Osteochondrosis of the lumbar sacral spine - a painful condition

December 4, 2013

 osteochondrosis of the lumbar sacral spine
 Osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine is very common, as it was in the lower divisions of the highest load on the spine. Characteristic for this type of osteochondrosis or lumbago, backache Lumbago - bed rest against lumbago  Lumbago - bed rest against lumbago
   - E is the very situation that on television when the ointment advertise with analgesic properties, such as Fastum gel.


Why start lumbosacral osteochondrosis

Spine in the lumbosacral region experienced the highest load, which is why there often worn spinal discs. Furthermore, the intervertebral discs cartilage layer is relatively thin, and the vertebral bodies are larger than in other parts of the spine. If we add to this bending of the lumbar spine forward (lumbar lordosis), then the exchange rate changes in the intervertebral disks are created all conditions for their bias and prejudice disc displacement of spinal nerve roots extending from the spinal cord (protrusion). Able to finish the severance drives infringement roots and the spinal cord itself (herniated disc).

In connection with these structural features polysegmental osteochondrosis Osteochondrosis - learn how to properly distribute the weight  Osteochondrosis - learn how to properly distribute the weight
   lumbar - sacral (with the defeat of several vertebrae) develops more frequently than in other departments (one segment of the spinal cord corresponding to one vertebra). At the same time, in order to avoid abnormal mobility of the spine begins to grow bone and vertebrae are spliced ​​between owl - formed pathological immobility of this department - spondylosis Spondylosis - when the defense gives up  Spondylosis - when the defense gives up
 Which leads to dysfunction of the spine and the organs and tissues that are innervated by spinal nerves pinched.


The symptoms of lumbosacral osteochondrosis

Lumbar sacral osteochondrosis usually begins unnoticed. His first symptoms appear, when changes in the intervertebral discs is already significant. There are aching initially associated with high physical activity or long-term presence in the forced position. And then the pain become permanent.

Pain in the lumbar region and sacrum may be extended to the entire back, but more often they give in the buttock, hamstring, thigh and foot. Increased pain is often associated with a cold. Supercooled - pain in this case become unbearable, the patient can not sleep, forced to constantly look for a position where the pain will be less intense. Aggravation can last from several days to several weeks.


Backache - what is it?

Backache or lumbago - a sudden severe pain in the lumbar region, which develops when the physical strain, awkward turn of the body, after overheating and then cooling. The pain is tearing, throbbing, piercing, shooting character. This leads to the fact that the patient suddenly frozen in a forced position, any attempt of movement increases the pain, there is a muscle spasm of the lumbar region. The pain associated with infringement of spinal nerves.

Episodes of severe pain can stay from several minutes to several days, and then just as suddenly passes. Relieve pain can only absolute physical rest and a horizontal position on the semi-rigid hard, flat surface. Fasting how sharp the pain goes away, a few days or weeks at the waist held light pain, aggravated by coughing, sneezing, any physical action associated with stress.

When stress occurs lumbago long back muscles, which disrupts the movement of the spine as a whole and increases pain. Paresis and paralysis usually does not happen. At rest, the pain is reduced and even completely passes resuming at movements. Over time, the pain becomes chronic recurrent nature, with some aggravation may occur as an acute lumbago.


Symptoms of osteoarthritis lumbosacral

Isolated osteochondrosis sacral spine is very rare, it is often combined with lumbar osteochondrosis Lumbar degenerative disc disease - the influence of provoking factors  Lumbar degenerative disc disease - the influence of provoking factors
 . The main manifestations of lumbosacral osteoarthritis are pain in the lower back, extending to the buttock, back of the thigh, shin and outer part of the foot. At the same time it can appear as increased or decreased skin sensitivity in this area, cooling of the lower extremities. Occasionally may occur radicular pain - severe sudden pain from hip to toes feet associated with the infringement of spinal nerves.

It may also disturb the constant nagging pain in the back of the leg, which can give the heel and on the outer edge of the foot. At the same time in these areas may experience numbness, and cold extremities. Due to vascular disorders appear in the lower leg and cooling sensation of chilliness in leg and foot.

