Herniated Disc - when to sound the alarm?

January 9, 2011

  • Herniated Disc - when to sound the alarm?
  • What is a herniated disc

 herniated disk
 Herniated disc is characterized by displacement or destruction of intervertebral discs. Between the vertebrae forming the spine, discs are arranged, which will, in some way, the function of the shock absorbers. When these discs are not damaged and is in place, it reduces the pressure that is necessary to the spine, and provides flexibility. However, when the disk is damaged, the spine may begin to touch each other, pinch nerves and cause pain.

A herniated disc can develop in any part of the spine, but most often it occurs in the lumbar region.


What causes a herniated disc?

The main causes of a herniated disc are:

  • Wear intervertebral discs. As we age, cartilage (which make up the disks), lose water, thinner, become less elastic and durable.
  • Spinal trauma, among other serious problems can cause cracks in the outer part of the intervertebral disc. When this happens, less hard core of the disc moves, which is why the disc may move and not even break up a few pieces.



The pressure that damaged intervertebral discs have on the spinal nerve roots, often causes pain, numbness and weakness in the muscles through which these nerves. A herniated disc in the lumbar spine often causes pain and numbness in the thigh and lower leg. This is also called sciatica Sciatica (sciatica) - is not a disease  Sciatica (sciatica) - is not a disease
 . Sciatica is one of the most common symptoms of a herniated disc.

If the disc is not pressing on the spinal nerve roots, the patient can feel only the pain in the back Back pain: Do not start the process  Back pain: Do not start the process
   or do not feel any pain.

If you are experiencing weakness or numbness in both legs, and incontinence, as soon as possible to see a doctor. These may be signs of a rare and very serious condition called cauda equina syndrome.



In the first place in the diagnosis of a herniated disc doctor examines the patient's history and examines. If it is certain that the symptoms indicate a herniated disc, further tests may not be required. In some cases, to confirm or refute the diagnosis requires magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography (CT).

Typically, the symptoms of intervertebral disk herniation tested for several weeks or months. To speed recovery, patients are advised to:

  • Rest, if there is a very strong pain. In other cases it is necessary to maintain the usual level of activity. Even after one or two days in bed, muscles can weaken considerably, because of what the problem worse.
  • Applying to the location of the pain a heating pad for 15-20 minutes every 2-3 hours. In addition, it is recommended to take a hot shower and bath. Some patients cold compresses help - you need to apply an ice pack for 10-15 minutes every 2-3 hours.
  • Perform exercises that are recommended by the doctor.
  • If you want to take drugs that relieves symptoms. They can not cure the herniated disc, but they can relieve the pain and inflammation.

About half of patients with this diagnosis get better within one month; the majority symptoms disappear or become much weaker in six months. Only one out of ten patients at some stage of the disease will require surgery.


Preventing herniated disc

To prevent development of the disease or its complications, follow these guidelines:

  • Lift weights with caution. For example, a squat, before you pick something - so the weight will fall not only on the back, but on his feet.
  • Follow posture Posture - a few helpful tips for those who want to walk straight  Posture - a few helpful tips for those who want to walk straight
 . Good posture has a positive effect both on the physical and on the psychological health.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Maintain a healthy weight - overweight increases the load on the lower back.
  • Do not smoke. The chemicals contained in cigarette smoke, increases the risk of destruction of the intervertebral disc.

Treatment of osteoarthritis of the cervical spine - a set of measures

December 3, 2013

  • Treatment of osteoarthritis of the cervical spine - a set of measures
  • Physical therapy

 treatment of degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine
 Treatment of osteoarthritis of the cervical spine should be complex. It provides medical, physiotherapy, manual therapy, massage, reflekesoterapiya, hirudotherapy. But the most important method of treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease are dosed exercise.

How to cure osteochondrosis of the cervical spine? This is a wrong formulation of the question correctly - how to treat osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, because it is impossible to completely cure osteochondrosis. But it is possible to stop the process of destruction of the cartilage intervertebral disc, relieve pain and discomfort. But this is possible only if the treatment was started at an early stage of disease. It is therefore important to consult a doctor promptly.

