime of the day, restful sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   and soothing herb. In the treatment of menstrual disorders cyclic vitamin therapy is effective. In case of endocrine pathology prescribe hormones.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • menstrual disorders