When the sacral osteochondrosis often develop paresis (temporary immobilization) of individual muscle groups located in the lower leg.

Osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine always occurs with pain.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • osteochondrosis

Sirdalud - User: not allowed to make their own

October 19, 2011

 Sirdalud - guide
 Almost all diseases of the spine and large joints accompanied by painful muscle spasm protection, which greatly enhances the sensation of pain. Swiss pharmaceutical company Novartis Pharma launched the drug, removing such spasms.

 Sirdalud - User: not allowed to make their own

The mechanism of action sirdalud

Sirdalud (INN - tizanidine) refers to a group of muscle relaxants centrally acting, that is, drugs that relax the skeletal muscles by acting on it through the centers in the spinal cord. Sirdalud suppresses the release of excitatory amino acid receptors which stimulate the nerve cells (neurons). As a result, at the level of the intermediate neurons of the spinal cord is suppressed transfer of excitation in the synapses (ie neuron to - the synapse is the site of the excitation transfer). As exciting aminkisloty play an important role in improving the muscle tone, the suppression of their work decreases muscle tone. In addition, sirdalud and has some analgesic effect, as the center of origin.

Sirdalud can shoot as acute muscle spasm suddenly come and chronic, long flowing in the background of diseases and injuries of the brain and spinal cord. It also reduces muscle resistance to passive movements, reduce spasms and increases the power of voluntary contraction of the muscles.

Sirdalud Available in tablets for oral administration of different dosages. After receiving tablets are rapidly absorbed, the drug enters the bloodstream (maximum concentration in blood is about an hour), it reaches a target cell, providing them predictable effects then decomposed in the liver to inactive metabolites and excreted primarily in the urine. Admission sirdalud while eating does not affect its absorption in the gut.

In patients with severe kidney disease in violation of their functions, sirdalud displayed much more slowly.

 Sirdalud - User: not allowed to make their own

Indications and contraindications for use sirdalud

Sirdalud is assigned to the following diseases and conditions:

  • when muscle spasm, which is accompanied by significant morbidity;
  • muscle spasm, resulting in various violations of the spine and large joints that are not accompanied by organic (in violation of the structure) changes;
  • spasm of muscles arising after operations on the spine and large joints, such as herniated disc or Perthes' disease (avascular necrosis of the femoral head - diseases of childhood and adolescence);
  • spasm of skeletal muscles against a background of neurological diseases such as multiple sclerosis, stroke, cerebral palsy.

Contraindications for use sirdalud:

  • individual intolerance of components;
  • abnormal liver function;
  • Children's age (clinical studies in children have not been conducted).

Precautions This medication should be used in severe kidney disease violation of their function in pregnant women (prescription-only specialist after evaluating the potential benefits to the mother and harm to the fetus), and in nursing mothers (mother's milk is allocated a small amount of the drug yet Still, it is better not to take risks).

 Sirdalud - User: not allowed to make their own

Side effects that may occur when using Sirdalud, and overdose

In applying sirdalud may experience the following side effects:

  • often arise: sleep disorder Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 , Malaise, lethargy, abnormal function, dizziness, a drop in blood pressure, dry mouth;
  • there are quite rare: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
 , Transient liver function abnormalities, muscle weakness, hallucinations;
  • very rarely - acute hepatitis Hepatitis - the scourge of our time  Hepatitis - the scourge of our time

When receiving the low dose (e.g., by functional disorders of the spine) side effects hardly arise. At high doses recommended for the treatment of chronic neurological diseases, side effects occur often, but not always require interruption of treatment.

Overdose sirdalud manifested by nausea, vomiting, decreased blood pressure, dizziness, drowsiness, combined with anxiety, pupillary constriction, respiratory failure. If a large overdose patient can fall into a coma. When such symptoms should wash out the stomach, to take a few tablets of activated charcoal Activated carbon - old but indispensable  Activated carbon - old but indispensable
   and call an ambulance.

Sirdalud - a drug that is taken only on prescription, to use his own absolutely contraindicated.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • sirdalud