Treatment of osteoarthritis of the cervical should include medical treatment at different stages of the disease, physical methods of influence on the spine (wearing orthoses, stretching), physiotherapy (physical therapy), massage and self-massage, physiotherapy, sessions of manual therapy, acupuncture, hirudotherapy, folk methods treatment and so on. The whole complex of treatment (including the use of traditional methods) should appoint a doctor.


Drug treatment of degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine

Than to treat low back pain Osteochondrosis - learn how to properly distribute the weight  Osteochondrosis - learn how to properly distribute the weight
   cervical spine? Drug treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease begins with pain relief. Then attach drugs that improve blood circulation and metabolism in the cartilage of the intervertebral discs.

For pain relief used painkillers from the cervical degenerative disc disease. Most often used for this purpose inflammatory drugs - NSAIDs. For drugs in this group include diclofenac, ibuprofen, nimesil, ketonal, ketorol and others.

Injections with osteochondrosis of the cervical do when severe pain, for this purpose are commonly used solutions of diclofenac or ketorol. Most often used for pain relief capsules or tablets by osteochondrosis of the cervical, such as ibuprofen, ketorol indomethacin. Ointment with osteochondrosis of the cervical or used as a standalone treatment or in conjunction with NSAIDs systemic action. Produced, for example, diclofenac in the form of a gel for external use - Voltaren Voltaren - relieve inflammation and pain  Voltaren - relieve inflammation and pain
 , Osteochondrosis it is applied to painful areas of the body and gently rubbed.

All NSAIDs have good analgesic effect, but also have a lot of side effects, for example, from the gastrointestinal tract.

Widely used and procaine blockade - the introduction of local anesthetics in the painful points. Perfectly relieve pain novocaine blockade with the addition of hydrocortisone. The analgesic effect occurs immediately after the - the pain goes away, increases the mobility of the cervical spine.

When severe pain is required to prescribe muscle relaxants, such as Mydocalmum. These medicines from degenerative disc disease of the cervical relieve tension from the muscles of the neck and the back, which helps to reduce pain. Mydocalm with cervical osteochondrosis can be administered intramuscularly or intravenously, taken orally in pill form. Appointment of patients with cervical osteochondrosis NSAIDs in combination with muscle relaxants almost always brings relief to patients.

Drug treatment must necessarily include medication with osteochondrosis of the cervical, improves blood circulation. Restoration of normal supply of cartilage spine improves metabolism and inhibiting the destruction of intervertebral discs. Used vasodilators such as nicotinic acid, and agents that improve the fluidity of the blood (e.g., Trental). In order to improve venous outflow of blood is prescribed venotoniki - troksevazin Troxevasin - will help if there are problems with veins  Troxevasin - will help if there are problems with veins
 , Detraleks Detraleks - improves the function of blood vessels  Detraleks - improves the function of blood vessels
   and so on.

To stimulate tissue metabolism prescribed aktovegin and B vitamins (e.g., Neyromultivit) as antioxidant agents - meksidol that inhibits the action of toxic free radicals, which results in a significant improvement of the patients. To improve the exchange process is used as homeopathic remedies such as Traumeel and purpose.

Of great importance for the treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease has chondroprotectors - drugs that protect cartilage from destruction of the intervertebral discs. Chondroprotectors able to halt the destruction of cartilage. For drugs in this group include chondroitin, terafleks, structum, DON, arthritis, hyaluronan, alflutop and others.


Therapeutic exercise and massage in osteochondrosis of the cervical

The main aim of physiotherapy (physical therapy) and massage for cervical osteochondrosis is to strengthen the neck muscles, improve blood circulation and metabolism in the intervertebral discs. Exercise therapy is considered to be the main method of treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease.

Exercises with cervical osteochondrosis chosen doctor exercise therapy for each patient individually depending on the condition and age, the presence or absence of his pain. Exercise strengthens muscular system, reduced blood flow and metabolism in the tissues of the intervertebral discs, are helping to develop the correct posture and thus reduce the load on the spine. The main requirement for gymnastics classes - a regularity, can not miss a single session.

It is possible to hold classes in gymnastics gyms, on special simulators, where there is no vertical load on the spine. Effective swimming in osteochondrosis of the cervical and dosed walking.

Massage and self-massage with osteochondrosis of the cervical enhance the therapeutic effect of exercise therapy.
