Posture - a few helpful tips for those who want to walk straight - Correction

September 27, 2009

  • Posture - a few helpful tips for those who want to walk straight
  • Patch

Correct posture and its disorders

Correct posture - this is the position of the body in which the back muscles hardly tense, and the internal organs are functioning at optimum levels. The head is raised when the correct posture, gaze directed forward and slightly upward, back straight, shoulder girdle, shoulder blades and buttocks are arranged symmetrically, chest thrust forward a little, flat belly, knees straight.

The man with the wrong posture gives the impression of a tired, bent under the burden of life. Round the back spoils bust, relaxes the abdominal muscles, compresses the lungs, impairs breathing, is the cause of many diseases. Thus, the intervertebral discs are located between the individual vertebrae are compressed in the round back, lose its shape, and in some places, and erased. The vertebrae rub against each other, squeezing the nerves extending from the spinal cord. As a result, there are headaches, pain in the neck, back and waist, developing several eye diseases. These unpleasant consequences of faulty posture usually appear after forty years.

The cause of bad posture - lack of movement (lack of exercise): the muscles lose their strength and elasticity and can not keep the spine in an upright position.

 Correction | Posture - a few helpful tips for those who want to walk straight

Variability posture

Posture is variable and can be corrected by the man himself. For example, a good mood, a desire to look good to improve your posture and vice versa, in a bad mood, fatigue worsen it. Often, poor posture in people hesitant to try to be invisible - they slouch.

Good posture at certain times of life can deteriorate, and the first such period is learning in first grade when the child has for a long time to sit at a desk. By the end of the first year incorrect posture detected in more than half of the children, but most of them to cope with this situation, and by the end of the second year of such violations revealed significantly less. Much depends on the position of parents and teachers in this matter. A growing body needs movement and good food, or bad posture in debilitated children may move to persistent changes in the spine - scoliosis Scoliosis - when the spine is curved  Scoliosis - when the spine is curved

 Correction | Posture - a few helpful tips for those who want to walk straight

Correcting poor posture

If your back begins to acquire an irregular shape, you need to start doing exercise Myths about exercise: do not believe  Myths about exercise: do not believe
 , Strengthens the back muscles. In addition, you need to train yourself to sleep on your back without a pillow. This will improve your condition, in the morning you wake up in vybudete cheerful and happy mood.

Here are some tips for those who want to have a good posture:

  • If you are sitting, then every hour for five minutes should be paid to their health: rising from his chair, vypryamtes, stretch, do some breathing exercises;
  • Make sure that your chair was comfortable, its height corresponds to your height and backrest serves as a good support for the back;
  • if you're driving in the car, here, adjust the seat, it must be conveniently located with respect to the steering wheel and controls; to operate the machine in a bent position is very tedious and unhealthy;
  • Cultivate the right skills at weight lifting with the least effort;
  • bending down, bend your knees;
  • do not wear shoes too low or too high heels;
  • incorrect body position when knitting contributes to circulatory disorders in the spine, so if you need to sit knitting as follows: back straight, hands to the work ahead, in any case do not cross your legs; very easy to knit in a chair with not too high back, placing a pillow behind.

 Correction | Posture - a few helpful tips for those who want to walk straight

Corrective exercises in violation of posture

Corrective exercises in violation of posture Violation of posture - not just a cosmetic defect  Violation of posture - not just a cosmetic defect
   It should be carried out at least three times a week for half an hour. This lesson must be individual, since the causes of defects posture different people own, and therefore the selection of exercises should have its own for each person. Start correction is best around the age of 10 years and carry it under control podiatrist at least 5-6 years in a row to eliminate the defect.

It is not necessary to assign your child a set of exercises on their own, because, straightening his back, for example, using a stick over his shoulder, you can enhance the already existing defects in the child's posture.

Beautiful posture - this is not only the beauty, but also health, so you should make an effort to buy it.

  Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • posture

Stoop - strengthens the muscles of the right - Posture and its disorders

June 10, 2010

  • Stoop - strengthens the muscles of the right
  • Posture and its disorders

Posture and its disorders

Posture characterizes the overall tone, development and fitness of the muscles, the functional state of the central and peripheral nervous system, gives an indication of the effect on a man of his habits, lifestyle and profession. Correct posture characterizes the position of the body in which the back muscles hardly tense, and the internal organs are working properly and in sync. Back in the correct posture straight, head up, (the man is looking forward and slightly upward), shoulders, shoulder blades and buttocks are symmetrical on both sides, some chest pushed forward, stomach in, knees straight. Posture depends on a person's mood: good mood straightens the spine and raises his head, poor - makes lower the head and shoulders, hunch your back.

If a person leads a sedentary lifestyle, muscles lose their strength and can not keep the spine in an upright position. This leads to the fact that a person begins to stoop, then spin it becomes round, women and spoils it hides the shape of the breast Forms of Breast importantly - immutability  Forms of Breast importantly - immutability
 , The men gave the impression of lethargy and weakness. After forty years of poor posture begin to suffer and internal organs: lungs are compressed, disrupted the rhythm of breathing, which in turn affects the cardiovascular system. Gradually formed changes in the spine.

Incorrect posture often formed at school age, when the child begins to spend a long time behind a desk. Prevention of violations of posture is proper nutrition Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food  Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food
 , Gymnastics and the absence of stress.

 Posture and its violation | Stoop - strengthens the muscles of the right

What is a slouch and its manifestations

Stoop or functional kyphosis - a curvature of the spine in the anteroposterior direction without changing the vertebrae. Our spine has natural curves: thoracic kyphosis (bending backward convexity) and lumbar lordosis (curve of convexity anteriorly).

If your back muscles can not well support the spine, the thoracic kyphosis, while lumbar lordosis increase, and there is the typical appearance of the stooped man: raised shoulders and lowered head, round back, protruding backward, lagging behind the chest (wing) of the blade, bulging belly. Especially developed rapidly slouch during active growth of the child in their teens, so, seeing that the child slouches, you need to show it to the orthopedist.

If not promptly corrected stoop, first there are changes in the muscles, then the process passes to the spine. The intervertebral discs are located between the individual vertebrae are compressed in the round back, lose their shape, their surface is blurred, contributing to compression of spinal nerves, occurrence of headaches, back pain and back pain, blurred vision and so on.

 Posture and its violation | Stoop - strengthens the muscles of the right

Diagnosis stoop

To assign the correct treatment, it is first necessary to distinguish the true from the stoop with a change in vertebral kyphosis. But it is possible to determine the eye, causing a person to straighten up (for example, at the wall, leaning against her neck, shoulders, buttocks and heels) or lie down on a flat horizontal surface. If the curvature of the spine disappears, it indicates that the changes are functional, that is amendable character.

In any case, before the treatment is carried out X-ray of the spine stoop. If you want to change the character of the spine to be confirmed using magnetic resonance (MR) or CT (CT) scan.

 Posture and its violation | Stoop - strengthens the muscles of the right

Treatment stoop

When functional kyphosis (stoop), first of all, it is necessary to strengthen the back muscles - it developed special exercises and rules of standing, sitting and walking. Observe these rules should be strictly - the only way a person (especially a child), the habit of correct posture. Also corrective exercises recommended to engage in swimming, dancing, and other kinds of training, strengthens the muscles of the back and forming a correct posture.

If you slouch observed for several years, then massage the back muscles prescribed courses of manual therapy Chiropractic: the main thing - to choose the competent expert  Chiropractic: the main thing - to choose the competent expert
 , Physiotherapy. It is important to equip the bed - it allows the back muscles to relax as much as possible during sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 . The bed should not be too soft, it is best if the mattress will repeat the physiological curves of the spine (mattress), and theft is low and flat (the head should not go up high).

In some cases, orthopedic appoints wearing a special corset for posture correction. But to apply them yourself is not recommended, as long uncontrolled use of corsets may lead to a weakening of the muscles of the back, which further aggravate the situation.

Incorrect posture is best to correct a child, not yet formed when changes in the spine.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • posture
